‘Wonderfully uplifting’ Trisha Ashley It only takes a moment, to change a life for ever… Fern is too busy making sure other people feel good about themselves to give much thought to her own happiness. But somehow, without her noticing, life has run away from her. Suddenly, Fern realises her vintage clothes business is struggling, and the casual relationship she’d always thought she was happy in doesn’t look so appealing. But sometimes, karma really does come through. And when Fern goes out of her way to help 85-year-old Dinah, little does she realise their new friendship will change her life. Dinah may have troubles in her past, but she’s lived and loved to the full. Can Dinah show Fern that even the smallest acts of kindness can make the world a better place? If you liked Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine or How to Be Happy, you'll love A Random Act of Kindness.
A one-stop practical guide on how to play and master the fascinating and rewarding game of bridge with expert advice throughout from Andrew Robson, the Times bridge correspondent, the world’s most famous and successful player and teacher of bridge. Previously published as Collins Need to Know? Bridge. Now with additional practice deals. Andrew Robson, the Times bridge correspondent, shows you how to play bridge – starting from the basics and taking you through the learning process step-by-step. Using clear illustrations and accompanying text, Andrew gives the reader a complete course in learning the game, including sample hands and ways to practice. You’ll also learn about bidding, tricks, scoring and dealing, and etiquette whilst playing. Above all you’ll begin to develop the skills you need to play bridge, and win – including ingenuity, working well in a partnership, and a good memory. Contents include: basic bidding and card-play strategies; etiquette and how to score; examples and practice tips; different types of bridge; conventions; evaluating a bridge hand.
‘Full of gems … Angela Kelly is a jewel in the crown’Daily Telegraph ‘Entertaining and beautifully illustrated’The Sunday Times ‘For real intel, [The Crown] can’t come close to The Other Side of the Coin by Angela Kelly’The New York Times First print run features a specially designed cut-down dust jacket ‘Fascinating book’HELLO! ‘The book is a trove of warm and insightful anecdotes’ Daily Mail ‘Angela Kelly shares fascinating and charming anecdotes’ Good Housekeeping When Angela Kelly and The Queen are together, laughter echoes through the corridors of Buckingham Palace. Angela has worked with The Queen and walked the corridors of the Royal Household for twenty-five years, initially as Her Majesty’s Senior Dresser and then latterly as Her Majesty’s Personal Advisor, Curator, Wardrobe and In-house Designer. As the first person in history to hold this title, she shares a uniquely close working relationship with The Queen. In The Other Side of the Coin, The Queen has personally given Angela her blessing to share their extraordinary bond with the world. Whether it’s preparing for a formal occasion or brightening Her Majesty’s day with a playful joke, Angela’s priority is to serve and support. Sharing never-before-seen photographs – many from Angela’s own private collection – and charming anecdotes of their time spent together, this revealing book provides memorable insights into what it’s like to work closely with The Queen, to curate her wardrobe and to discover a true and lasting connection along the way. ‘The book documents the unique working relationship between Her Majesty The Queen and the woman who has been her Personal Assistant and Senior Dresser for more than two decades: Angela Kelly. It gives a rare insight into the demands of the job of supporting the Monarch, and we gain privileged insight into a successful working relationship, characterised by humour, creativity, hard work, and a mutual commitment to service and duty. Angela is a talented and inspiring woman, who has captured the highlights of her long career with The Queen for us all to share. ’ – Samantha Cohen, Assistant Private Secretary to The Queen (2011–2018)
This ebook on landscape painting in watercolour is a no-nonsense guide that really gets down to basics. In The Duffer’s Guide to Painting Watercolour Landscapes Don Harrison shows just how easy it can be to learn to paint effective and realistic landscapes in watercolour. With a simple and straightforward approach, using easy-to-follow step-by-step sequences, he teaches how to paint skies, mountains, boats, trees, bridges, buildings and figures in the landscape. He starts with very simple exercises, painting individual features of the landscape in order to build up confidence, and then gradually shows the reader how to bring together all those elements to create a full landscape painting.
