The business world is undergoing dramatic change that is driven by tough new legislation, expanded market based incentives and increased consumer awareness of environmental issues (e.g., hazard ingredients in products, alternative energy, reduction in greenhouse gases). This is forcing companies to reassess the life cycle of their products and the efficiency of their supply chains. Environmental issues are becoming business critical. Good to Green provides the vital information, backed by case studies and examples, that gives progressive business leaders the strategic know-how to pro-actively manage environmental issues and realize the business benefits of going green.
Step-by-step guidelines for making commodities a valuable component in any portfolio As stock market investing becomes increasingly hard to squeeze profits from, savvy investors are finding commodities to be the perfect vehicle for maintaining portfolio performance. Commodities for Every Portfolio shows commodities newcomers how to ease into this straightforward market, which strategies are best (and which to steer clear of!) and much, much more. Investors and traders get easy-to-follow techniques, strategies, and methods, with individual chapters showing how to invest in commodities through stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and futures. High-performing companies and index-based funds are listed by name, with specific information on how and why they succeed; hard-to-find informational resources are also provided.
Everyone's felt out of place at some point – be they female, minority, a geek, a non-conformist, or just boldly individual. Fearless Fish will show readers how to stay connected while maintaining a unique identity, how to fit in without blending in, how to transform exclusion and have an impact. After all, there is tremendous opportunity for influence when you're on the edge – you're already noticed! Fearless Fish will demonstrate how to make the most out of being noticed as you gain the tools for becoming more of who you are, instead of trying to change who you are. It will help readers use the tools they already have to find everything they want in their careers – without sacrificing their souls.
Comprehensive coverage of what it takes to be a responsible member of an investment committee In a clear, organized, and easy-to-understand manner, this handbook explains the responsibilities and expectations of investment committee fiduciaries for pension funds, endowment funds, and foundations. Emphasizing all the do's and don'ts to follow for prudent investment management, this invaluable resource covers topics ranging from investment policy, asset allocation, and risk assessment to understanding information presented at committee meetings, asking meaningful and productive questions, and voting on recommendations knowledgeably. This book will empower readers with all the knowledge they need to feel confident in the investment decisions they make for their organizations
Praise for The Art of Constructive Confrontation «There's no magic formula for building a successful enterprise, large or small. If you're in the business of making a profit, you're in the business of building people. First you build your people. After that, your people produce the profit. The Art of Constructive Confrontation is an easy-to-follow, systematic process that makes sure you don't get those things backwards. Constructive confrontation is the closest thing you'll ever find to hold people accountable for what they do, while at the same time reducing the conflicts that get in the way of productivity and, ultimately, profits.» –Spencer Hays, founder, The Tom James Company Executive Chairman, Southwestern/Great American, Inc. «The Art of Constructive Confrontation is a clear and concise road map to making the all-important conversations between team leaders and team members happen. More than that, the constructive confrontation process keeps those conversations happening, keeps them consistent and constructive, keeps everybody accountable, and unleashes the leadership potential in everyone.» –Angelo Valenti, PhD, leader of The Company Psychologist and coauthor, Unleashing Leadership «Embracing constructive confrontation builds a strong, effective leader with a strong, effective team. This book covers the step-by-step process to make you that kind of leader.» –Danny Cox, coauthor, Leadership When the Heat's On
While the American health care system has consistently been criticized for its noticeable detriments, few have taken the time to recognize the significant benefits and potential of this system. But with Skin in the Game, authors John Hammergren and Phil Harkins provide a comprehensive overview of the history of our health care system, an explanation of its current state, and a picture of the great strides that they see being made in the near future.
Today, corporations are expected to give something back to their communities in the form of charitable projects. In Corporate Social Responsibility, Philip Kotler, one of the world's foremost voices on business and marketing, and coauthor Nancy Lee explain why charity is both good P.R. and good for business. They show business leaders how to choose social causes, design charity initiatives, gain employee support, and evaluate their efforts. They also provide all the best practices and cutting-edge ideas that leaders need to maximize their contributions to social causes and do the most good. With personal stories from twenty-five business leaders from socially responsible companies, this is the bible for today's good corporate citizen.
Praise for MAO, MARX & THE MARKET «This is a gripping tale from start to finish, an extraordinary adventure told by a brilliant and idealistic businessman confronted by political disloyalty and chicanery on an epic scale. LeBaron tells his story with a punch, but his basic instincts of morality and decency shine throughout.» –Peter L. Bernstein, President, Peter L. Bernstein, Inc., author of The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession «An insight-packed thriller summarizing a brilliant contrarian investor s adventures in the two great dramas of our era Russia and China; chock-full of pithy lessons relevant for investors and observers alike.» –Graham Allison, Director, Robert and Renee Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University «Dean LeBaron s book on his adventures in Russia and China is a fun read. I recommend it to anyone taking their first or second or third visit to either country for business or pleasure. LeBaron brings out the personal warmth of these countries in terms of their individuals, as well as the obvious complexities of dealing with them.» –David Gill, Board Member of several companies involved with Russia, Retired International Finance Corporation Official «This is the fascinating story of Dean LeBaron in his quest to participate right from the start in the opening of China and Russia following the demise of their socialist/ communist regimes. It is the best account of what happened in the emerging market world in the nineties.» –Marc Faber, Editor, The Gloom Boom & Doom Report,Managing Director, Marc Faber Limited «Adventure capitalist Dean LeBaron is the Indiana Jones of finance. Follow his escapades in emerging markets and get an insider s view of the birth of capitalism in Russia and China. You ll be amused, entertained, and instructed. Mao, Marx & the Market provides a fascinating insider s view of the creation of market economies with all their attendant travails. A must read.» –Bill Miller, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, Legg Mason Funds Management, Inc.
Профессиональная технология для регулярного менеджмента. Уникальное практическое руководство, не имеющее аналогов. Технологии наказания подчиненных стали главной табуированной темой современного менеджмента – в отличие от огромного количества теорий и методик поощрения и вознаграждения персонала. Гуру менеджмента обычно произносят дежурные фразы об отрицательной роли наказаний в практике управления или стыдливо обходят эту тему стороной, опасаясь прослыть негуманными и неполиткорректными, а управленцы продолжают биться головой об стену в бесплодных попытках повысить исполнительскую дисциплину подчиненных, – и всё потому, что и те, и другие недооценивают роль наказаний как инструмента управления и не умеют его применять. Это уникальное практическое руководство поможет вам объективно посмотреть на реальность и разобрать причины своих прежних управленческих ошибок и неудач. Вместе с Александром Фридманом вы шаг за шагом построите собственную систему коррекции нежелательного поведения сотрудников и получите уникальный практический инструментарий для радикального повышения точности управления любым коллективом, от небольшой рабочей группы до целой компании. Александр Фридман занимает второе место в рейтинге лучших российских экспертов в области управления по результатам исследования компании SEReputation. Среди клиентов автора книги – десятки крупнейших российских компаний, в том числе «Газпром нефть», Сбербанк, «Норильский никель» и ИНТЕРРАО ЕЭС России.
Основываясь на 15-летнем опыте, Зузана Шохова рассказывает, какие роли и обязанности есть у скрам-мастера, как ему решать повседневные задачи, какие компетенции нужны, чтобы стать выдающимся скрам-мастером, какими инструментами ему нужно пользоваться. Эта книга для всех скрам-мастеров, Agile-коучей и руководителей, которые хотят реформировать свои организации. На русском языке публикуется впервые.