Социальная психология

Различные книги в жанре Социальная психология

What's So Bad About Cronyism?

Jay Cost

Cronyism is a serious problem in the United States, but unfortunately it is still not very well understood. In this new essay, Jay Cost explains what it is, and why we should be so worried about it. By mingling private and public interests, cronyism costs us hundreds of billions of dollars per year and threatens to transform our republic into an oligarchy, where the rich dominate the middle class. Worse, modern cronyism has become embedded into the laws themselves, so politicians in Washington assume that such corruption is just the way things should be. To confront the dangers of cronyism, reformers need to think outside the box, paying special attention to how the political process functions.

Семь дорог Женственности

Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева

Книга «Семь дорог женственности» была создана для женщин, которые искренне хотят сделать свою жизнь лучше и красивее, и готовы приложить для этого максимум усилий. Автор книги, психолог Татьяна Зинкевич-Евстигнеева, уверена, что одна из самых непростых задач женщины – НАУЧИТЬСЯ ХОТЕТЬ ПРАВИЛЬНО, но если этому научиться, то можно воплотить в жизнь все мечты и стремления. В книге вы найдете интересные сказки и упражнения, которые научат вас радоваться жизни, любить и быть любимой, достичь гармонии во всех сферах жизни.

Rule Of Law In China: Progress And Problems

Lin Li

This book comprehensively introduces the development of rule of law and law-based governance in China. Through theoretical interpretation, background analysis and empirical analysis of several key issues, this book answers why and how China promotes its rule of law and how the country identifies major challenges of promoting rule of law. It also looks at how China solves its problems in the process of practicing socialist rule of law. Contents: The Historical Course of and Achievements Made in Developing Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese CharacteristicsThe Background and Major Tasks of Comprehensively Advancing the Law-Based Governance of ChinaLegislating More Effectively and with a Democratic Approach to Improve the Legal System with Chinese CharacteristicsComprehensively Advancing Law-Based Government Administration and Accelerating the Building of a Rule-of-Law GovernmentComprehensively Promoting the Level of the Rule of Law in the Socialist Market EconomyDeepening the Judicial Reform to Establish a Just, Efficient, and Authoritative Judicial SystemAdvancing the Observance of Law by All to Build a Rule-of-Law SocietyStrengthening and Improving the Party's Leadership Over the Law-Based Governance of the CountryIndex Readership: Academics, policy-makers, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, interested in China's legal system.Rule of Law in China;Legal System with Chinese Characteristics;the Rule of Law in the Socialist Market Economy;Judicial Reform;Judicial System00

Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution Vol V

Hal Draper

Marx and Engels' views on war, revolution and the relation between the two exolved over time in response to the turbulent political and military history of the nineteenth centurey. The result has been widespread confusion among historians and in the socialist movement. The tendency has been to search for quotes which will buttress the writer's own views and exhibit it as «what Marx said.» This book tries to clear up the confusion and misrepresentation.

The Art of Democracy

Jim Cullen

"Cullen's strength comes from his understanding of how the different strands of American society intertwine in imaginative, unpredictable ways … The shape and vitality of pop culture's next era will depend, at least in part, on commentators like Cullen."— Washington Post Book World «A thoroughly engaging look at American culture … Cullen's articulate prose is spiced with wicked wit and he loves a good story … Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of complex cultural forces.»— Publishers Weekly "Reflecting both the strengths and weaknesses of an unusually dynamic area of historical scholarship, The Art of Democracy is one of the best surveys of the history of American popular culture."— Journal of American History «An exceptionally well-written and engrossing introduction to the nonelitist art forms of American popular culture … Highly recommended.»— Library Journal, starred review «Should be kept on hand to restore our faith in the things that matter to us.»— American Studies Popular culture has been a powerful force in the United States, resonating within the society as a whole and at the same time connecting disparate and even hostile constituencies. The novels of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the theater and minstrel shows of the mid-19th century, movies and the introduction of television and computers in the 20th century are the building blocks that Jim Cullen uses to show how unique and vibrant cultural forms overcame initial resistance and enabled historically marginalized groups to gain access to the fruits of society and recognition from the mainstream. This updated edition contains a new preface and final chapter which traces the history of contemporary computing from its World War II origins as a military tool to its widespread use in the late 20th century as a tool for the masses. Cullen shows how the computer is reshaping popular culture, and how that culture retains its capacity to surprise and disturb. The highly acclaimed first edition of The Art of Democracy won the 1996 Ray and Pat Brown Award for «Best Book,» presented by the Popular Culture Association.

