Think and act strategically every time In today's business environment, strategic planning stresses the importance of making decisions that will ensure an organization's ability to successfully respond to changes in the environment and plan for sustainable viability. Providing practical, field-tested techniques and a complete 6-phase plan, Strategic Planning Kit For Dummies shows you how to make strategy a habit for all organizations, no matter the size, type, or resource constraints. Strategic Planning Kit For Dummies is for companies of all types and sizes looking to build and sustain a competitive edge, set up an ongoing process for market assessment and trend analysis, and develop a vision for future growth. This revised edition includes: new and updated content on planning for both the short and the long-term; crucial information on succession planning; help preparing for the unexpected using scenario planning and agile strategy; strategies for implementing change and integrating strategic plans successfully by involving all staff members; and more. The supplementary CD lays out a comprehensive, 6-phase, step-by-step program, complete with downloadable spreadsheets, charts, checklists, video links, and more Provides value for any business or entrepreneur looking to improve efficiency, focus, and competitive edge Includes practical, field-tested techniques Strategic Planning Kit For Dummies gives today's business owners and upper-level management the tools and information they need to think and act strategically in order to more effectively weather current economic storms while planning for future growth.
The fast and easy way to start and run an online business Starting an online business is no longer a novelty. It's a fact of life for individuals and established companies alike. The good news is that e-commerce and the practice of selling goods and services through a Web site and is not only here to stay, but it's thriving. More good news is that the steps required to conduct commerce online are well within the reach of ordinary people, even if you have no business experience. All you need is a good idea, a bit of start-up cash, computer equipment, and a little help from the practical, hands-on information in Starting and Running an Online Business For Dummies. With strategies to help you identify your market, design your website, choose services, trade securely, boost sales, and stay ahead of the competition; Starting and Running an Online Business For Dummies is just what you need to succeed. You'll discover how to open an online business in ten easy steps, how to select the right web host and design tools, why giving your e-business site structure and style is vital, techniques on attracting and keeping customers, and much more. Advice on how to get your business on the Web quickly and economically Completely revised and updated Includes the latest information on web hosting, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, harnessing the power of social media marketing, and more Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a small business owner looking to expand your business online, this up-to-date and easy-to-follow guide covers all the essentials you need to know to get on the Web quickly and economically, without all the technical jargon and hype bogging you down.
Full coverage of ETF investments from an expert in the field The initial edition of Gary Gastineau's The Exchange-Traded Fund Manual was one of the first books to describe and analyze ETFs. It made the case for the superiority of the structure of investor-friendly ETFs over mutual funds and helped investors select better funds among the ETFs available. With this new edition, Gastineau provides comprehensive information on the latest developments in ETF structures, new portfolio variety, and new trading methods. With a realistic evaluation of today's indexes, Gastineau offers insights on actively managed ETFs, improved index funds, and fund and advisor selection. Discusses how to incorporate ETFs into an investment plan Offers updated coverage of new ETFs, including full-function actively managed ETFs, and a valuable chapter on trading ETFs Written by the leading authority on exchange traded funds Exchange-traded funds offer you diversification and participation in markets and investment strategies that have not been available to most investors. If you want to understand how to use ETFs effectively, the Second Edition of The Exchanged-Traded Fund Manual can show you how.
Important new insights on team leadership and motivation, along with powerful tools and techniques taken from the world of sports How do the sports world's most successful coaches instill their teams with esprit de corps, a collaborative mindset, and an unbeatable desire to win? More importantly, what can business leaders and managers learn from their example? This book answers these and a host of key questions about what it takes to be a successful leader in business or in sports. Drawing upon their unique experiences working with top sports coaches, as well as some of the world's leading corporate executives, authors Dino Ruta and Paolo Guenzi offer important new insights into team leadership and motivation, as well as new tools for optimizing teamwork and inspiring teams to reach for and achieve new heights of glory. Develops a bold new team leadership model for managers at all levels, team leaders, project managers and facilitators, as well as sport coaches Arms you with powerful tools and techniques adapted from the world of sport for optimizing teamwork, driving motivating and instilling an unstoppable desire to win An indispensable source of insight and ideas for executives and managers in companies of all sizes, and an important supplement for postgraduate management programs
Everything you need to know to design a profitable business plan Whether you're starting a new business or you’ve been trading for a while, Creating a Business Plan For Dummies covers everything you need to know. Figure out whether your business idea is likely to work, how to identify your strategic advantage, and what you can do to gain an edge on the competition. Discover why a business plan doesn't have to be a thrity-page document that takes days to write, but can be a simple process that you do in stages as you work through your business concept. Learn how to prepare an elevator pitch, create a start-up budget, and create realistic sales projections. Discover how to predict and manage expenses, and assemble a financial forecast that enables you to calculate your break-even. Look at the risk involved in this business and experiment with different scenarios to see if you’re on the right track. Explains how to create a one-page business plan in just a few hours Takes a simple step-by-step approach, focusing on budgets, financials, and everyday practicalities Offers focused guidance on managing cashflow, designing marketing plans, and establishing a long-term vision for your business Includes access to downloadable templates and worksheets, as well as helpful online audio and video components Written by Veechi Curtis, bestselling author and business consultant A good business plan is the first step to success for any new business, and getting it right can mean the difference between big profits and big trouble. Creating a Business Plan For Dummies gives you the detailed advice you need to design a great business plan that will guide your business from concept to reality.
