
Различные книги в жанре Социология

Social Work and Social Policy. Advancing the Principles of Economic and Social Justice

Karen Sowers M.

A comprehensive overview of domestic and global social welfare policy Written by a team of renowned social policy experts sharing their unique perspectives on global and U.S. social welfare policy issues, Social Work and Social Policy helps social workers consider key issues that face policymakers, elected officials, and agency administrators in order to develop policies that are both fair and just. Designed as a foundational social welfare policy text, this important book meets the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Encouraging readers' critical thinking on various issues, each chapter begins with an overarching question and «what if» scenarios, and ends with a set of suggested key terms, online resources, and discussion questions. Recognizing that policy work requires practitioners to be as fully versed as possible with the issue at hand, Social Work and Social Policy thoroughly explores: Social welfare policy as a form of social justice The evolution of the American welfare state Human security and the welfare of societies Social policy from a global perspective Challenges for social policies in Asia Welfare reform and the need for social empathy The U.S. Patriot Act and its implications for the social work profession Human rights and emerging social media Compelling and broad in scope, Social Work and Social Policy is an indispensable text for students and a valuable resource for practitioners concerned with creating social policy and governmental action guided by justice for all.

Human Biology. An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective

Barry Bogin

This comprehensive introduction to the field of human biology covers all the major areas of the field: genetic variation, variation related to climate, infectious and non-infectious diseases, aging, growth, nutrition, and demography. Written by four expert authors working in close collaboration, this second edition has been thoroughly updated to provide undergraduate and graduate students with two new chapters: one on race and culture and their ties to human biology, and the other a concluding summary chapter highlighting the integration and intersection of the topics covered in the book.

Rural Social Work. Building and Sustaining Community Capacity

Calvin Streeter L.

A thoughtful text integrating strengths, assets, and capacity-building themes with contemporary issues in rural social work practice Now in its second edition, Rural Social Work is a collection of contributed readings from social work scholars, students, and practitioners presenting a framework for resource building based on the strengths, assets, and capacities of people, a tool essential for working with rural communities. This guide considers methods for social workers to participate in the work of sustaining rural communities. Each chapter features a reading integrating the themes of capacity-building and rural social work; discussion questions that facilitate critical thinking around the chapter; and suggested activities and assignments. Rural Social Work, Second Edition explores: Important practice issues in rural communities, including the challenges of working with stigmatized populations such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people, the homeless, and people living with HIV/AIDS Practice models that hold special promise for rural social workers, including evidence-based practice and community partnership models Newer research tools such as asset mapping, social network analysis, concept mapping, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Exploring how social workers can integrate the tremendous resources that exist in rural communities into their practice, Rural Social Work, Second Edition provides a solid introduction to the complex, challenging, and rewarding work of building and sustaining rural communities.

Лекция «Трансформация этики: как меняется социальная норма»

Екатерина Шульман

Итоговая предрождественская лекция политолога Екатерины Шульман «Трансформация этики: как меняется социальная норма» будет посвящена тем изменениям, которые Пушкин назвал лучшими и прочнейшими: изменениям нравов. Как меняются представления общества о приемлемом и неприемлемом, высоком и низком, должном и предосудительном? Как меняются наши ценности, есть ли направленность в этих изменениях? Какова разница в ценностях поколений, и существует ли она вообще? Что на этот счет говорят глубинные социологические исследования? Каковы социально-политические последствия этических трансформаций? В конце лекции – ответы на вопрос слушателей. Екатерина Шульман – политолог, колумнист «Ведомостей», Slon.ru, преподаватель в Институте общественных наук РАНХиГС, ведущая авторской программы на радио «Эхо Москвы».


Jean Ritchie

The Fix

Damian Thompson