Социальная психология

Различные книги в жанре Социальная психология

The Excellencie of a Free-State

Marchamont Nedham

This edition brings back into print, after two and a half centuries, the pioneering work of English republicanism, Marchamont Nedham’s The Excellencie of a Free-State, which was written in the wake of the execution of King Charles I.First published in 1656, and compiled from previously written editorials in the parliamentarian newsbook Mercurius Politicus, The Excellencie of a Free-State addressed a dilemma in English politics, namely, what kind of government should the Commonwealth adopt?David Womersley is Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature at the University of Oxford. His most recent book is Divinity and State.Marchamont Nedham (1620–1678) was a polemicist, pamphleteer, and editor of Mercurius Politicus.Blair Worden is Emeritus Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

Liberal Thought in Argentina, 1837–1940

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Liberal ideas were very important in Argentina from the time of independence. The Argentine constitution (1853–60), in force for a long time, was based on liberal principles taken from both the North American and the European tradition.The general structure of the collection is chronological, taking the reader through an analysis of different periods of liberal thought in Argentina: from liberalism as opposed to dictatorial rule, to liberalism as the framework of the National Constitution (1852–60). Importance is given to the development of liberalism in government and opposition (1857–1910) and to the last period (1912–40), the twilight of liberalism.Chapter 1 addresses the dictatorship of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1837–50), during which time a set of liberal ideas was formed that would subsequently have a decisive influence on the second period, the formation of the National Constitution (1852–60). Chapters 3 and 4 consist of writings that chronicle the surge of liberalism in Argentina, first, during the period between 1857 and 1879, and, later, between 1880 and 1910. These chapters reflect the great political, economic, and social debates that exemplify the variety and richness of the body of liberal ideas during this time.The writings in the final chapter review the gradual decline of liberalism. They rescue from obscurity those voices and writings that upheld and defended liberal ideals in several aspects, namely, those ideals concerning electoral and constitutional reforms and the resistance of the advance of different expressions of totalitarian dictatorship during the twentieth century.This volume also includes a new introduction, editorial footnotes, a chronology, and brief biographies of the authors of the original texts.Natalio R. Botana is Emeritus Professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Ezequiel Gallo is Emeritus Professor at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Departamento de Historia, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

An Account of Denmark

Robert Molesworth

The Liberty Fund edition of An Account of Denmark is the first modern edition of Molesworth’s writings. This volume presents not only An Account, but also his translation of Francogallia and Some Considerations for the Promoting of Agriculture and Employing the Poor. These texts encompass Molesworth’s major political statements on liberty as well as his important and understudied recommendations for the application of liberty to economic improvement.David Womersley is Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature at the University of Oxford. His most recent book is Divinity and State.Justin Champion is Chair of the History Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

Liberty in Mexico

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Liberty in Mexico presents sixty-four essays and writings on liberty and liberalism, from the early republican period to the late twentieth century, from a variety of authors. The texts in this edition will refute commonly held notions that the liberal project in Latin America had no indigenous roots. The institutions of modern representative government and free-market capitalism were very much part of the founding of Mexico. Offering direct access to primary sources that are not available to readers in English, this volume is a key primer to those interested in Latin American history, politics, and political theory.José Antonio Aguilar Rivera is a Professor of Political Studies in the Division of Policy Studies department at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A. C. (CIDE) in Mexico. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

Positive Psychology

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Bringing together today’s most prominent positive psychology researchers to discuss current themes and issues in the field  Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths, rather than the weaknesses, in human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. For much of its history, psychology has focused on the negative, completely overlooking the positive attributes that allow individuals and communities to thrive. Positive Psychology is a collection of essays that together constitute a much-needed theoretical rationale and critical assessment of the field. This book assesses what we already know and provides directions for the future. Contributors are leading international authors, including Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Robert Sternberg, Vittorio Caprara, C. Daniel Batson, Illona Boniwell, among others. These luminaries write in a way that is rigorous enough for academic use but accessible to professionals, policymakers, and lay audiences as well.  The content of Positive Psychology include both theoretical applied contributions focusing on a range of issues including altruism, positive creativity, science of well-being, forgiveness, coaching for leadership, cyberpsychology, intelligence, responding to catastrophes like COVID-19, time persepective, physiological and epigenetic youth civic engagement, ups and downs of love, flow and good life, global perspectives on positive psychology, self and collective efficacy, positive psychology interventions and positive orientation. The book is pitched to senior undergraduates, graduates, academics and researchers and provides insights and perspectives into neglected and unsolved questions.  Brings together the latest viewpoints and research findings on positive psychology, from the leading thinkers in the field Offers both theoretical and applied insights, for a well-rounded reference on this new and fast growing field Contains contributions from well known authors like Paul Ekman, Robert Sternberg, and Vittorio Caprara Appeals to academic, professional, and lay audiences with an interest in acquiring a profound knowledge of positive psychology No other book currently on the market addresses such a breadth of issues in positive psychology.

