Ziel nachhaltig wirtschaftender Unternehmen ist es, nicht nur okonomischen, sondern auch sozialen und okologischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Die in diesem Sinne international erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, darunter auch Siemens, sind im Dow Jones Sustainability Index gelistet. Dabei beschrankt sich Nachhaltigkeit heute nicht mehr allein auf «okologisch korrektes» Verhalten, sondern setzt ganzheitliches und vernetztes Denken voraus: Welchen Beitrag mussen Unternehmen fur eine funktionierende Gesellschaft heute und in Zukunft leisten? Welche schlussige Strategie sollten sie haben, um dauerhaft am Markt zu bestehen? Wie implementieren sie diese Strategie in die Unternehmensprozesse? Uta-Maria Pfeiffer beantwortet diese Fragen am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie und nachhaltiger Mobilitat. Damit bietet das Buch allen Verantwortlichen und ihren Mitarbeitern, die sich mit der Implementierung der Anforderungen von Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen beschaftigen, eine praxisorientierte Darstellung, wie sich die standig wachsenden Anforderungen in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Mobilitat in ihre Geschaftsprozesse einbringen lassen. Umwelt-Unternehmensberater erhalten eine grundlegende Darstellung der Dimensionen von Nachhaltigkeit. Das Besondere an dem Buch ist die einfache Darstellung des komplexen Themas Nachhaltigkeit, das leider noch viel zu wenig umgesetzt wird, weil die Transparenz fehlt und oft kurzfristige wirtschaftliche Interessen unternehmerische Entscheidungen beeinflussen.
Mathematical finance has grown into a huge area of research which requires a lot of care and a large number of sophisticated mathematical tools. Mathematically rigorous and yet accessible to advanced level practitioners and mathematicians alike, it considers various aspects of the application of statistical methods in finance and illustrates some of the many ways that statistical tools are used in financial applications. Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance: Provides an introduction to the basics of financial statistics and mathematical finance. Explains the use and importance of statistical methods in econometrics and financial engineering. Illustrates the importance of derivatives and calculus to aid understanding in methods and results. Looks at advanced topics such as martingale theory, stochastic processes and stochastic integration. Features examples throughout to illustrate applications in mathematical and statistical finance. Is supported by an accompanying website featuring R code and data sets. Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance introduces the financial methodology and the relevant mathematical tools in a style that is both mathematically rigorous and yet accessible to advanced level practitioners and mathematicians alike, both graduate students and researchers in statistics, finance, econometrics and business administration will benefit from this book.
With a pedigree going back over ten years, The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management can rightly claim to be a classic guide to business risk management and contingency planning, with a style that makes it accessible to all business managers. Some of the original underlying principles remain the same – but much has changed. This is reflected in this radically updated third edition, with exciting and helpful new content from new and innovative contributors and new case studies bringing the book right up to the minute. This book combines over 500 years of experience from leading Business Continuity experts of many countries. It is presented in an easy-to-follow format, explaining in detail the core BC activities incorporated in BS 25999, Business Continuity Guidelines, BS 25777 IT Disaster Recovery and other standards and in the body of knowledge common to the key business continuity institutes. Contributors from America, Asia Pacific, Europe, China, India and the Middle East provide a truly global perspective, bringing their own insights and approaches to the subject, sharing best practice from the four corners of the world. We explore and summarize the latest legislation, guidelines and standards impacting BC planning and management and explain their impact. The structured format, with many revealing case studies, examples and checklists, provides a clear roadmap, simplifying and de-mystifying business continuity processes for those new to its disciplines and providing a benchmark of current best practice for those more experienced practitioners. This book makes a massive contribution to the knowledge base of BC and risk management. It is essential reading for all business continuity, risk managers and auditors: none should be without it.
Praise for the First Edition «This is the most usable decision support systems text. [i]t is far better than any other text in the field» —Computing Reviews Computer-based systems known as decision support systems (DSS) play a vital role in helping professionals across various fields of practice understand what information is needed, when it is needed, and in what form in order to make smart and valuable business decisions. Providing a unique combination of theory, applications, and technology, Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence, Second Edition supplies readers with the hands-on approach that is needed to understand the implications of theory to DSS design as well as the skills needed to construct a DSS. This new edition reflects numerous advances in the field as well as the latest related technological developments. By addressing all topics on three levels—general theory, implications for DSS design, and code development—the author presents an integrated analysis of what every DSS designer needs to know. This Second Edition features: Expanded coverage of data mining with new examples Newly added discussion of business intelligence and transnational corporations Discussion of the increased capabilities of databases and the significant growth of user interfaces and models Emphasis on analytics to encourage DSS builders to utilize sufficient modeling support in their systems A thoroughly updated section on data warehousing including architecture, data adjustment, and data scrubbing Explanations and implications of DSS differences across cultures and the challenges associated with transnational systems Each chapter discusses various aspects of DSS that exist in real-world applications, and one main example of a DSS to facilitate car purchases is used throughout the entire book. Screenshots from JavaScript® and Adobe® ColdFusion are presented to demonstrate the use of popular software packages that carry out the discussed techniques, and a related Web site houses all of the book's figures along with demo versions of decision support packages, additional examples, and links to developments in the field. Decision Support Systems for Business Intelligence, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses on information systems, decision support systems, and data mining at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a practical reference for professionals working in the fields of business, statistics, engineering, and computer technology.
Risk Management under UCITS III/IV shows how asset managers, fund administrators, management companies and risk departments can satisfy the various financial regulators, which govern European markets, that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in place for the funds they manage or administer. The book explains all the requirements for risk management under the new UCITS III/IV regime, as well as the universe of financial instruments which can be used by portfolio managers, and identifies their associated risks and possible mitigation strategies. It is therefore required reading for anyone trying to fully understand and comply with UCITS III/IV requirements.
