
Различные книги в жанре Триллеры

Der Tod läuft mit

Peter Gerdes

Mord beim Ossiloop ! Nicht nur die Läufer-Szene ist entsetzt. Hauptkommissar Stahnke steht vor einem Rätsel. Journalist Marian Godehau, der das Kult-Spektakel über 6 Etappen von Leer bis Bensersiel mitmachen will, ist keine große Hilfe. Dafür rückt er bald selbst in den Brennpunkt. Ist der Täter ein Serienkiller? Welche Rolle spielt der rechtslastige Lokalpolitiker Helmut Zimmermann? Und was weiß der alte Levy? Trotz der Anschläge wird die nächste Etappe gestartet. Wahnsinn, sagen die Leute. Und Stahnke gerät in Zeitnot, denn der Tod läuft mit…

This Is What We Do

Tom Hansen

The Emergency Press edition of this title (2013) was a Seattle Mystery Bookshop bestseller and called «a compelling, existential thrill ride» by Booklist . This Is What We Do is an insightfully written crime thriller exploring nihilism, revolutionaries, self-examination, hope and hopelessness. Tom Hansen is a favorite author in the Pacific Northwest, and the reissue of both American Junkie and now This is What We Do will break him out to larger audiences. Both the book and author have strong punk rock roots which can be leveraged for promotion and book tour.

Every Kind of Wicked

Lisa Black

In this mesmerizing new novel from bestselling author Lisa Black, the discovery of a young man’s corpse leads forensics expert Maggie Gardiner and Cleveland detective Jack Renner into a dark and dangerous web of lies . . .  Life and death have brought Maggie Gardiner full circle, back to the Erie Street Cemetery where she first entered Jack Renner’s orbit. Eight months ago, she learned what Jack would do in the name of justice. More unsettling still, she discovered how far she would go to cover his tracks. Now a young man sprawls atop a snowy grave, his heart shredded by a single wound. A key card in the victim’s wallet leads to the local university’s student housing—and to a grieving girlfriend with an unsettling agenda.   Maggie’s struggle to appease her conscience is complicated by her ex-husband, Rick, who’s convinced that Jack is connected to a series of vigilante killings. Also a homicide detective, Rick investigates what seems like a routine overdose on Cleveland’s West Side; but here, too, the appearance belies a deeper truth.   Rick’s case and Jack’s merge onto the trail of a shadowy, pill-pushing physician who is everywhere and nowhere at once, while Maggie and Jack uncover a massive financial shakedown hiding in plain sight. And when Rick’s bloody fingerprint is found at another murder scene, Maggie’s world comes undone in a violent, irreversible torrent of events . . .

Coyote Fork

James Wilson

British journalist Robert Lovelace travels to California to report on the social media giant Global Village. He's horrified by what he finds: a company–guided by the ruthless vision of its founder, Evan Bone–that seems to be making journalism itself redundant. Appalled, he decides to abandon the project and return home.
But as he leaves he has a disconcerting encounter that sends him off in a totally different direction. Soon he finds himself embarked on an increasingly fraught and dangerous mission. The aim: to uncover the murky truth about Evan Bone's past and his pathological disregard for the human cost of the behemoth he has created.
Robert's quest takes him from San Francisco to a small college town in the Midwest, to the site of a former hippie commune in northern California, introducing us to a range of vivid characters, and confronting us with the price we pay–online trolling; the loss of privacy; professional ruin–for living in an «interconnected» world. Finally, he makes a startling discovery–and is thrown into a completely unforeseen existential dilemma.
A timely, stylishly written, and brilliantly conceived metaphysical thriller, Coyote Fork carries us on an unforgettable journey, before bringing us face to face with the darkness at the heart of Silicon Valley itself.

