
Различные книги в жанре Философия

Connecting Virtues: Advances in Ethics, Epistemology, and Political Philosophy

Michel Croce

Connecting Virtues examines the significant advances within the fast-growing field of virtue theory and shows how research has contributed to the current debates in moral philosophy, epistemology, and political philosophy. Includes groundbreaking chapters offering cutting-edge research on the topic of the virtues Provides insights into the application of the topic of virtue, such as the role of intellectual virtues, virtuous dispositions, and the value of some neglected virtues for political philosophy Examines the relevance of the virtues in the current debates in social epistemology, the epistemology of education, and civic education Features work from world-leading and internationally recognized philosophers working on the virtues today

Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. The Analytic Tradition, An Anthology

Peter Lamarque

For over fifty years, philosophers working within the broader remit of analytic philosophy have developed and refined a substantial body of work in aesthetics and the philosophy of art, curating a core foundation of scholarship which offers rigor and clarity on matters of profound and perennial interest relating to art and all forms of aesthetic appreciation. Now in its second edition and thoroughly revised, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art—The Analytic Tradition: An Anthology captures this legacy in a comprehensive introduction to the core philosophical questions and conversations in aesthetics. Through 57 key essays selected by leading scholars Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen, this anthology collects modern classics as well as new contributions on essential topics such as the identification and ontology of art, interpretation, values of art, art and knowledge, and fiction and the imagination. New to this edition are selections which treat aesthetic experience more widely, including essays on the aesthetics of nature and aesthetics in everyday life. Other carefully-chosen pieces analyze the practice and experience of specific art forms in greater detail, including painting, photography, film, literature, music, and popular art such as comics. This bestselling collection is an essential resource for students and scholars of aesthetics, designed to foster a foundational understanding of both long-standing and contemporary topics in the field.

The Disorder of Women. Democracy, Feminism and Political Theory

Carole Pateman

Carole Pateman is one of the leading political theorists writing today. This wide-ranging volume brings together for the first time a selection of her work on democratic theory and her feminist critique of mainstream political theory. The volume includes substantial discussions on questions of democracy and citizenship, including the construction of the concept of the political and complex, but largely unrecognized, problems surrounding women's participation and consent, and their relation to the social contract tradition. This work should be of interest to students and researchers in political theory, women's studies and sociology.

Bad Arguments. 100 of the Most Important Fallacies in Western Philosophy

Robert Arp

A timely and accessible guide to 100 of the most infamous logical fallacies in Western philosophy, helping readers avoid and detect false assumptions and faulty reasoning You’ll love this book or you’ll hate it. So, you’re either with us or against us. And if you’re against us then you hate books. No true intellectual would hate this book. Ever decide to avoid a restaurant because of one bad meal? Choose a product because a celebrity endorsed it? Or ignore what a politician says because she’s not a member of your party? For as long as people have been discussing, conversing, persuading, advocating, proselytizing, pontificating, or otherwise stating their case, their arguments have been vulnerable to false assumptions and faulty reasoning. Drawing upon a long history of logical falsehoods and philosophical flubs, Bad Arguments demonstrates how misguided arguments come to be, and what we can do to detect them in the rhetoric of others and avoid using them ourselves. Fallacies—or conclusions that don’t follow from their premise—are at the root of most bad arguments, but it can be easy to stumble into a fallacy without realizing it. In this clear and concise guide to good arguments gone bad, Robert Arp, Steven Barbone, and Michael Bruce take readers through 100 of the most infamous fallacies in Western philosophy, identifying the most common missteps, pitfalls, and dead-ends of arguments gone awry. Whether an instance of sunk costs, is ought, affirming the consequent, moving the goal post, begging the question, or the ever-popular slippery slope, each fallacy engages with examples drawn from contemporary politics, economics, media, and popular culture. Further diagrams and tables supplement entries and contextualize common errors in logical reasoning. At a time in our world when it is crucial to be able to identify and challenge rhetorical half-truths, this bookhelps readers to better understand flawed argumentation and develop logical literacy. Unrivaled in its breadth of coverage and a worthy companion to its sister volume Just the Arguments (2011), Bad Arguments is an essential tool for undergraduate students and general readers looking to hone their critical thinking and rhetorical skills.

An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy, 20th Anniversary Edition

Anthony Kenny

Now in its third anniversary edition, world-renowned philosopher Anthony Kenny’s highly acclaimed survey of Western philosophy has been updated to provide essential coverage of contemporary Anglophone analytic and continental philosophy, and features a brand-new introduction on the history of philosophical sub-disciplines. 20th anniversary edition of Sir Anthony Kenny’s acclaimed survey of over 2,500 years of Western philosophical thought, featuring new chapters on Anglophone analytic and continental philosophy Offers the most concise and compelling story of the complete development of philosophy available Written by one of the most learned and pedigreed philosophers alive in Britain New to this edition is an array of significant female thinkers and continental figures such as Heidegger, Sartre, Beauvoir, Derrida, Foucault, Habermas, Popper, Anscombe, Austin, Geach, Foot, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, and Rawls Sets itself apart from competing volumes with Kenny’s distinctive voice and approachable style, making it accessible for students and curious general readers Now features 70 illustrations, many new to this edition

Ілюзія Бога

Річард Докінз

Річард Докінз – британський еволюційний біолог і відомий популяризатор науки. Лауреат численних літературних і наукових премій, зокрема премії Майкла Фарадея, премії Королівської наукової спільноти в галузі літератури та Міжнародної космічної премії. Його книжка «Егоїстичний ген» принесла авторові всесвітнє визнання. Докінз належить до сотні найгеніальніших людей, які живуть у наш час. Річард Докінз спонукає читача неупереджено поглянути на сенс релігії, не нав’язуючи власної думки, а заохочуючи до самостійних роздумів і висновків. Автор розглядає особливості так званої «ейнштейнівської релігії», за якою Бог – це метафора на позначення загадковості Всесвіту, критикує «гіпотезу про Бога», осмислює, чи дійсно релігія є регулятором моральності, розкриває значення еволюції та природного добору. Кожну свою тезу науковець підкріплює цікавими історичними фактами та посиланнями на достовірні джерела.

Уэслианство и Православие. Богословие Джона Уэсли с позиции веры Православной Церкви

Сергей Смирных

В книге «Уэслианство и Православие» изложены особенности богословия основателя методизма Джона Уэсли, а также проводится сравнительный анализ его учения с вероучением Православной Церкви. Часть книги посвящена личности самого Уэсли, истории формирования его убеждений и зарождения методизма. Книга основана на обширном библиографическом материале и будет интересна религиоведам, церковным историкам, специалистам в области сравнительного богословия, слушателям духовных и светских учебных заведений.

Мир будущего. Каким он будет?

Надежда Максимова

Книга была написана в 2011 году. За прошедшее время выяснилось, что ряд пророчеств, обозначенных во второй части, вовсю выполняется. Интересно однако!

Хомо не Сапиенс. Тренд-порно-еда. Прочитай меня полностью! +18

Александр Камрадов

Состав: саркастический тон повествования, призрачная надежда на хоть какой-нибудь рационализм, факты и научные изыски, разрыв привычного мироощущения, удар по самолюбию и щепотка нигилизма. Противопоказано: людям, не способным рассматривать иную точку зрения, вызывает жжение в области автоматизмов. Не содержит: экстремизма, призыва к насилию и прочей, свойственной людям, совершенно деградантской, разрушительной идиотии. Исключительно созидательный продукт, в состав которого также входит «вода».