Antiterrorismens idehistorie

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Flyene mod New Yorks tvillingetarne, bomben pa Bali, bomber og giftgas mod busser, tog og undergrundstog i London, Madrid og Tokyo – terrorismen er over os, ogsa i Danishmark. Konsekvenserne har vAeret enorme bade i det store og det sma: Love er blevet skAerpet, og vi er nu underlagt skarp kontrol ned i mindste detalje i fx lufthavne. Men kan vi som stat ruste os pa andre mader? Ja, denne bog giver det svar, at en grundig idehistorisk orientering i bade terrorismen og bekAempelsen af den kan nuancere vores forstaelse af problemet – og dermed gode grunden for en oplyst debat om, hvilke indgreb, vi som samfund finder nodvendige i kampen mod terrorismen.


Carsten Bagge Laustsen

Den islamiske terrorisme blev i forlAengelse af angrebet den 11. september 2001 udpeget som den vAesentligste sikkerhedstrussel mod den vestlige verden. Vi fik, ogsa i Danmark, terrorpakker, bl.a. med sAerlige skAerpede strafferammer for terror ? hvad vi tidligere havde forstaet som kriminalitet faldt nu i en helt ny kategori. Denne TAenkepause vil undersoge en rAekke kritiske sporgsmal: Hvad er terror, og hvordan bruges terrortruslen politisk? Er angsten for terror overdrevet? Hvordan pavirker terroren og terrorbekAempelsen vores samfund? Undergraver vi i vores forsog pa at beskytte demokratiet de selv samme vAerdier, som vi forsoger at forsvare?

The Future of Social Democracy

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2021 marks the 40th anniversary of the Limehouse Declaration and the launch of the Social Democratic Party in the UK, which was later to merge and form the Liberal Democrats. To mark this important milestone, this book brings together prominent politicians from across the spectrum of social democracy to reflect on its history and the challenges it faces in the coming decades. With an introduction by Sir Vince Cable describing the current state of social democracy across the world, leading figures including Sarah Olney, Roger Liddle and Chris Huhne explore a wide range of contentious policy areas such as the economy, housing and globalisation. Together, they set out a vision for the country and for the Liberal Democrats that has social justice at its core.

Teaching Common Sense

Henry Kissinger

How is critical thinking taught? How will the next generation cope with an ever-changing and increasingly complex world?These are questions that the Grand Strategy program at Yale seeks to address. The Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy seeks to revive the study and practice of grand strategy by devising methods to teach that subject at the graduate and undergraduate levels, by training future leaders to think about and implement grand strategies in imaginative and effective ways, and by organizing public events that emphasize the importance of grand strategy.The program defines “grand strategy” as a comprehensive plan of action, based on the calculated relationship of means to large ends. Never an exact science, grand strategy requires constant reassessment and adjustment. Flexibility is key. Traditionally believed to belong to and best-developed in the politico-military and governmental realms, the concept of grand strategy applies—and ISS believes is essential—to a broad spectrum of human activities, not least those of international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private businesses and corporations.For fifteen years, the Grand Strategy program has been cultivating leadership skills of undergraduates and graduate students of Yale University. In Linda Kulman’s compelling book, we learn about this remarkable program from the inside, sharing the stress of the “murder boards,” the revelation of applying the classics to current geopolitical situations, and the crucial importance of fast decision-making under duress. Teaching Common Sense weaves together on-site reporting, archival research, and original survey data into an intellectual history of the Grand Strategy program.

The Radical Right During Crisis

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While the COVID-19 pandemic overshadowed all else and would quickly have a lasting impact on our daily lives, other events related to the radical right in 2020 soon surfaced. From terrorist attacks in Germany and India to anti-mask protests across the U.S. and Europe, radical right violence escalated in the midst of circulating conspiracy theories and disinformation. The yearbook draws upon insightful analyses from an international network of scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who explore the dynamics and impact of the radical right. It explores a wide range of topics including reflections on authoritarianism and fascism, the role of ideology and (counter-)intellectuals, and radical-right responses to the pandemic and calls for police reform in the height of the Black Lives Matter protests. It ends with important assessments on best approaches towards countering the radical right, both online and offline.
This timely overview provides a broad examination of the global radical right in 2020, which will be useful for scholars, students, policymakers, journalists, and the public.