The book about herbs, which was first published in 1980, has become a phenomenal success. So far, The Publisher Ennsthaler Verlag has sold over eight million copies of the book which has become a classic among health guides and has been translated into 25 languages. It gives a detailed description of 31 herbs, ranging from agrimony to yarrow. The author explains how to prepare teas, tinctures, body pastes, baths and juices. These herbs are native plants, such as yarrow or ribwort that grow in meadows and woodlands, and are very robust. The enormous success of Maria Treben is most likely based on the fact that she has restored an ancient knowledge that had already largely been forgotten. Comprehensive instructions and sought-after personal advice from Europe’s most popular herbalist on the use of medicinal herbs.
Maria Treben si è conquistata un posto d’onore come una delle più importanti antesignane della scienza delle erbe medicinali. Da molti venerata alla stregua di una 'santa', Maria Treben si è occupata per tutta la sua vita di erbe curative, cercando inoltre di trasmettere la sua grande esperienza al maggior numero possibile di persone. Con il trascorrere degli anni non è mai diminuita la popolarità di Maria Treben e delle sue opere, anzi, grazie a una maggiore attenzione alla medicina alternativa, i suoi libri vivono oggi una nuova e invariata attualità. Nella Salute della Farmacia del Signore, considerato il più importante dei suoi libri, sono descritte in maniera dettagliata ben 31 erbe mediche con le modalità di preparazione e il loro utilizzo come infusi, tinture e poltiglie per applicazioni, succhi e bagni.
Every one of us contributes to this world we live in but which we also fi nd ourselves complaining about. Yet we can’t go on pointing the fi nger at others – we are each of us responsible in some way for war and confl ict, hate and anger and, ultimately, for the breakdown of our society. Now it’s time to choose: are we ready for a radically new way of thinking, which will speed up our spiritual evolution, and take us far from the outdated model of guilt and sin? Because only in this way can we hope to be part of a change, in which the sacred laws of life can no longer be ignored. With her radical philosophy and healing words Phyllida AnamAire challenges us to accept what we really are, nothing less than the embodiment of divine consciousness. The core of her message is as simple as it is profound: the true reality is love.
Master the many styles of Wing Chun Kung Fu with this expert martial arts guide. With the fame of Bruce Lee, the conditions in Hong Kong, and the hard work and effort of many of his classmates, the Wing Chun of the late master Yip Man became one of the most well-known and popular Chinese martial arts in the world. Although this gave Wing Chun international recognition, it also led to a lot of misconceptions. Due to a lack of authentic information, many mistakenly came to assume that the renowned Yip Man was the sole inheritor of the style and that his Wing Chun was the lone version of the art.In fact, there are several different and distinct systems of Wing Chun. Unfortunately, over the years most of these systems have remained unseen or unreported to all but a few—until now.Profusely illustrated with over 300 historical photographs, Complete Wing Chun: The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun's History and Traditions presents seldom seen information on a dozen branches of the Wing Chun art. It offers the reader side-by-side comparison of these arts by outlining each system in terms of Wing Chun history, principles, basics, and training methods:Yip Man Wing ChunYuen Kay-San Wing Chun KuenGu Lao Wing Chun KuenNanyang Wing Chun KuenPan Nam Wing Chun KuenPao Fa Lien Wing Chun KuenHung Suen Wing Chun Kuenand more!
This guide to ancient Chinese I Ching astrology is easy-to-use and can offer incredible insights into your life!Follow the simple directions to determine which of the 64 natal hexagrams you were born under. Discover your innate traits, talents, and possibilities. All you need to know is the date and year of your birth, or anyone elses, and with The Tao of Birth Days you can:Better understand your weaknesses and strengthsDetermine the signs for family, friends, co-workers, and loversLearn which signs you are most compatible with and whyPractice techniques to maximize your own potentialAnd to get along better with signs that challenge youAs author and I Ching Master, Denny Sargent writes in the introduction, «No quality in and of itself is bad or good, and also no hexagram is completely bad or good as a natal hexagram. Use it; do not let is use you.»In The Tao of Birth Days, you'll find examples, meditations, visualizations, and instructions—all designed to help you discover and live up to your true potential.
Saijutsu: Traditional Okinawon Weapon Art is a presentation by kobujutsu master Katsumi Murakami of the powerful and subtle Okinawan art of the sai.In this succinct and authoritative martial arts manual, the art of wielding the sai, twin forked weapons-sometimes called iron rulers or truncheons-that enable the user to disarm and neutralize a more heavily armed opponent, is set out in step-by-step detail, with clear photographs of every move of each kata, from the basic training forms to the more complex classical kata.The core of the art of saijutsu is the union of weapon and wielder- sai become extensions of the hand itself. Practicing these techniques trains the wrist and arm, and indeed the whole body, in a way which increases the power, speed, and precision even of empty-handed strikes.This volume includes legends of the saijutsu masters BushiTawada and Bushi Matsumura of the author's lineage, discussion of saijutsu technique versus sword, and the following kata:Saijutsu Kihongata lchi Saijutsu Kihongata Ni Saijutsu Kihongata San Tawada no Sai Ichi Matsumura no Sai
Что бы вы сделали, если бы вам предложили «ключи от гармоничной жизни», где Изобилие само идет к вам? И единственное, что нужно сделать – это начать раскрывать свои таланты, используя все Дары Вселенной! Эта книга-дневник и есть такой ключ. В ней прописана концепция «свободной жизни» для гармоничного развития личности и продуктивной реализации в жизни. Данная книга является сводом правил для раскрытия своих талантов в жизни и творчестве, набором эффективных авторских практик по работе с подсознанием. Ну, так как вам такое предложение – заниматься любимыми делами и процветать?!
Santaklaus – Quadrology of Love. This book series is my interpretation of the transition from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius, to its higher vibrations. All-encompassing love is relevant to all of us – this is something we can learn now, because the vibrations are growing and if we don´t, we will not be able to bear them. Enjoy my book series and feel free to visit my website … … KPW
Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth
Что такое Санта Муэрте и почему мы Ее боимся? Санта Муэрте – это альтернативное понимание совершенно незнакомой одним и вызывающей страх у других веры и религии, вокруг которой возникло множество заблуждений. Это еще одна уникальная в своем роде книга Маги Бет, которая никого не оставит равнодушным. Узнать больше об авторе можно на сайте. Использованные в книге изображения являются собственностью автора.
Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth
Что такое Санта Муэрте и почему мы Ее боимся? Санта Муэрте – это альтернативное понимание совершенно незнакомой одним и вызывающей страх у других веры и религии, вокруг которой возникло множество заблуждений. Это еще одна уникальная в своем роде книга Маги Бет, которая никого не оставит равнодушным.