Now you can access Jean Barbazette's systematic process for creating winning training materials that will help raise your skills to the next level. The book is filled with easy-to-use tools and templates that answer all the questions trainers, course designers, and subject matter experts (SMEs) have about what it takes to develop training materials and how they can easily create the best training program in the shortest amount of time. «Jean is a master at providing her readers with new ideas and innovative approaches to the art of delivering excellent learning solutions. Our field has gone through so many changes and Jean is on top of them and out in front all at the same time. Bravo!» —Beverly Kaye, founder/chairman of the board, Career Systems International and coauthor of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go «Barbazette has done it again: she has made your job easier with step-by-step guidelines for developing training materials. Jean covers the entire process in her typical easy-to-follow manner, simplifying the complicated and making you the hero! Don't miss this one!» —Elaine Biech, ebb associates inc. and author of The Business of Consulting «Once again master trainer Barbazette has provided an elegantly simple, step-by-step guide to what can often be the most tedious part of the training process: writing training materials that support and expand a learner's results. Both seasoned professional and newcomer will find this an easy-to-follow guide and valuable resource to be used over and over.» —Eileen McDargh, president, McDargh Communications, and author of Talk Ain't Cheap – It's Priceless «Barbazette is back to fill another gap in the training literature. This extensive work on how and when to write training materials is chock-full of templates and other tools. Systematic and thorough, this is an exceptional guide for those wanting to efficiently create successful training interventions.» —Jane Bozarth, Ed.D., eLearning Coordinator, State of North Carolina and author of Better Than Bullet Points
This book serves as a comprehensive source of asymptotic results for econometric models with deterministic exogenous regressors. Such regressors include linear (more generally, piece-wise polynomial) trends, seasonally oscillating functions, and slowly varying functions including logarithmic trends, as well as some specifications of spatial matrices in the theory of spatial models. The book begins with central limit theorems (CLTs) for weighted sums of short memory linear processes. This part contains the analysis of certain operators in Lp spaces and their employment in the derivation of CLTs. The applications of CLTs are to the asymptotic distribution of various estimators for several econometric models. Among the models discussed are static linear models with slowly varying regressors, spatial models, time series autoregressions, and two nonlinear models (binary logit model and nonlinear model whose linearization contains slowly varying regressors). The estimation procedures include ordinary and nonlinear least squares, maximum likelihood, and method of moments. Additional topical coverage includes an introduction to operators, probabilities, and linear models; Lp-approximable sequences of vectors; convergence of linear and quadratic forms; regressions with slowly varying regressors; spatial models; convergence; nonlinear models; and tools for vector autoregressions.
A great reference for all beginner traders. Aiki Trading will look at a robust method to understand what the market is doing in a specified timeframe. Essentially, markets are either trending up, trending down, or is in sideways or range bound congestion. Chapters are devoted to each of these three conditions, and the concepts are explained in depth. In addition, specific trading strategies will be explored for the different market conditions. These strategies are what I define as high probability, low risk trading strategies that have higher probability of success because it conforms to the nature of how markets behave. With more than 25 years of experience in financial markets, Jeffery's stock market career began in 1977 with JM Sassoon and continued with Kim Eng Securities. During his time in Stock-broking, Jeffery witnessed many cycles of boom and bust, including the 1987 meltdown in worldwide equity markets. In 1997, Jeffery joined Refco Singapore. During this time he developed new expertise in International Futures Markets and FX. Jeffery joined CMC in April 2007. He was responsible for the content and presentation of CMC's educational programmes. And he is currently the Resident Trainer with SGX Academy, and is based in Singapore.
In Zeiten, in denen Marketing und Kommunikation immer weiter verschmelzen und immaterielle Unternehmenswerte permanent an Bedeutung gewinnen, geht es nicht mehr alleine darum, Kunden, Investoren und Mitarbeiter fur sich zu gewinnen, sondern samtliche Stakeholder eines Unternehmens: alle diejenigen, die von Unternehmensentscheidungen betroffen sind oder diese direkt oder indirekt beeinflussen konnen. Dies ist Aufgabe der strategischen Kommunikation, einer noch jungen Disziplin. Sie koordiniert ubergreifend die Organisation von Marketing und Kommunikation, reduziert Reibungsverluste und schafft Synergien, sorgt fur ein positives Umfeld im Markt und erhoht den Unternehmenswert. Ziel der strategischen Kommunikation ist der Stakeholder als «Botschafter eines Unternehmens». Dieses Standardwerk richtet sich an alle Personen, die mit Marketing, Kommunikation und Unternehmensstrategie befasst sind: -Mitarbeitern und Fuhrungskraften von Unternehmen und Organisationen unterschiedlichster Gro?en und Branchen zeigt das Buch, wie sie durch strategische Kommunikation eine deutlich hohere Wertschopfung erzielen konnen. -Marketing- und Kommunikationspraktiker in Unternehmen und Agenturen, Lehrende und Studenten erhalten einen Uberblick uber Struktur, Organisation und Implementierung sowie die Erfolgsfaktoren der strategischen Kommunikation und des Stakeholdermanagements.
This guide walks the reader step by step through the LEED 2009 for New Construction process, offering advanced techniques for estimating the actual costs, in time and money, for building green. It serves as an essential primer to price-assessment strategies for high-performance commercial and institutional projects, which include office buildings, high-rise residential buildings, government buildings, recreational facilities, manufacturing plants, and laboratories. Written by an author with more than twenty years of green construction experience on more than 80LEED registered or certified projects, the book provides real-world case studies used to demonstrate the techniques and concepts revealed in the book, covers project documentation, and provides strategies to help the reader understand the real costs and scheduling implications associated with sustainable building.