Da più di quindici anni l’ostetrica e aromaterapeuta Ingeborg Stadelmann crea con particolare successo le sue Original Aromamischungen (Miscele Aromaterapeutiche Originali). Nel presente manuale le trovate descritte nel dettaglio:
dal Vento dell’Allgäu, un olio benefico per chi soffre di emicrania e metereopatia, all’Essenza di Rosa e Tea-Tree, che favorisce la cicatrizzazione delle ferite; e ancora la miscela di oli essenziali Senza parole, per offrire un sostegno a chi attraversa un lutto, o l’Olio da Massaggio per il Ciclo Mestruale, indispensabile contro gli sbalzi d’umore tipici di quel periodo.
Broken Stone Circle is the second book project by the author Klaus Peter Wagner, following Santaklaus – Quadrology of Love. Much like in the previous books, love and the harmonious connectedness across all social strata are the central theme. The book is a collection of 80 illustrated short stories. The name is based on a historical, 200-year-old millstone at Kolmgut in Prambachkirchen (Austria). Many years ago, the millstone was used to break open the grain. Draft animals would drag the stone in a circle, crushing the grain in its stone groove. After almost 100 years of use, in the end the huge millstone was replaced by an electric machine. The old mill had become obsolete and was dismantled. In the process, the heavy millstone broke into four parts. They were deposited next to the barn and had been forgotten for decades. Only in 2015, when a flower meadow with a power spot was erected at Kolmgut, did people remember the old millstone, which is now in the center of the place of power, emanating its vibrations into the environment. With the graphic design, this phenomenon has been successfully implemented in the book project, similar to the fundamental principles of the golden ratio. Biosensory measurements ensure the optimum balance and harmony of the project. From a philosophical perspective, this book is meant to support the reader in being more perceptive in daily life and thus in staying young. Please enjoy the Broken Stone Circle, and welcome to my website … www.santaklauspublishinghouse.com … KPW
Santaklaus – Quadrology of Love. This book series is my interpretation of the transition from the age of pisces to the age of aquarius, to its higher vibrations. All-encompassing love is relevant to all of us – this is something we can learn now, because the vibrations are growing and if we don´t, we will not be able to bear them. Enjoy my book series and feel free to visit my website … www.santaklauspublishinghouse.com … KPW
The word “Consciousness” is among the most used word in both spiritual and scientific literature. At the same time it is also among the most misunderstood term. Yet Consciousness is central to everything in life. An understanding of what Consciousness is, both intellectually and spiritually, is important to understand life and creation, the spiritual journey and the evolution of life itself. Given its immense importance in Sri Aurobindo’s yoga and the metaphysics of creation, this issue of ALL LIFE IS YOGA focus on this key word so that Light can be cast upon that which is actually the very source of Light!
"To find highest beauty is to find God; to reveal, to embody, to create, as we say, highest beauty is to bring out of our souls the living image and power of God." (Sri Aurobindo)
"Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised. He came to give not a hope but a certitude of the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its expression. The world needs the certitude of the beauty of the future. And Sri Aurobindo has given that assurance." (The Mother)
Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to announce the manifestation of the supramental world and not merely did he announce this manifestation but embodied also in part the supramental force and showed by example what one must do to prepare oneself for manifesting it. The best thing we can do is to study all that he has told us and endeavour to follow his example and prepare ourselves for the new manifestation. This gives life its real sense and will help us to overcome all obstacles. Let us live for the new creation and we shall grow stronger and stronger by remaining young and progressive. – The Mother
This book, The Mirror of Dharma — Dharma means the teachings of enlightened beings — gives practical advice on how we can solve our daily problems of uncontrolled desire, anger and ignorance, and how to make our human life meaningful. The author, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, is an internationally renowned meditation master and scholar. In this book, he explains as practical instructions the complete path to enlightenment, based on his deep experience gained from a lifetime spent in meditation. We can see and find the sun of the supreme happiness of enlightenment from The Mirror of Dharma . How fortunate we are. Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche This practical guide includes: Essential insights on the advice from Je Tsongkhapa's heart called The Three Principal Aspects of the Path to Enlightenment How we can use the Request to the Lord of All Lineages prayer to contemplate and meditate on all the stages of the path of both Sutra and Tantra How to train in the meditation practice of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion A special presentation of the practice of the stages of the path to enlightenment, known as Lamrim
"There are four very great events in history, the siege of Troy, the life and crucifixion of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavan created devotional religion, (for before there was only meditation and worship,) Christ from his cross humanised Europe, the colloquy at Kurukshetra will yet liberate humanity. Yet it is said that none of these four events ever happened." (SRI AUROBINDO)
"Sri Aurobindo considers the message of the Gita to be the basis of the great spiritual movement which has led and will lead humanity more and more to its liberation, that is to say, to its escape from falsehood and ignorance, towards the truth. From the time of its first appearance, the Gita has had an immense spiritual action; but with the new interpretation that Sri Aurobindo has given to it, its influence has increased considerably and has become decisive." (THE MOTHER)
The translation of the Gita printed here was put together from different sources by Anilbaran Roy, one of Sri Aurobindo’s direct disciples, who lived in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry from 1926 to 1964. He relied as much as he could on Sri Aurobindo’s translations and paraphrases, which were written as part of the running prose of the “Essays of the Gita”. Sri Aurobindo sometimes translated whole slokas, sometimes only isolated words or phrases; some slokas he left untranslated. These translations cover about one-third of the text of the Gita. It should be mentioned that Sri Aurobindo did not consider the passages he translated to be parts of a finished translation of the Gita. In 1934 he wrote to a disciple, “The translations in the Essays are more explanatory than textually precise or cast in a literary style.”
Этот сборник – основа основ сибирской магии. В нем содержатся самые главные обряды и заговоры семьи Степановых. Одна эта книга может заменить целую полку «магической литературы». Эта энциклопедия станет вашей настольной книгой на долгие и долгие годы. Универсальные обряды для избавления от хворей, самые сильные «денежные» заговоры, самые мощные любовные привороты, самые необходимые обереги для всей семьи, магия для защиты вашего дома, секретные обряды на исполнение заветного желания, народная «аптечка» – средства, которые должны быть в каждой семье. Самая знаменитая сибирская целительница в мире Наталья Ивановна Степанова делится с вами тайными знаниями, которые копились ее родом на протяжении многих веков. Сто тысяч заговоров для вашего здоровья, процветания и счастья!