"Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants, and Phenomena" is a seminal work on the subject of the nether-world. Written in 1895 by C. W. Leadbeater, an Anglican Priest who joined the Theosophical Society in 1883, «Astral Plane» is an interesting examination of ideas on the after-life as proposed by new age philosophies such as Theosophy.
"Most people measure their happiness in terms of physical pleasure and material possession. Could they win some visible goal which they have set on the horizon, how happy they could be! Lacking this gift or that circumstance, they would be miserable. If happiness is to be so measured, I who cannot hear or see have every reason to sit in a corner with folded hands and weep. If I am happy in spite of my deprivations, if my happiness is so deep that it is a faith, so thoughtful that it becomes a philosophy of life,—if, in short, I am an optimist, my testimony to the creed of optimism is worth hearing. As sinners stand up in meeting and testify to the goodness of God, so one who is called afflicted may rise up in gladness of conviction and testify to the goodness of life."—From Helen Keller's «Optimisim.»
Today, we need to marshal all the healing resources at our disposal. A growing body of evidence shows that spiritual healing practices have a positive impact, both on healing and on the quality of life that people experience while under medical care. Dr. Bruce Epperly calls on Christians to embrace these varied resources. He crosses both the boundaries between formal scientific medical practice and spiritual healing, and the boundaries between healing practices that come from a variety of spiritual and religious traditions. He then incorporates these into a distinctly Christian theology of healing practice. Where healing takes place, he sees God at work. Healing characterized the ministry of Jesus, and Epperly believes that it should characterize the life and ministry of Christians in all times and places. This is a balanced call that doesn't pit one tradition against another and also does not place spiritual healing practices in opposition to medical science. This is about embracing what heals. Today, we need to marshal all the healing resources at our disposal.
Hasidism as a topic of general interest The author’s previous published work in this area Emerging interest in comparative analysis The book’s span from the early period of Hasidism to the present Continued interest in Jewish mysticism Focus on Religious Fundamentalism
Everyone loves a good ghost story.<br /><br />Phantoms of the Paramount, Shadows on Third Avenue, the Legend of Ann Lake, Boy in the Red Cap. Veteran ghost hunter J. Michael Norman has uncovered almost three dozen stories of legitimate Minnesota eeriness to thrill readers. Norman, author of five nationally popular collections of ghost tales, interviewed local storytellers and combed newspapers to document legends involving supernatural and strange occurrences. Following old and fresh leads, he gathered stories from all over the state.<br /><br />Ghost stories have existed as long as humans have been telling tales. Perhaps it's our curiosity of what happens to us and our loved ones after death, perhaps they explain phenomena that we do not understand, or maybe, just maybe, the dead do walk the earth. Norman does not attempt to prove or disprove the existence of ghosts but instead allows readers to make up their own minds. His tales feature people's strange and paranormal experiences in quite ordinary places, including homes, theaters, B and Bs, and restaurants. Many of the engaging and hair-raising accounts involve strange and frightening incidents of the last fifty years; some document very recent unexplainable or spectral events. The book includes a map and a public site appendix targeting the hauntings' locations—from Taylors Falls and Pipestone to Northfield and Nobles County—for Minnesotans who may want to "pass through" the sites.<br /><br />Beware: these stories do not have conclusive endings since they remain a mystery to this day. But perhaps that's best. An ending would just take the fun out of it.
Dr Ming Gao delves into the much-overlooked heaven motif in Luke-Acts in this critical study of a central element in Christian belief. Focusing on several key passages from the biblical canon, Gao analyzes them in their Jewish, Greco-Roman and broader literary contexts to enhance our comprehension of the meaning of “heaven” and its significance for our worldview. Heaven is not simply a static place where God dwells or a symbol of his power, but is a dynamic arena that impacts the earthly realm. Dr Gao also elucidates how heaven, as well as being part of reality, acts as a concept that points to the arrival of God’s eschatological kingdom on earth. This book will enhance efforts to understand “heaven,” which is often viewed as an unfathomable mystery by so many Christians.
Несчастный случай приведший к смерти Андрея, позволил ему переродиться младенцем в аристократической семье в другом мире. Мире клинка и магии. Но что делать, когда в семье ты пятый ребёнок? Которому из наследства перепадёт лишь родовое имя. Насладиться беззаботной жизнью не получится. Нужно обучаться и тренироваться. Тем более, что магия – мечта любого человека.
Книга «Жизнь Души – практическое самопознание» представляет собой философское учение, а также содержит образные истории, приведённые автором для лучшего понимания читателями основного содержания и облегчения восприятия. Книга адресуется широкому кругу читателей – искателей истины, самопознания и духовного развития. Данное произведение отличается от изданных на ту же тему или близких к ней систематической глубокой проработкой всех рассматриваемых мировоззренческих вопросов с целью формирования у читателя целостной непротиворечивой картины мироздания, вносит в область знаний и литературного творчества новую форму учения, ориентированную на практическое нерелигиозное самопознание и эффективное духовное самообразование.
No one is exempt from adversity. In the midst of suffering and tragedy multitudes have cried out to God, "Where are You, don't you care?"<br><br>Lacking answers, some people turn against God when bad things happen, blaming Him; others turn to God, trusting Him despite circumstances.<br><br>The purpose of this book is to provide the Biblical answer to the question, "God, where were you when…?" and to explain how your pain doesn't have to go to waste, but can become a purpose and make a positive difference in the lives of others!
"This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14<br><br>Forgetting what is behind sounds great. But how do we do it?<br><br>In this dynamic book, you will not only discover how to forget the past, but how your past can become one of your greatest assets!