The book offers important insight relevant to Corporate, Government and Global organizations management in general. The internationally recognised authors tackle vital issues in decision making, how organizational risk is managed, how can technological and organizational complexities interact, what are the impediments for effective learning and how large, medium, and small organizations can, and in fact must, increase their resilience. Managers, organizational consultants, expert professionals, and training specialists; particularly those in high risk organizations, may find the issues covered in the book relevant to their daily work and a potential catalyst for thought and action. A timely analysis of the Columbia disaster and the organizational lessons that can be learned from it. Includes contributions from those involved in the Investigation Board report into the incident. Tackles vital issues such as the role of time pressures and goal conflict in decision making, and the impediments for effective learning. Examines how organizational risk is managed and how technological and organizational complexities interact. Assesses how large, medium, and small organizations can, and in fact must, increase their resilience. Questions our eagerness to embrace new technologies, yet reluctance to accept the risks of innovation. Offers a step by step understanding of the complex factors that led to disaster.
How does emotional intelligence as a competency go beyond the individual to become something a group or entire organization can build and utilize collectively? Written primarily by members of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, founded by recognized EI experts Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss, this groundbreaking compendium examines the conceptual and strategic issues involved in defining, measuring and promoting emotional intelligence in organizations. The book's contributing authors share fifteen models that have been field-tested and empirically validated in existing organizations. They also detail twenty-two guidelines for promoting emotional intelligence and outline a variety of measurement strategies for assessing emotional and social competence in organizations.
As more than 90% of spending on the Internet comes from brick and mortar companies it is these operations that will form the client base for e-learning. This book shows those companies how to get e-learning implementation right first time. Don Morisson explores and explains the whole implementation continuum – strategy, vendor selection, technology, implementation, culture change, content development and delivery. Most importantly he stresses that the success or failure of an e-learning initiative is directly related to the underlying strategic thinking. Written for a more mature, second generation e-learning market the book provides a practitioner's handbook to both guide the novice and inform the veteran. * Focuses on the reader's needs * Focuses on the strategic issues of e-learning * Informed by key business drivers * Supported and endorsed by PWC Readership: Senior managers including CEOs, CIOs, CLOs, HR Directors, middle management responsible for implementing and/or delivering e-learning, consultants
Since it was first published more than a decade ago, The Effective Public Manager has become the standard manual for public administrators and students. This practical provides core concepts to help real-world managers and mangers-to-be meet the demands of their jobs head on rather than work around the constraints of government and gives them the tools to shape events rather than be shaped by them. This thoroughly revised third edition Presents an updated and detailed examination of management innovation Examines the centrality of government in an era of global communication and transportation, economic interdependence, and the threat of global terrorism Contains information on the opportunities and challenges of managing public policy from and with private and nonprofit organizations
Designed as the go-to reference for managing a consulting business, The Business of Consulting is candid, practical, and eminently useful. Fine-tuned to address the changes in today’s business environment, this vital resource outlines the basics for managing a consulting practice and shows how to: Develop a business plan Market your business Charge for your services Build a client relationship Grow the business Ensure your continued professional growth Make money in the profession
This ground-breaking text looks at the ways of integrating sustainability aspects into science and engineering. In providing an all-round sustainability education, it teaches students within engineering and environmental science the implications of their decisions on the environment. Taking a life cycle approach to address economic, environmental and social issues, the book presents a series of practical case studies drawn from a range of industrial sectors, including water, energy, waste, chemicals, glass and mining and minerals. The key features of the book include: Case studies that provide real-world and practical examples for readers to work through Coverage of various sustainability issues in both developed and developing countries Exploration of the scientific and technical aspects of each issue together with consideration of the economic, environmental and social ramifications Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists is essential reading for all engineers and scientists concerned with sustainable development. In particular, it provides key reading and learning materials for undergraduate and postgraduate students reading environmental, chemical, civil or mechanical engineering, manufacturing and design, environmental science, green chemistry and environmental management. This book’s accessible style also makes it of interest to the general reader who is engaged with the sustainability debate. Visit the NEW Companion Website, offering comprehensive tutor's notes for each case study:
Criterion-Referenced Test Development is designed specifically for training professionals who need to better understand how to develop criterion-referenced tests (CRTs). This important resource offers step-by-step guidance for how to make and defend Level 2 testing decisions, how to write test questions and performance scales that match jobs, and how to show that those certified as ?masters? are truly masters. A comprehensive guide to the development and use of CRTs, the book provides information about a variety of topics, including different methods of test interpretations, test construction, item formats, test scoring, reliability and validation methods, test administration, a score reporting, as well as the legal and liability issues surrounding testing. New revisions include: Illustrative real-world examples. Issues of test security. Advice on the use of test creation software. Expanded sections on performance testing. Single administration techniques for calculating reliability. Updated legal and compliance guidelines. Order the third edition of this classic and comprehensive reference guide to the theory and practice of organizational tests today.
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Trainer’s Handbook presents a comprehensive, systematic approach to developing training skills and competencies. It reflects the current changes in the design, development, and delivery of training that will meet the needs of today’s learner, distance learning, and performance consulting. The book offers a fresh focus on evaluation, includes practical how-to guidance, and a wealth of illustrative real-life examples. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Training expert Mel Silberman is the father of the popular and effective active training method. In his landmark textbook, Active Training, he identified the specific characteristics of the active training method that results in deeper learning and improved retention. Now, Training the Active Training Way takes the next step by distilling the active training method into eight core strategies that trainers can use to craft interactive and engaging training, even for the most challenging training assignments such as technical skills training, and information-rich (and often dull) content.
In this book, human resource management and training expert Judy Hale demystifies training outsourcing and details how companies can successfully outsource their training and development needs—from the entire learning function to selected services and programs. It also covers the labyrinth of contractual, interpersonal, and legal dimensions inherent in any decision to partner with another service provider. Filled with practical tips, guidelines, and plenty of tools, this book explains how to determine What type of external resources will be required What to expect of external resources What will be required in terms of program deliverables, reports, quality assurance, risk management, and reporting relationships The level of readiness to outsource deliverables ranging from managing the training and development function to specific program elements The contractual elements that best protect an organization’s interests How to collaborate effectively with all of the functions involved in outsourcing decisions