Sure to be hailed alongside H is for Hawk and The Hare with Amber Eyes, an exceptional work that is at once an astonishing journey across countries and continents, an immersive examination of a great artist’s work, and a moving and intimate memoir. At the age of 42, his father not long dead and his young sons growing fast, Toby Ferris set off on a seemingly quixotic mission to track down each of the 42 surviving paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, who, at the age of 42, had been approaching the end of his own short life. Over the next five years Ferris would travel to 22 galleries in 19 cities in 12 countries across 2 continents: Budapest to San Diego, Detroit to Naples, Berlin to Madrid, ticking off his Bruegels as he went. The results of his journeying are a revelation: Bruegel’s panels, their landscapes teeming with robust life, become a lens through which Ferris takes stock of the world, informing everything from mortality, fatherhood, and contemporary life, to the bombing of Rotterdam, the extinction of North American megafauna, and how to ward off bears in the forest. Short Life in a Strange World is a dazzlingly original hybrid of art criticism, philosophical reflection and poignant memoir, a book about one man’s obsession with Bruegel’s short life in a strange if familiar world, and the precisely-detailed yet cosmos-encompassing works in ink and oil which sprang from it. And it begins with the story of a boy who fell from the sky.
Эта книга – настоящий подарок для тех, кто занимается рукоделием и любит природу. На страницах издания детально описаны и проиллюстрированы основные способы создания изделий и композиций из холодного фарфора (полимерной глины) по принципу «от простого к сложному», показаны эффективные техники и освещены все нюансы работы, а также представлены шаблоны для каттеров, благодаря чему вы сможете избежать типичных ошибок начинающих и откроете для себя секреты истинного мастерства, так часто остающиеся «за кадром». Шаг за шагом вы наполните свой дом изящными первоцветами, сочными спелыми ягодами, полевыми цветами и даже композициями из изысканных и столь модных сегодня суккулентов. Создайте свой собственный райский садик, где будет по-настоящему уютно и тепло!
Редакция газеты Российская Охотничья Газета
Еженедельная охотничья газета. «РОГ» продолжает русские охотничьи традиции, являясь достойным преемником журнала “Природа и охота”, основанного Л. П. Сабанеевым более века назад. Сегодня в России существует единственный редакционный коллектив, который в целях пропаганды правильной охоты издаёт еженедельную газету, посвящённую этому удивительному увлечению человека. Использование в качестве иллюстраций редких старинных гравюр, рисунков ведущих анималистов России придают изданию неповторимую индивидуальность.
«Сад своими руками» – ведущее российское издание о саде. Со страниц журнала вы узнаете о том, как без помощи специалистов создать свой, неповторимый сад. Как ухаживать за растениями, как своими руками построить беседку, сделать дорожки, забор, водоем и многое другое. В каждом номере журнала представлены проекты садов и «энциклопедии» растений, что поможет вам собрать коллекцию практических решений для вашего сада. Тема номера: К зиме готовы – наполним сад яркими красками В номере: – Ягодный фейерверк – Эффектное впечатление – Лунный календарь на декабрь—2019 – Лучшие злаки для цветников и многое другое
«Моя любимая дача» – универсальный помощник всем садоводам и огородникам. В каждом номере журнала публикуются наиболее интересные советы читателей журнала, мнение экспертов и рекомендации специалистов по благоустройству дачи и садового участка. На страницах журнала можно найти полезную информацию о выращивании фруктов и овощей, актуальные советы от лучшего эксперта – Октябрины Ганичкиной, рекомендации по сезонным работам на приусадебном участке. В номере: – Новый год на дворе – Гороскоп деревьев – кто вы такой? – Золотые краски в саду – Зимний огород на подоконнике – Кустарники под снегом и многое другое
Специальные выпуски журнала «Любимая дача» – это красочные издания, полные интересных идей и практических советов. Каждый спецвыпуск посвящен конкретной теме, касающейся строительства, благоустройства дачи или участка. Материалы представлены в виде статей, рекомендаций специалистов, пошаговых мастер-классов с фотографиями и схемами. В номере: – Умный проект пассивный дом – Материалы для теплого дома – Вентиляция с рекуперацией – Недорогое отопление водяные полы и многое другое