Практически каждая женщина задавалась вопросом: «Почему мужчины изменяют?» и далеко не каждая нашла ответ на этот вопрос. Я поделюсь с вами рассказами, рассуждениями и объяснениями мужчин, которые изменяли. Каждая история направлена на то, чтобы вы поразмыслили над ней, согласились и приняли или нет. Эта книга позволит посмотреть на причины измен с разных сторон, расширит ваше понимание мужских мотивов и, надеюсь, убедит вас в том, что чаще всего причина скрывается не в вас, дорогие девушки.
Наш с Вами мир, это место где возможно все! Здесь можно быть как хорошим, так и плохим, как ежедневно страдающим от неудач, так и абсолютно счастливым человеком. Получается сам мир нейтрален, и только Мы сами делаем его адом или раем для себя, и для людей, которые нас окружают. Для тех, кто жаждет для себя пути удачи и счастья, есть прекрасная возможность получить это, путем тщательной работы с этой книгой.
Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, world peace is at risk again. The President of the United States has withdrawn from the disarmament treaty with Russia, Europe is disintegrating, China is surging forward and a wave of nationalism and populism is destabilizing established political institutions and endangering hard-won liberties. <br /><br />In view of this dangerous and unpredictable state of affairs, Mikhail Gorbachev, the last great statesman of the 1989 revolution, has written this short book to warn us of the grave risks we now face and to urge us all, political leaders and citizens alike, to take action to address them. He focusses on the big challenges of our time, such as the renewal of the arms race and the growing risks of nuclear war, the new tension between Russia and the West, the global environmental crisis, the rise of populism and the decline of democracy. He argues that self-serving policies and narrow-minded politics aimed at the pursuit of national interests are taking the place of political principles and overshadowing the vision of a free and just world for all peoples. He offers his view of where Russia is heading and he urges political leaders in the West to recognize that re-establishing trust between Russia and the West requires the courage of true leadership and a commitment to genuine dialogue and understanding on both sides. <br /><br />This succinct account of the immense challenges we now face by one of the world’s greatest statesmen will be of interest to everyone concerned about the current state of the world and its future.
The companion to the bestselling book on lead ing change, Still Moving Still Moving Field Guide is a companion to the bestselling Still Moving: How to Lead Mindful Change. Designed as a practical resource, the Field Guide takes the reader on a journey to hone their leadership skills in order to lead change with confidence. Step by step, readers will progress through the Still Moving concepts. New to the guide is the innovative Change Vitality model (an energizing holistic way of leading change) that puts all the Still Moving concepts into one effective picture. The author breaks down each element of the Change Vitality model and explores what the element is, how to recognize it, and why it helps leaders lead change well. The model also shows how to rate your own leadership in a particular skill, and includes tales from the field on putting the skill into action. The guide also contains further reading and resources to help cultivate the skills presented. This important book: Offers a practical guide for developing the change leadership skills outlined in Still Moving Contains application stories with real life leaders in change Presents the Change Vitality model – a new, holistic and research-based framework for how to lead change with greater ease Provides an interactive immersion journey into the Still Moving content Includes spaces for journaling and self-reflection Written for all curious change leaders, change coaches, change consultants, and HR professionals, the Still Moving Field Guide is filled with practical ideas on how to use the Still Moving concepts with yourself, your team, and the wider systems you are seeking to transform.
China is poised to become the world's largest economy in the next decade. But its great struggle to modernise has been one of tragedy, conflict, and challenge. From the first attempts to introduce Western ideas into the country two centuries ago, China's long march to global primacy has been above all an epic fight to renew an ancient country and culture. <br /><br />Leading Sinologist Kerry Brown traces this quest for renewal through the major moments of China’s modern history. Taking the reader on a journey that includes war, revolution, famine and finally regeneration, he describes concisely and authoritatively where China has come from, and where it is heading as it achieves great power status. This is a story that is no longer just about China, but concerns the rest of the world.
A detailed guide to the design and evaluation of effective disaster learning programs Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement provides a much-needed evidence-based guide for designing effective disaster learning plans and programs that are tailored to local communities and their particular hazard risks. Drawing on the most recent research from disaster psychology, disaster sociology, and education psychology, as well as evaluations of disaster learning programs, the book contains practical guidance for putting in place a proven design framework. The book outlines the steps to take in order to tailor a disaster education, communication and engagement program and highlights illustrative examples of effective programs and activities from around the world. The author includes information on how to identify potential community learners and presents a methodology for understanding the at-risk community, its hazard risks, disaster risk reduction, and emergency management arrangements. Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement describes both country-wide campaigns and local disaster programs that involve community participation. This important resource: Presents a detailed framework to guide the design and evaluation of tailored disaster learning programs Includes information that links disaster resilience with sustainability and climate change learning Describes the ‘disaster cycle’ and reviews learning content and methods related to the cycle Explains effective ways to combine disaster education, disaster communications, and disaster-related engagement Contains material on using new technologies such as gamification, virtual reality, and social media Written for emergency managers, students of emergency management, and humanitarian courses, Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement is a hands-on guide filled with ideas and templates for designing and evaluating targeted disaster learning programs.