Augusto De Angelis: Tutti i Romanzi

Augusto De Angelis

Augusto De Angelis (1888–1944) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista italiano, attivo soprattutto durante gli anni del fascismo. Nel 1930 pubblicò il suo primo romanzo Robin agente segreto, fortemente ispirato a L'agente segreto (1907), romanzo di Joseph Conrad, mentre il suo primo romanzo giallo fu Il banchiere assassinato (1935). Nella sua breve carriera scrisse romanzi polizieschi, nella maggior parte dei quali è protagonista il commissario De Vincenzi, capo della squadra mobile di Milano (cui la Rai ha dedicato, con il titolo di Il commissario De Vincenzi, fra il 1974 e il 1977, due serie televisive con Paolo Stoppa nei panni dell'investigatore), un personaggio arguto ma molto umano, attraverso il quale l'autore si svincolò presto dai cliché dell'investigatore di stampo anglosassone, creando una sorta di Commissario Maigret italiano ante litteram. Nonostante il buon successo dei suoi romanzi, tuttavia, De Angelis non poté goderne a lungo: la censura del regime fascista infatti impose il sequestro del romanzi noir nonché la chiusura della famosa collana dei gialli Mondadori, sia perché vedeva con sospetto il genere letterario noir cosiddetto d'élite, considerato come un prodotto della cultura anglo-sassone, sia perché, per motivi propagandistici e di ordine pubblico, tendeva a far scomparire il crimine dalle cronache e dalla letteratura. A causa dei suoi articoli pubblicati sulla «Gazzetta del Popolo», scritti dal 25 luglio all'8 settembre 1943, fu arrestato con l'accusa di antifascismo e successivamente trasferito nel carcere di Como. Uscì di prigione nel 1944 dopo aver scontato diversi mesi di detenzione, estremamente provato e debilitato dalla prigionia, tornò a Bellagio sul lago di Como dove risiedeva. ma ebbe la sfortuna d'incontrarsi con un «repubblichino» della zona, che per una banale discussione, lo aggredì con pugni e calci, tanto da causarne la morte, avvenuta pochi giorni dopo per le conseguenze del pestaggio.


Coby Stewart

Rick and Darren are two brothers from Seat Pleasant, Maryland, who are both putting in their top efforts to do something major with what they have to offer. Rick (Hype), also the narrator, is a high school basketball star that has more than enough talent to go to the NBA. His older brother, Darren, who goes by the name Cash, is a street entrepreneur, to be politically correct. Intrigued by the money and respect that Cash had, Hype felt it was more than necessary to get off the bench and follow in the footsteps of his older brother. Following in Cash’s footsteps, Hype got involved in the life, teaming up with his brother, and becoming a part of Cash’s operation. Cash began to feel wrong for leading his baby brother down the same path as him, but by then, it was too little too late. Hype starts to notice his whole life shifting, and eventually, their lifestyles catch up to the both of them, leaving Hype to choose between basketball and the streets.


J. M. Cobb

Codename: The Final is about someone who feels he doesn’t belong in a world he no longer understands. Eliot King (Eli for short) has been graced with powers, leading him into a lonely life, though he will soon find out he isn’t alone, and the world is a lot bigger than he expected. He is filled with constant self-doubt and choices he wants no part of. Follow Eli as he figures out who he truly is and was meant to be—Eliot, another cog in the machine of life, or Final, savior to a race of people he didn’t know existed just a few months ago. Along with help from friends along the way, can he save everyone or only himself for the downfall before him and the Order Beyond?

Lovely Vines

Tondria Leatrice

Samaya and Queen tried letting their past go, but money was their main focus, and it controlled their minds, literally letting their innocence go to the streets, and the shiny pole wasn’t shit to them.
When they ran into one of the many wealthy families they betrayed in a long time of come-ups, the scheme had them running. The love for the easy money blinded them from what fake or the real love the men were trying to give, so going with the flow slowed them all the way down into hiding.
Holding on to their upbringing of not having shit made them run from family, fuck over friends and themselves at the same time doing dumb shit.
Trying not to lose everything they hustled for made them hustle harder, and hit licks. The easy money made them unstoppable at coming up with schemes that almost brought them to life-and-death situations many times.

Summer Night, Winter Moon

Jane Huxley

Antonia was last seen in Regent's Park walking her Jack Russell terrier. The remains of a female body have been recovered from Regent's Canal, and both her husband and his best friend are suspects in what increasingly appears to be a murder. The fast-moving story travels backwards in time. Exploration of the mystery of Antonia's fate follows twists and turns as hair-raising as the roads on the mountainous isle of Capri. Jane Huxley, detective of the human psyche, ushers readers to the astonishing ending, proving along the way that the deepest mystery of all is that of the soul torn between desire and loyalty. Jane Huxley once again shines a light on what one reviewer of her previous work called «the pampered indolence of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and the Damned». She keeps up a brisk pace, both in the elegant prose and the suspense instilled from the opening pages, affording readers a voyeuristic thrill along with keen psychological insight.