One man's worldwide entrepreneurial adventure…and how to follow in his footsteps Part memoir, part practical guide for any budding entrepreneur, Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. is the story of how one man abandoned a cushy publishing job in Manhattan to pursue his dream of working for himself. Spanning eleven years, the book tells the sometimes moving, sometimes funny, and always inspiring story of Frank Farwell, who rediscovered a forgotten product from China and cashed in on a readily defined American market niche. A fascinating look at the transitional years of modern China, the book is packed with helpful information for anyone keen to leave well-paid tedium for the Wild West of self-employment. As the interest in self-employment rises, Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer, and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. fills an important niche. Covering the successes and failures that mark the path of the committed entrepreneur, the book entertains and instructs using concrete, real-life examples that clearly illustrate the dos and don'ts of running your own business. A non-fiction look at the world of self-employment that uses a real-life story to illustrate successes and pitfalls Includes a «Lessons Learned» appendix that succinctly explain the most important takeaways for starting your own business A compelling insight into entrepreneurship that spans continents The story of a tenderfoot company and its neophyte boss who maneuvers his way in and out of trouble to ultimately build a business that is still thriving today, Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer, and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. is a fascinating, informative look at entrepreneurship in the twenty-first century.
A fresh approach to technical analysis utilizing a full view (multi-time frame) integrated analytical system. Has the bear market ended? Is the rebound lasting? Everybody wants an answer but nobody can provide one with a good degree of confidence. While fundamental analysis is notoriously weak when it comes to market timing decisions and price target forecasts, technical analysis is equally timid in providing any concrete answers to the above fundamentally important questions for market participants. No existing system has produced a firm answer with a respectable degree of conviction. This book will present a system to answer those questions with a high degree of confidence. Xin Xie is the Director for Institute of International Trade and Investment at the Upper Yangtze River Economic Research Center, Chongqing University of Business and Technology and PRC Ministry of Education. He has a PhD in Economics from Columbia University in New York and a Master of Arts Degree in Statistics at Zhongnan University of Finance in China. He has extensive experiences in banking and investment industries as Senior Economists and Strategists in Bank of America and UBS AG.
Derivatives are everywhere in the modern world and it is important for everyone in banking, investment and finance to have a good understanding of the subject. Derivatives Demystified provides a step-by-step guide to the subject, enabling the reader to have a solid, working understanding of key derivative products. Adopting a highly accessible approach, the author explains derivative products in straightforward terms and without the complex mathematics that underlie the subject, focusing on practical applications, case studies and examples of how the products are used to solve real-world problems. Derivatives Demystified follows a sequence that is designed to show that, although there are many applications of derivatives, there are only a small number of basic building blocks, namely forwards and futures, swaps and options. The book shows how each building block is applied to different markets and to the solution of various risk management and trading problems. This new edition will be fully revised to reflect the many changes the derivatives markets have seen over the last three years. New material will include a comprehensive history of derivatives, leading up to their use and abuse in the current credit crisis. It will also feature new chapters on regulation and control of derivatives, commodity derivatives, credit derivatives and structured products and new derivative markets including inflation linked and insurance linked products. Derivatives Demystified is essential reading for everyone who operates in the financial markets or within the corporate environment who requires a good understanding of these important financial instruments.
An invaluable resource for HR professionals and executive coaches, this book focuses on how to reduce the time needed to prepare high-potential (HIPO) leaders for next-level positions. Providing the leading trends, tools, and techniques in the industry, the book demystifies the process of HIPO development. It includes a powerful five-step process for increasing leaders' readiness, as well as a complete set of tools for running workshops on developmental planning and coaching. This text also serves as a core text for the author's Executive Coaching Certificate Programs.
WE'VE ALL EXPERIENCED the challenges associated with working with groups, but The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups turns the idea of «difficult groups» on its head. Rather than view groups as inherently difficult, it looks at the factors that make working with groups difficult. Individual chapters focus on challenges such as involving dissenters, building external perspectives, reducing complaining, adapting to cultural differences, incorporating diversity, facilitating inclusion, working virtually, resolving identity-based conflict, transforming unproductive behavior patterns, preventing workplace harassment, and strengthening accountability. The book first provides a framework for thinking systemically about the many and varied ways in which working with a group can be difficult. Building on that framework, the contributors each address three basic issues: How the group is difficult—a description of a real group and the observable phenomena that reflect the group's difficulty. Why the group is difficult—an exploration of the underlying causes of the difficulty. What you can do about it—what you can do as a group facilitator, leader, or member to help the group.
Ready to blow your mind? Spend 15 seconds reading Clark Aldrich's The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games. Witty, fast-paced, and non-linear – it's Spock meets Alton Brown. – Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., The Family Coach This exciting work offers designers a new way to see the world, model it, and present it through simulations. A groundbreaking resource, it includes a wealth of new tools and terms and a corresponding style guide to help understand them. The author – a globally recognized industry guru – covers topics such as virtual experiences, games, simulations, educational simulations, social impact games, practiceware, game-based learning/digital game based learning, immersive learning, and serious games. This book is the first of its kind to present definitions of more than 600 simulation and game terms, concepts, and constructs.
