Für die dritte Auflage wurden alle Aufsätze aktualisiert und sieben neue Beiträge aufgenommen. So komplettiert ein Kapitel über spektroskopische Biomarker das nunmehr mit drei Beiträgen vertretene, hoch aktuelle Thema extrasolare Planeten. Zwei neue Artikel zur Antimaterie befassen sich mit den physikalischen Grundlagen, insbesondere der Materie-Antimaterie-Asymmetrie im Urknall, und dem Nachweis von Antiteilchen im Weltraum. Die Problematik der Dunklen Materie erhellt ein Kapitel über die derzeit laufenden Laborexperimente. Beobachtungen mit dem Weltraumteleskop Herschel haben neue Erkenntnisse zur Galaxienentwicklung gebracht. Und nicht zuletzt lassen neue, hoch empfindliche Untersuchungen von Apollo-Mondgestein die Entstehung des Erdtrabanten in einem anderen Licht erscheinen. Astrophysik und Kosmologie machen also auch im 21. Jahrhundert große Fortschritte. „Sowohl der Fachwissenschaftler als auch der Hobbyastronom, der direkt am rasanten Erkenntnisgewinn der modernen Astrophysik und Kosmologie teilhaben möchte, kommt mit diesem Buch auf seine Kosten.“ Sterne und Weltraum „… Wer sich einen schnellen, gleichwohl gründlichen Eindruck von Ergebnissen, Methoden und Problemen der Astronomie im 21. Jahrhundert verschaffen will, kommt an diesem Buch nicht vorbei.“ MaxPlanck Forschung
Over the last 50 years, a variety of techniques have been developed to add a third dimension to regular imaging, with an extended spectrum associated to every imaging pixel. Dubbed 3D spectroscopy from its data format, it is now widely used in the astrophysical domain, but also inter alia for atmospheric sciences and remote sensing purposes. This is the first book to comprehensively tackle these new capabilities. It starts with the fundamentals of spectroscopic instruments, in particular their potentials and limits. It then reviews the various known 3D techniques, with particular emphasis on pinpointing their different `ecological? niches. Putative users are finally led through the whole observing process, from observation planning to the extensive ? and crucial – phase of data reduction. This book overall goal is to give the non-specialist enough hands-on knowledge to learn fast how to properly use and produce meaningful data when using such a 3D capability.
This book surveys our understanding of stars which change in brightness because they pulsate. Pulsating variable stars are keys to distance scales inside and beyond the Milky Way galaxy. They test our understanding not only of stellar pulsation theory but also of stellar structure and evolution theory. Moreover, pulsating stars are important probes of the formation and evolution of our own and neighboring galaxies. Our understanding of pulsating stars has greatly increased in recent years as large-scale surveys of pulsating stars in the Milky Way and other Local Group galaxies have provided a wealth of new observations and as space-based instruments have studied particular pulsating stars in unprecedented detail.
The creation of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in 1962 was the culmination of the dream of leading astronomers from five European countries. Over the years, as more member states joined, ESO constructed the La Silla and Paranal observatories, as well as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) together with partners. ESO is now starting to build the world's biggest eye on the sky, the European Extremely Large Telescope. At the dawn of 2012, its 50th anniversary year, ESO is ready to enter a new era. One that not even its founding members could have anticipated in their boldest dreams. Constantly at the technological forefront, ESO is ready to tackle new and as yet unimaginable territories of high-precision technology and scientific discovery. Produced especially for ESO's 50th anniversary, this sumptuously illustrated book takes the reader behind the scenes of the most productive ground-based observatory in the world. It contains the best 300 of ESO's images, hand-picked from a large collection of more than 100 000 images. «Beautifully produced, Europe to the Stars tells the story of how dreams of giant telescopes became a reality and covers many of the exciting discoveries made at La Silla and Paranal.» —BBC Sky at Night, 1 February 2013 «Leave the book on your coffee table, certainly, but read it first and come back to it regularly. It's an intelligent, inspiring celebration of a great European scientific adventure.» —Astronomy Now, 1 March 2013
Written by an internationally renowned expert author and researcher, this monograph fills the need for a book conveying the sophisticated tools needed to calculate exo-planet motion and interplanetary space flight. It is unique in considering the critical problems of dynamics and stability, making use of the software Mathematica, including supplements for practical use of the formulae. A must-have for astronomers and applied mathematicians alike.
This AGN textbook includes phenomena based on new results in the X-Ray domain from new telescopes such as Chandra and XMM Newton not mentioned in any other book. Furthermore, it considers also the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope with its revolutionary advances of unprecedented sensitivity, field of view and all-sky monitoring. Those and other new developments as well as simulations of AGN merging events and formations, enabled through latest super-computing capabilities. The book gives an overview on the current knowledge of the Active Galacitc Nuclei phenomenon. The spectral energy distribution will be discussed, pointing out what can be observed in different wavebands and with different physical models. Furthermore, the authors discuss the AGN with respect to its environment, host galaxy, feedback in galaxy clusters, etc. and finally the cosmological evolution of the AGN phenomenon.
Most elements are synthesized, or «cooked», by thermonuclear reactions in stars. The newly formed elements are released into the interstellar medium during a star's lifetime, and are subsequently incorporated into a new generation of stars, into the planets that form around the stars, and into the life forms that originate on the planets. Moreover, the energy we depend on for life originates from nuclear reactions that occur at the center of the Sun. Synthesis of the elements and nuclear energy production in stars are the topics of nuclear astrophysics, which is the subject of this book. It presents nuclear structure and reactions, thermonuclear reaction rates, experimental nuclear methods, and nucleosynthesis in detail. These topics are discussed in a coherent way, enabling the reader to grasp their interconnections intuitively. The book serves both as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, with worked examples and end-of-chapter excercises, but also as a reference book for use by researchers working in the field of nuclear astrophysics.
This 23nd volume in the series contains 15 invited reviews presented during the conference AG2010: «Zooming in, the cosmos at high resolution»
Divided into two parts, the first four chapters of Comets and their Origin refer to comets and their formation in general, describing cometary missions, comet remote observations, astrochemistry, artificial comets, and the chirality phenomenon. The second part covers the cometary ROSETTA mission, its launch, journey, scientific objectives, and instrumentations, as well as the landing scenario on a cometary nucleus. Along the way, the author presents general questions concerning the origin of terrestrial water and the molecular beginnings of life on Earth, as well as how the instruments used on a space mission like ROSETTA can help answer them. The text concludes with a chapter on what scientists expect from the ROSETTA mission and how its data will influence our life on Earth. As a result, the author elucidates highly topical and fascinating knowledge to scientists and students of various scientific backgrounds, allowing them to work with ROSETTA's data.