Хобби, Ремесла

Различные книги в жанре Хобби, Ремесла

Stratford For All Seasons: Theatre & Arts

Phyllis Hinz

Stratford for All Seasons, Theatre & Arts, shares the immensity and diversity of the theatre and arts scene in Stratford, Ontario. It is extraordinary to have culture of this magnitude in a city with a population of approximately 32,000. Many of the 500,000 annual visitors to the city who attend the Stratford Festival, as well as many busy Stratfordites, are not aware of the countless cultural events available to them year-round. Stratford is not your pop-up tourist town. This quiet, scenic city in a rural setting has remained true to its roots even though thousands of people visit each year from around the world. Ever since the days of early settlement in the 1830s, Stratford has been a place where forward-thinking citizens seized opportunities to benefit their community.

This book is about the cultural happenings in Stratford that will make you say, “Wow.”

Stratford For All Seasons: Secrets & Surprises

Phyllis Hinz

Stratford For All Seasons, Secrets & Surprises, is loaded with magical and little-known stories about Stratford, Ontario. This quiet, scenic city in a rural setting has managed to stay true to its roots even though thousands of people visit each year from around the world. Many of the 500,000 annual visitors to this city of approximately 32,000 are not aware of the fun facts and history that make this corner of the universe unlike all the others. Stratford is not your pop-up tourist town.

This book is about the things you can do, see, and discover in Stratford that will make you say, “Really?”

French Ghosts, Russian Nights, and American Outlaws: Souvenirs of a Professional Vagabond

Susan Spano

Susan Spano, America’s original Frugal Traveler, explores some of the most romantic, most exotic, and wildest corners of the world in this captivating collection of her best-loved pieces.French Ghosts, Russian Nights, and American Outlaws: Souvenirs of a Professional Vagabond takes the reader on magical trips, when everything conspired to make a place unforgettable, like a temple in Java at sunrise or an ice hotel in the Artic Circle at sunset. In some of the stories, Susan finds the kind of enlightenment that only travel can provide by following in the footsteps of luminaries such as Federico Fellini, Julia Child, and Chairman Mao.Other stories are about travel itself: how it became Susan’s passion and calling; how it fed her incurably restless spirit; how it inspired her philosophy of travel and life: Go forth and find meaning. Take a condemned cable car over the Yangtze River or a shared taxi over the Andes with a leaking gas tank and chain-smoking driver. Eat oysters and drink martinis wherever you can. And, as often as possible, come home with a tan.

Mad Men's Manhattan

Mark P. Bernardo

This book introduces readers—whether they are native New Yorkers or Mad Men fans who have never set foot in the city—to the places, both famous and not so famous, that play a role in the historical and dramatic tapestry of Mad Men, from the famous Madison Avenue ad agencies that inspired its setting to the taverns, restaurants, and hotels that host so many of the series’ memorable scenes through Season 3.

Mad Men's Manhattan

Mark Bernardo

Российская Охотничья Газета 07-08-2020

Редакция газеты Российская Охотничья Газета

Еженедельная охотничья газета. «РОГ» продолжает русские охотничьи традиции, являясь достойным преемником журнала “Природа и охота”, основанного Л. П. Сабанеевым более века назад. Сегодня в России существует единственный редакционный коллектив, который в целях пропаганды правильной охоты издаёт еженедельную газету, посвящённую этому удивительному увлечению человека. Использование в качестве иллюстраций редких старинных гравюр, рисунков ведущих анималистов России придают изданию неповторимую индивидуальность.

Толока. Делаем Сами 09-2020

Редакция журнала Толока. Делаем Сами

«Делаем сами» – журнал для мастеров и мастериц, находящихся в постоянном поиске свежих творческих идей и решений. Уникальность издания в том, что оно состоит главным образом из писем читателей. Авторы делятся своим опытом и доступными идеями, дают полезные практические советы о том, что можно спаять и вырезать, выпилить и выстругать, собрать и склеить, выкроить и сострочить, вышить, связать и сплести своими руками, чтобы сделать свой дом, дачу, участок красивее и уютнее, а жизнь – комфортнее и интереснее!

Раскраска по номерам для занятых мам. Первое издание

Анна Хантер

Книга решает практическую задачу – дать возможность рисовать на приятные темы по номерам тем, у кого нет времени на большие и сложные картины.Вы можете использовать свои цвета или рекомендуемые.Книгу в электронном виде вы можете выборочно распечатать в удобном для вас формате.