Cruelty or Humanity

Rees, Stuart

Cruelty has long been a feature of states’ domestic and foreign policies but is seldom acknowledged. Governments mouth respect for human rights yet promote discrimination, violence and suppression of critics. Documenting case studies from around the world, distinguished academic and human rights activist Stuart Rees exposes politicians’ cruel motives and the resulting outcomes. Using his first-hand observations and insights from international poets, he argues for courageous action to support non-violence in every aspect of public and private life for the survival of people, animals and the planet.

Putting Civil Society in Its Place

Jessop, Bob

Renowned social and political theorist Bob Jessop explores the idea of civil society as a mode of governance in this bold challenge to current thinking. Developing theories of governance failure and metagovernance, the book analyses the limits and failures of economic and social policy in various styles of governance. Reviewing the principles of self-emancipation and self-responsibilisation it considers the struggle to integrate civil society into governance, and the power of social networks and solidarity within civil society. With case studies of mobilisations to tackle economic and social problems, this is a comprehensive review of the factors that influence their success and identifies lessons for future social innovation.

Нелюбимая дочь. Вопросы и ответы

Пег Стрип

Эта книга родилась из общения автора с тысячами нелюбимых дочерей, пытавшихся осмыслить свою жизнь на страничках в соцсетях. Они делились наблюдениями и воспоминаниями – и задавали вопросы. Бывают моменты, когда процесс преодоления последствий токсичного детства кажется слишком долгим и трудным и возникают сомнения, удастся ли когда-нибудь дойти до победного конца. Именно тогда появляются вопросы, на которые некому бывает ответить. Эти «проклятые» вопросы Пег Стрип собрала вместе, чтобы наконец дать на них ответы. Все они основаны на данных научных исследований и рекомендациях специалистов, а также опираются на личный опыт – автора и многих других женщин. «Нелюбимая дочь. Вопросы и ответы» дополняет предыдущую книгу Пег Стрип «Нелюбимая дочь. Как оставить в прошлом травматичные отношения с матерью и начать новую жизнь» и станет хорошим подспорьем на трудном пути к исцелению. Слушательницам стоит возвращаться к ней в моменты, когда они испытывают потребность в поддержке и разъяснениях – или хотят задать вопрос самой себе.

American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective

Группа авторов

This book studies the views from countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin American of the United States and the 2016 presidential election. Twelve keen observers of the American political scene from three continents evaluate how these perspectives were modified or reinforced as a result of the campaign and election of Donald Trump. This is a book about how foreigners view American politics and will be of interest to students of foreign policy, international studies, history, and political science.

Anthrax War

Bob Coen

An investigation into the 2001 U.S. anthrax attacks leads to the realization that a new and terrible arms race may soon be upon us, one that spans the globe and is driven by an array of forces working with deadly microorganisms. Penetrating what they regard as an international “bioweapons mafia,” Bob Coen and Eric Nadler encounter scientists, capitalists, politicians, and assassins — all playing with the world’s most dangerous germs.Coen and Nadler pursue leads across four continents in an attempt to illuminate the secret world of international biological weapons research. They probe the mysterious deaths of some of the world’s leading germ war scientists, including the death of Bruce Ivins — the man the FBI controversially insists is the lone perpetrator of the anthrax attacks. They also examine the suspicious suicide of British scientist and weapons inspector David Kelly, who was found dead in the woods the same week U.K. officials killed an investigation into illegal human experimentation at the top-secret facility where he once worked.As the plot darkens, it becomes clear that the 2001 anthrax attacks are a portal into a new and lucrative “biomilitary-industrial complex,” and one of the most frightening stories of our time.