Political parties that once dominated Western democracies have been shaken to the core. Many have suffered electoral debacles, as in France, Italy and Greece, while mainstream political parties in the UK and the US have found themselves struggling to cope with outcomes – in the form of Brexit and the election of Trump – that were not anticipated. We are witnessing nothing less than the exhaustion of a century-old cleavage between traditional left and right parties due to their inability to perceive and tackle present-day challenges, such as declining social mobility, mounting environmental crises, rising geographic inequality, tensions over migration and multiculturalism, etc. The ‘populists’, from Salvini and Le Pen to Trump and Bolsonaro, were the first to understand this and supply an alternative.<br /> <br /> But contrary to what many observers now predict, we are not doomed to witness the replacement of the ancient political order by the populists’ rise to power. In France, Emmanuel Macron launched a new movement that stopped them. Though things have sometimes been tough, ‘En Marche!’ has successfully implemented an entirely new programme of reforms and has been given some comfort by recent election results. In this short book, David Amiel and Ismaël Emelien – two of Macron’s closest advisers and key architects of ‘En Marche!’ – build on this experiment and reflect on its successes and failures to define a new grassroots progressivism for Western countries based on three principles and ranging from public policies to electoral strategy, from ideology to party organization. <br /> <br /> This could form the bedrock for a wider counter-offensive against the populism of our times.
The essential, authoritative guide to microaggressions, revised and updated The revised and updated second edition of Microaggressions in Everyday Life presents an introduction to the concept of microaggressions, classifies the various types of microaggressions, and offers solutions for ending microaggressions at the individual, group, and community levels. The authors—noted experts on the topic—explore the psychological effects of microaggressions on both perpetrators and targets. Subtle racism, sexism, and heterosexism remain relatively invisible and potentially harmful to the wellbeing, self-esteem, and standard of living of many marginalized groups in society. The book examines the manifestations of various forms of microaggressions and explores their impact. The text covers: researching microaggressions, exploring microaggressions in education, identifying best practices teaching about microaggressions, understanding microaggressions in the counseling setting, as well as guidelines for combating microaggressions. Each chapter concludes with a section called «The Way Forward» that provides guidelines, strategies, and interventions designed to help make our society free of microaggressions. This important book: Offers an updated edition of the seminal work on microaggressions Distinguishes between microaggressions and macroaggressions Includes new information on social media as a key site where microaggressions occur Presents updated qualitative and quantitative findings Introduces the concept of microinterventions Contains new coverage throughout the text with fresh examples and new research findings from a wide range of studies Written for students, faculty, and practitioners of psychology, education, social work, and related disciplines, the revised edition of Microaggressions in Everyday Life illustrates the impact microaggressions have on both targets and perpetrators and offers suggestions to eradicate microaggressions.
Foreword by Nan Roman, President and CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness This book explains how to end the U.S. homelessness crisis by bringing together the best scholarship on the subject and sharing solutions that both local communities and national policy-makers can apply now In the Midst of Plenty shifts our understanding of the phenomenon of homelessness away from issues of individual disability and embeds it in larger contexts of poverty, income inequality, housing affordability, and social exclusion. Homelessness experts Shinn and Khadduri provide guidance on how to end homelessness for people who experience it and how to prevent so many people from reaching the point where they have no alternative to sleeping on the street or in emergency shelters. The book is organized around four questions: Who becomes homeless? Why do people become homeless? How do we end homelessness? How do we prevent it? Based on a comprehensive look at relevant research, the authors show that we know how to end homelessness—if we devote the necessary resources to doing so. In the Midst of Plenty: Homelessness and What to Do About It is an excellent resource for professionals and decision-makers in the homeless services system, as well as for anyone who is interested in helping to end homelessness. It also can be used as a text in undergraduate or masters courses in public policy, sociology, psychology, social work, urban studies, or housing policy. “ The knowledgeable and thoughtful authors of this book—two brilliant women who know as much as anyone in the country about the nature of homelessness and its solutions — have done a great service by taking us on a journey through the history of homelessness, how our responses have changed, and how we can end it.” Nan Roman, President and CEO National Alliance to End Homelessness. “Shinn and Khadduri’s new book is a thorough yet concise examination of what we know about the nature and causes of homelessness, and the crucial lessons learned. This critically important work provides a roadmap to restoring basic housing and income security as viable policy options, in the face of our daunting inequality divide that otherwise threatens millions with destitution and homelessness .” Dennis Culhane, Dana and Andrew Stone Professor of Social Policy, University of Pennsylvania “Marybeth Shinn and Jill Khadduri have combined their significant expertise to create an essential guide about the history of modern homelessness and to offer a clear path forward to end this American tragedy. Their policy recommendations on ending homelessness are culled from the best about what we know works.” Barbara Poppe, Executive Director US Interagency Council on Homeless, 2009-2014.
Jeder Mensch ist Fachkraft für etwas und sollte stets entsprechend seiner Fähigkeiten und Interessen eingesetzt werden. Wie Unternehmen dies professionell tun können, darum geht es in diesem Buch.
Die Personalwirtschaft beschäftigt sich mit den Menschen im Unternehmen; mit ihrem ökonomischen, das heißt für das Unternehmen Gewinn bringenden Einsatz, aber auch mit dem Nutzen, den die Menschen selbst von ihrem Einsatz im Unternehmen haben. Beides versucht die Personalwirtschaft gleichzeitig zu realisieren.
Die Ausgestaltung der personalwirtschaftlichen Aufgaben zeigt, auf welche Weise ein Unternehmen sich im Spannungsfeld seiner eigenen ökonomischen Interessen und den Wünschen sowie Bedürfnissen der Menschen im Unternehmen bewegt.