
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Physics of the Atmosphere

Rodrigo Caballero

With the increasing attention paid to climate change, there is ever-growing interest in atmospheric physics and the processes by which the atmosphere affects Earth's energy balance. This self-contained text, written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics or meteorology, assumes no prior knowledge apart from basic mechanics and calculus and contains material for a complete course. Augmented with worked examples, the text considers all aspects of atmospheric physics except dynamics, including moist thermodynamics, cloud microphysics, atmospheric radiation and remote sensing, and will be an invaluable resource for students and researchers.

Stars and Space with MATLAB Apps

Dan Green

Recent advances in the understanding of star formation and evolution have been impressive and aspects of that knowledge are explored in this volume. The black hole stellar endpoints are studied and geodesic motion is explored. The emission of gravitational waves is featured due to their very recent experimental discovery.The second aspect of the text is space exploration which began 62 years ago with the Sputnik Earth satellite followed by the landing on the Moon just 50 years ago. Since then Mars has been explored remotely as well as flybys of the outer planets and probes which have escaped the solar system. The text explores many aspects of rocket travel. Finally possibilities for interstellar travel are discussed.All these topics are treated in a unified way using the Matlab App to combine text, figures, formulae and numeric input and output. In this way the reader may vary parameters and see the results in real time. That experience aids in building up an intuitive feel for the many specific problems given in this text.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Getting Started with Matlab</li><li>Apps for Stars</li><li>Stellar Evolution</li><li>Apps for Solar Exploration</li><li>Apps for Star Treks</li><li>Additional Miscellaneous Topics</li><li>Appendices</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Students and researchers in astrophysics and cosmology.MATLAB Apps;Star Formation and Evolution;Gravitational Waves;Space Exploration;Rocket and Interstellar Travel00

The Chandra X-ray Observatory


[/i]NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory hasushered in a revolution in X-ray astronomy. Over the last two decades Chandra has captured stunning celestial X-ray images, measured spectra and monitored light curves to reveal and mapthe hottest, most energetic regions of the universe. Written by leading experts in each sub-field to&nbsp;celebrate its 20thanniversary, this book includes current reviews of the major discoveries andscientific results made by Chandra . Documenting the progress, discoveries and developments implementedby the mission, this book provides its readers with a comprehensive review ofthe mission thus far and its potential future implications. Including beautiful images of celestial sources generated from [i]Chandra , andmulti-wavelength data, as well as 3D figures and movies, interactive illustrations arealso used throughout to enhance the text.

The Cosmic 21-cm Revolution


The redshifted 21-cm signal is set to transform astrophysical cosmology, bringing a historically data-starved field into the era of Big Data. Corresponding to the spin-flip transition of neutral hydrogen, the 21-cm line is sensitive to the temperature and ionization state of the cosmic gas, as well as to cosmological parameters. Crucially, with the development of new interferometers, it will allow us to map out the first billion years of our universe, enabling us to learn about the properties of the unseen first generations of galaxies. Rapid progress is being made on both the observational and theoretical fronts, and important decisions on techniques and future direction are being made.&nbsp; The Cosmic 21-cm Revolution &nbsp;gathers contributions from current leaders in this fast-moving field, providing both an overview for graduate students and a reference point for current researchers.

