
Различные книги в жанре Триллеры


Kassten Alonso

THIS INTENSE AND COMPACT NOVEL crackles with obsession, betrayal, and madness, and was an Oregon Book Award Finalist for fiction 2005. As the narrator becomes fixated on his best friend’s girlfriend, his precarious hold on sanity rapidly deteriorates into delusion and violence. This story can be read as the classic myth of Hades and Persephone (Core) rewritten for a twenty-first century audience as well as a dark, foreboding tale of unrequited love and loneliness. Alonso skillfully uses language to imitate memory and psychosis, putting the reader squarely inside the narrator’s head. In addition, deliberate misuse of standard punctuation blurs the distinction between the narrator’s internal and external worlds. A sense of alienation and Faulknerian grotesquerie permeate this landscape where desire is borne in the bloom of a daffodil and sanity lies toppled like an applecart in the mud.

Все твои грязные секреты

Диана Урбан

Некоторые секреты слишком опасны, чтобы их скрывать. Шестеро старшеклассников получили неожиданные письма. Они выиграли стипендию на обучение в колледже и приглашены в ресторан. Но вместо торжественного ужина их ждала жестокая игра. В ресторане нет ни души, выход заблокирован, мобильная связь не работает. А на одном из столов – взрывное устройство, шприц с ядом и записка. Кто-то один должен умереть. В течение шестидесяти минут нужно сделать выбор, иначе погибнут все. Но кого выбрать жертвой? Эмбер, девушку с музыкальным талантом? Сашу, ее подругу и капитана чирлидеров? Прию, фанатку фокусов и фэнтези? Робби, спортсмена и звезду бейсбола? Диего, ботаника и изобретателя? Или Скотта, главного разгильдяя школы? Время пошло.

Terror in the Woods

J C Lephew

The woods are a terrifying place to be. You never know what may be lurking out there waiting for you. Here are five stories that tell you what could happen. In “Earthworms,” three teenage boys and their dog come across something that wants to destroy all of mankind. In “Snakebite,” a young woman goes for a walk only to find that she’s being stalked by a terrible creature. A secret and a tragedy to insanity…or not in “D&C.” “The Honeymoon” tells a tale in which there are no “good” guys and asks the question, who is the real villain? In “The Master,” a man goes for a walk in the woods to escape his problems, and he finds a much bigger one—the Wendigo. Here are stories that will tell about the Terror in the Woods.


Sydney Robinson

This is what I know:

My name is Angel.
My age is fourteen (I think).
I have an X-shaped scar on my face, always have.
My hair color is blond, and my eyes are blue.
I have migraines, and they give me nightmares.

These are the facts, pure and simple. But nothing is simple in Angel’s life when a student ends up dead. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for her to blend in. But when her every move is being watched and tested; will Angel make it through her training alive?