The lifecycle of a trade is the fundamental activity of investment banks, hedge funds, pension funds and many other financial companies. There is no better way to understand the working s of a financial institution than to follow the progress of a trade through all of its various stages and all the activities performed upon it. The Trade Lifecycle: Behind the Scenes of the Trading Process is a guide to the trade lifecycle and it inherent risks and weaknesses. The book dissects a trade into its component parts, tracking it from pre-conception to maturity, and examines how the trade affects each business function of a financial institution. As well as illustrating each part of the trade process it highlights the legal, operational, liquidity, credit and market risks to which the trade is exposed. Readers will benefit from a full understanding of all parts of the trade process, including derivative and credit derivative trades and will also see, with examples where appropriate, how the mismanagement of these risks led to the recent financial crisis. The book is divided in to 4 parts. Part 1 covers products and the background to trading including: trading risk; asset classes; derivatives, structures and hybrids; credit derivatives; liquidity, price and leverage. Part 2 covers the trade lifecycle including: the anatomy of a trade; the lifecycle of a trade; cashflows and asset holdings; risk management; market risk control; counterparty risk control; accounting and P&L attribution. Part 3 covers systems and procedures including;: the people; developing processes for new products; new products; systems; testing; data; reports; calculation; mathematical model and systems validation; regulatory, legal and compliance issues and business continuity planning. Finally Part 4 covers what can go wrong, discussing credit derivatives and the financial crisis. In the aftermath of the financial crisis emphasis had moved to transparency and due diligence involving closer scrutiny of all forms of risk. In this new world order, there is a much greater analysis of every trade and all market participants will need to have a better understanding of the impact of their work on the whole trade cycle – this book provides a one stop comprehensive guide to the lifecycle of a trade.
Insightful modelling of dynamic systems for better business strategy The business environment is constantly changing and organisations need the ability to rehearse alternative futures. By mimicking the interlocking operations of firms and industries, modelling serves as a ‘dry run’ for testing ideas, anticipating consequences, avoiding strategic pitfalls and improving future performance. Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics is an essential guide to credible models; helping you to understand modelling as a creative process for distilling and communicating those factors that drive business success and sustainability. Written by an internationally regarded authority, the book covers all stages of model building, from conceptual to analytical. The book demonstrates a range of in-depth practical examples that vividly illustrate important or puzzling dynamics in firm operations, strategy, public policy, and everyday life. This updated new edition also offers a rich Learners' website with models, articles and videos, as well as a separate Instructors' website resource, with lecture slides and other course materials (see Related Websites/Extra section below). Together the book and websites deliver a powerful package of blended learning materials that: Introduce the system dynamics approach of modelling strategic problems in business and society Include industry examples and public sector applications with interactive simulators and contemporary visual modelling software Provide the latest state-of-the-art thinking, concepts and techniques for systems modelling The comprehensive Learners' website features models, microworlds, journal articles and videos. Easy-to-use simulators enable readers to experience dynamic complexity in business and society. Like would-be CEOs, readers can re-design operations and then re-simulate in the quest for well-coordinated strategy and better performance. The simulators include a baffling hotel shower, a start-up low-cost airline, an international radio broadcaster, a diversifying tyre maker, commercial fisheries and the global oil industry. «Much more than an introduction, John Morecroft’s Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics uses interactive ‘mini-simulators and microworlds’ to create an engaging and effective learning environment in which readers, whatever their background, can develop their intuition about complex dynamic systems.» John Sterman, Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management «Illustrated by examples from everyday life, business and policy, John Morecroft expertly demonstrates how systems thinking aided by system dynamics can improve our understanding of the world around us.» Stewart Robinson, Associate Dean Research, President of the Operational Research Society, Professor of Management Science, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University
Stuart Emmett and Vivek Sood's book provides a clear strategic overview and actionable plan for the implementation of green supply chains. For anyone grappling with the elements required to change an organization's supply chain strategy in a 'green' direction, this book is a must read. «Having worked with Stuart Emmett on other ground breaking books, I can empathically say that this book written with Vivek Sood is another one in the same mould. This enjoyable book not only covers a topic that is critically relevant for every individual, but also provides a practical road map for a green supply chain strategy. Strongly recommended, it is a book of it time.» —Barry Crocker, Author and MSC Program Leader, University of Salford «After co-creating the supply chain management methodology in 1979, I have remained at the forefront of this field for the last 30 years by continually pushing the boundaries of thoughts and applications in Supply Chain Management. But, during all this time, nothing has excited me as much as our current endeavor on Green Supply Chains. It is the need of the moment, resonating in all directions. What is more important, it makes perfect commercial sense. This book by Vivek Sood and Stuart Emmett is a big step in furthering that discussion. It should be on the bookshelf of every progressive manager.» —Dr Wolfgang Partsch, Global Supply Chain Group, Munich, Germany «…As supply chains have become more visible to people around the world, and at the same time more global, questions about their impact on the environment and global sustainability have increased. People who care about our Planet often wonder what are the adverse impacts of transporting goods thousands of miles…goods that are often produced in manufacturing plants that are not environmentally friendly…and then packaged in what becomes waste. So, companies and governments worldwide have begun to address the questions. The authors have addressed the questions in an insightful manner. They have analyzed the supply chain processes, presented new ideas, and have backed these up with solid case examples from leading companies. The book is a must read for anyone who manages a supply chain, cares about the environment, and seeks actionable ideas for 'going green'.» —Gene Tyndall, Executive Vice President, Global Tompkins International «This book treats the 'Next Generation' Supply Chain in a phenomenal way. It is an emerging topic, a paradigm shifting approach for companies on their radical cost saving waves, and an absolutely necessary component of the sustainability for our Planet.» —Ahmet Yalçın Managing Partner at Stars of Europeand Chairman of the Board of the German Solar Energy company Green Enesys Group
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