Stumbling Blocks Against Unification

Matej Pavšič

The history is full of misconceptions that opposed the progress of physics. The book starts with reviewing some historical cases, such as the arguments against the Earth rotation, or the famous problem of &#x00BE; in the theory of electromagnetic mass of electron. After having pointed out that misconceptions have been common in the history of physics, it is argued that they must be present today as well. In fact, it is now commonly being realized that in the last forty years there has been no significant progress in the fundamental theoretical physics. A reason certainly lies in certain stumbling blocks on our way towards the unification of interaction and of gravity with quantum mechanics. The author discusses what he perceives as some persisting misconceptions that have not yet been recognized as such by physics community in general. Contents: PrefaceAcknowledgementAbout Historical Misconceptions in PhysicsHigher Derivative Theories and Negative EnergiesUpon Quantization &#x2014; Ghosts or Negatives Energies?Transformations of SpinorsQuantum Fields as Basis VectorsBrane Space and Branes as Conglomerates of Quantum FieldsParticle Position in Quantum Field TheoriesMisconceptions and Confusion About TachyonsOrdering Ambiguity of Quantum OperatorsWhat Have We Learned?BibliographyIndex Readership: Researchers and post graduate students in theoretical and high energy physics.Quantum Gravity;Quantum Field Theories;Quantization;Clifford Algebras;Stueckelberg Evolution Time;Relativistic Particle Localization;String Theory;Brane Theory;Braneworld Scenarios;Tachyons;Many-Worlds Interpretation;Causality Paradoxes0 Key Features: This is a unique book on such a subjectThe readers will benefit from learning in what sense the common wisdom about certain topics in fundamental theoretical physics is questionable and has to be revised and howThe book explains in detail how the problematic topics should be formulated afresh, how they are related to each other, and how within such a framework we can remove the stumbling blocks against unification of fundamental interactions

Умная функция, Три-Четыре! Квантовая математика школьникам

Алексей Гущин

Решения задач тысячелетия. Оцифровка атома. 1,046875 это квант-координата накручивания. Центр накручивания-раскручивания – это бесконечное число π/3=1,0471… единиц. 1,0625 – это антиквант раскручивания, антикоордината. 3,140625 – это квант, нейтрино. 4,1875 – это квант, фотон света. 201 – это сфера электрона. 204 – это позитрон. 12,5625 – это заряд электрона. 363609 – тетраэдр-протон. 369036 – это правильный кристалл-тетраэдр-антипротон.

The Only Sacred Ground

Gregory N. Derry

For the past several centuries, science has been offering us a powerful new way to understand nature, but the accompanying rise of materialistic philosophy threatens to drain the meaning and sacred quality of our experience of nature. The resulting tension represents a fractured and incoherent apprehension of nature on both a personal and a cultural level. In this book, Gregory N. Derry explores this problem and suggests a solution based on complementarity, a logical framework that demonstrates the compatibility of apparently contradictory propositions by showing them to be grounded in mutually exclusive domains of knowledge. Complementarity was famously employed by Niels Bohr in his quest to interpret quantum mechanics. Here, Prof. Derry extends and generalizes Bohr's epistemological approach so that it becomes applicable to problems beyond the scope of empirical science, and he uses this generalization of Bohr's complementarity to argue that the truth of scientific materialism in no way implies that nature has no sacred and spiritual dimensions, i.e., nature is both sacred and mundane.

Dredging the Choptank

Kimberley Lynne

Chilling and mysterious folklore comes to life in this supernatural thriller about a writer investigating ghost legend in a town in denial. Stakes are raised when the writer protagonist discovers a Native American burial ground under an Eastern Shore jail and begins hallucinating black shapes and undulating snakes. This poltergeist fable is based upon the spirit myth of Dorchester County as well as Lynne's personal ghost narrative. Like a parable with a little bit of dangerous truth, the ghost stories are all genuine.

Что мы знаем о нейтрино?

Маргарита Митрофанова

Нейтрино – самые загадочные фундаментальные частицы Стандартной модели. О том, что такое нейтрино, в чем их уникальность, какими они бывают, – объясняет Дмитрий Горбунов, главный научный сотрудник Института ядерных исследований.

Астрономическая весна

Маргарита Митрофанова

С 20 марта, дня весеннего равноденствия, в Северном полушарии Земли наступает астрономическая весна, а в Южном – осень. Почему происходит смена времён года, что такое равноденствие, почему Полярная звезда всегда остается на одном месте, что такое полярный день и линия «терминатора», о значении весны для всего живого рассказывает астроном, сотрудник Московского планетария Людмила Кошман.