A guide to the role of static state estimation in the mitigation of potential system failures With contributions from a noted panel of experts on the topic, Advances in Electric Power and Energy: Static State Estimation addresses the wide-range of issues concerning static state estimation as a main energy control function and major tool for evaluating prevailing operating conditions in electric power systems worldwide. This book is an essential guide for system operators who must be fully aware of potential threats to the integrity of their own and neighboring systems. The contributors provide an overview of the topic and review common threats such as cascading black-outs to model-based anomaly detection to the operation of micro-grids and much more. The book also includes a discussion of an effective mathematical programming approach to state estimation in power systems. Advances in Electric Power and Energy reviews the most recent developments in the field and: Offers an introduction to the topic to help non-experts (and professionals) get up-to-date on static state estimation Covers the essential information needed to understand power system state estimation written by experts on the subject Discusses a mathematical programming approach Written for electric power system planners, operators, consultants, power system software developers, and academics, Advances in Electric Power and Energy is the authoritative guide to the topic with contributions from experts who review the most recent developments.
Discover the history, underpinnings, and applications of one of the most important theories in electrical engineering In Reference Frame Theory , author Paul Krause delivers a comprehensive and thorough examination of his sixty years of work in reference frame theory. From the arbitrary reference frame, to the coining of the title «reference frame theory,» to the recent establishment of the basis of the theory, the author leaves no stone unturned in his examination of the foundations and niceties of this area. The book begins with an integration of Tesla's rotating magnetic field with reference frame theory before moving on to describe the link between reference frame theory and symmetrical induction machines and synchronous machines. Additional chapters explore the field orientation of brushless DC drives and induction machine drives. The author concludes with a description of many of the applications that make use of reference frame theory. The comprehensive and authoritative Reference Frame Theory also covers topics like: A brief introduction to the history of reference frame theory Discussions of Tesla's rotating magnetic field and its basis of reference frame theory Examinations of symmetrical induction and synchronous machines, including flux-linkage equations and equivalent circuits Applications of reference frame theory to neglecting stator transients, multiple reference frames, and symmetrical components Perfect for power engineers, professors, and graduate students in the area of electrical engineering, Reference Frame Theory also belongs on the bookshelves of automotive engineers and manufacturing engineers who frequently work with electric drives and power systems. This book serves as a powerful reference for anyone seeking assistance with the fundamentals or intricacies of reference frame theory.
This book provides expert knowledge to those in the power and communication utility industry in how to design power and communication distribution lines. Information is presented on the physical characteristics of various types of utility poles, overhead supply and communication cables, installation practices, joint-usage issues and safety rules, including national standards and other related documents. It provides critical details on industry software to guide engineers in its effective use. Care is taken to describe the critical requirements to select the proper poles for specific applications. The author includes a final chapter that describes comprehensive examples of the information introduced earlier.
The data in this book are new or updated, and will serve also as Origin of Life and evolutionary studies. Endospores of bacteria have a long history of use as model organisms in astrobiology, including survival in extreme environments and interplanetary transfer of life. Numerous other bacteria as well as archaea, lichens, fungi, algae and tiny animals (tardigrades, or water bears) are now being investigated for their tolerance to extreme conditions in simulated or real space environments. Experimental results from exposure studies on the International Space Station and space probes for up to 1.5 years are presented and discussed. Suggestions for extaterrestrial energy sources are also indicated.
«Физический калейдоскоп» задумывался как одна из рубрик журнала «Квант» с лаконичным и емким материалом по школьному курсу физики, помогающим учителям вести учебную и внеклассную работу, а ученикам – готовиться к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ. За те годы, в течение которых «Калейдоскоп» выходил на страницах журнала, выяснилось, что рубрика пользуется популярностью у читателей. И постепенно мозаики различных выпусков стали складываться в целостную, хотя и собранную из фрагментов, картину жизни физических понятий. В этой книге представлено множество наблюдений и интересных фактов «для сведения», а также вопросов, задач и опытов «для работы ума», позволяющих развить эрудицию и углубить свои знания физики. Для среднего школьного возраста.
Триумф физики элементарных частиц и других выдающихся физических открытий остался далеко в прошлом. За последние 30 лет физика, увы, не радует нас новыми гениальными научными теориями. Почему так происходит? Правда ли, что фундаментальная наука в упадке? Книга Сабины Хоссенфельдер исследует эту проблему и ищет ответ на вопрос: что должно лежать в основе современной физики? Автор берет интервью у коллег по научному цеху, современных выдающихся ученых, предоставив нам возможность увидеть, как устроена теоретическая физика изнутри, какие проблемы в ней назрели. Главная идея книги – в науке нет места догмам, и настоящие ученые должны остерегаться застоявшихся научных предубеждений, мешающих прогрессу в науке. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.