Improve patient outcomes, lower costs, reduce fraud—all with healthcare analytics Healthcare Analytics for Quality and Performance Improvement walks your healthcare organization from relying on generic reports and dashboards to developing powerful analytic applications that drive effective decision-making throughout your organization. Renowned healthcare analytics leader Trevor Strome reveals in this groundbreaking volume the true potential of analytics to harness the vast amounts of data being generated in order to improve the decision-making ability of healthcare managers and improvement teams. Examines how technology has impacted healthcare delivery Discusses the challenge facing healthcare organizations: to leverage advances in both clinical and information technology to improve quality and performance while containing costs Explores the tools and techniques to analyze and extract value from healthcare data Demonstrates how the clinical, business, and technology components of healthcare organizations (HCOs) must work together to leverage analytics Other industries are already taking advantage of big data. Healthcare Analytics for Quality and Performance Improvement helps the healthcare industry make the most of the precious data already at its fingertips for long-overdue quality and performance improvement.
How to align social media with business strategy for real results For years now, businesses have approached social media in an experimental fashion unconnected to real results. There's a reason why the question about ROI is met with such hostility. But it's time for businesses to get serious about social. In this concise e-book, noted authors and disruptive technology analysts Charlene Li and Brian Solis present seven powerful factors for designing and supporting an effective social business strategy. Li and Solis studied how the best companies create measurable value that aligns with overall business objectives and outline how to incorporate these insights into your strategy and planning process. Li and Solis focus their findings and recommendations on how to convince and even rally decision makers at the executive level. Based on interviews with thought leaders, surveys, and extensive research, they show you how to define your social strategy, create alignment across the organization, and use that strategy to support overall business success. Offers actionable best practices for getting the most bang for your social marketing buck Explains seven key success factors for effective social marketing that cover everything from long-term vision and executive support to staffing and technology investment Written by Charlene Li, bestselling author of Open Leadership, and Brian Solis, bestselling author of What's the Future of Business, The End of Business as Usual, and Engage
Модні тренди, товари, інформація, ідеї – це віруси. Не вірите? У сучасному світі вони поширюються саме так, охоплюючи мільйони людей та перетворюючись на справжні соціальні епідемії. Малколм Гладуелл пояснює, чому ми так любимо копіювати поведінку інших і чому взагалі сучасне людство надзвичайно залежне від подібних до себе. Наука маніпуляції функціонує дуже підступно, але результативно. «Поворотний момент» – блискуче дослідження про те, як поширюються соціальні епідемії та як вони впливають на наше життя.
Данная часть является бонусной, не соотносясь напрямую с темой управления изменениями. Здесь Андрей Анатольевич Ващенко отвечает на вопросы, возникавшие у слушателей по ходу лекций, приводит примеры из личного управленческого опыта и даёт советы по конкретным проблемам, возникшим у тех или иных участников. Темы затрагиваются самые разные, часто вопросы возникали спонтанно, и искать в повествовании какой-то порядок не нужно. 1. Предисловие. Увеличение KPI для новичков 2. Ротация сотрудников 3. Юристы и редакционная деятельность 4. К кому идти с идеей глобальных перемен? 5. Сохранение лучшего и убирание худшего при изменениях 6. Причина дауншифтинга 7. Топ-менеджер в качестве преподавателя 8. Отказ от игры 9. Изменения без дискомфорта для сотрудников 10. Сохранение в организации хороших специалистов 11. Побуждение к высшей цели 12. Бенефиты и любовь к своей работе 13. Деловой комплимент 14. Помощь от комплимента 15. Кто должен делать комплимент? 16. Что самое важное в комплименте? 17. Ошибки при попытке сделать комплимент 18. Почему у нас не так, как на Западе? 19. Как научить людей работать? 20. Возвращение сотрудника из «звёздной» болезни 21. Человек, готовый к изменениям 22. Выгорание коллектива 23. Лидер оппозиции 24. Эксперты, неспособные перенести стресс 25. Алгоритм действий при несогласии с переменами 26. Плагиат идей
Завершая основной блок аудиокниг Андрея Ващенко по теме «Управление изменениями», в этой седьмой части мы соберём воедино моменты, которые касаются деловых качеств и умений руководителя, поскольку именно ему приходится труднее всего при проведении любых перемен. Мы затронем тему силы воли руководителя, поговорим о множестве ролей, что ему приходится играть, об эффективности управления, о необходимости развития эмпатии и многом другом. 1. Предисловие. Воля руководителя 2. Всё ценное у руководителя – в голове 3. Без доверия нет эффективного руководства 4. Доверие основано на биологии 5. В чём причина, когда всё есть, но ничего не работает? 6. От чего зависит эффективность руководителя? 7. Доверие с вышестоящим руководством 8. Обратная связь с коллективом 9. Важная информация в обратной связи с коллективом 10. Руководители не плачут 11. Проблема с расхождением желаний и реальности 12. Женщины – лучшие инициаторы изменений 13. Почему женщины заняли место инициаторов-мужчин? 14. О простых решениях 15. Разное понимание одних и тех же образов 16. Цепочка возникновения изменений. Первый этап 17. Лояльность или профессионализм. Второй этап 18. Донесение смысла перемен до всего коллектива 19. Дальнейшая судьба выработанного рабочей группой проекта 20. «Награждение непричастных». Третий этап 21. Финальные слова. Выводы