Reflections of Spirituality in Pastoral Psychotherapy supports the pastoral and counseling practitioner's assurance that spirituality is imbedded within the human experience and may be presumed to be a positive resource for remediation and reconciliation. The work is at once autobiographical and theological. In many ways the author's approach echoes the pilgrim's path of the faithful disciple. A clear distinction is provided by which one may identify the spiritually sensitive counselor. Leon Sims sketches a treatment program, but emphasizes how one may explore theoretical materials germane to a faith community to reframe approaches to clients' problems and personal pain. Although the approach is based on Christian principles, there will suggestive resources for divergent orientations. The model for theoretical reflection is a major strength of the book.
A Man, A Woman, A Word of Love is a new collection of sermons by two of the finest preachers in the Episcopal Church today. They also happen to be married to each other. Beautifully written, compassionate, theologically astute, and oftentimes very funny, these sermons provide fresh insight into the inexhaustible riches of God's Word. Following the unfolding story of God's love in Scripture and tradition, Pagano and Richter lift up different dimensions of God's love celebrated in the different seasons of the church year. Informed by the pastoral sensitivity that comes from years of serving congregations, the wisdom that comes from years of study, and the grace and wit that comes from years of marriage, Pagano and Richter offer powerful sermons that glory in the reconciling love of God and invite us into the ongoing adventure of being known, redeemed, and transformed by that love. These are sermons for everyone who wants to know and love the God who already knows and loves each and every one of us.
This book traces the history of the interpretation of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 through the biblical period and the church fathers until Augustine. It explains the emergence of the doctrine of original sin with the theology of Augustine in the late fourth century on the basis of a mistranslation of the Greek text of Romans 5:12. The book suggests that it is time to move past Augustine's theology of sin and embrace a different theology of sin that is both more biblical and makes more sense in the postmodern West and in the developing world.
What does a Christianity constructed upon and pervaded by a theology of God's unconditional love look like? Aimed at a wide audience, A Faith Worth Living provides one portrait.
Chuck Queen weaves together biblical interpretations, theological reflections, and spiritual observations drawn from stories, movies, literature, and common life experiences in his argument for an inclusive Christianity. In a simple, though scholarly informed style, he addresses Christians, students of religion, and spiritual seekers.
Key elements of the presentation include: a transformative faith (holistic and non-dualistic), God's dream for the world (kingdom theology), Jesus' nonviolent atonement, the church as a kingdom community, universal salvation (judgment and the cosmic Christ), acceptance of other religious traditions, and the dynamics of a radical discipleship to the way of Jesus.
Many Christians long to know God more deeply but find themselves limited by old understandings and ways of knowing. Practicing the Presence of Jesus rediscovers the centuries old Ignatian tradition of placing oneself into the gospel story to experience the presence of Jesus in a vital and real way. Each chapter explores another angle to come to the stories, while remaining true to the scripture. Irene Alexander gives examples of her own retellings, and real life interactions with the gospels to illustrate the process and make it accessible to contemporary readers. Readers will be led through a process of entering the stories themselves, so that they connect with the Jesus, human and divine, in the present reality of their daily lives. Relevant for new believers as well as those who have known God for decades, these stories introduce readers to a vibrant way of being present to the reality of our God.
A sequel to A Faith Worth Believing, Living and Commendation, Giving Wings to the Soul is the compilation of Dr. Ngien's sermons or speeches, devotional and theological reflections. The materials continue to provide Bible-based, thought-provoking theological, spiritual, and pastoral insights to issues of topical interest. Devoid of complex theological jargon, and crafted with an earthy relevance, Dr. Ngien shows us how to preach doctrinally, apologetically, and pastorally in a way that is clear, readable, and laudable. Reflecting his extensive ministry and academic rigor, his work will instill thirst in a seeker's hearts, and grounds the believer's faith in timeless truth, ultimately giving wings to the soul.
How we worship determines what we believe. Prosper of Acquitane, a disciple of Augustine, once wrote «ut legem credendi lex statuat supplicandi,» the law of prayer determines the law of belief. This is significant for it expresses that how we pray determines what we believe.
Exploring Worship engages in a comparative study of Catholic, Evangelical, and Orthodox teachings on corporate worship and suggests classic practices that help deepen the understanding and experience of worship. This is significant in at least four ways. Theologically, it contributes to the important and continuing trialogue among Catholics, Evangelicals, and Orthodox. Historically, it highlights the integrative potential between these three groups, contrary to its history of distrust and outright animosity. Spiritually, many Christians are seeking a deeper devotional expression. Exploring Worship provides an examination of worship rooted in the rich history and traditions of the Church. Pedagogically, this will suggest practices that help deepen the understanding and experience of worship.
Exploring Worship invites us to more critically, intentionally, and sympathetically reflect on the ways we worship and its place in our churches.
This book is for people who are new to a form of Christian worship that is centered on the weekly celebration of the Holy Communion. It will be a help to people moving from a non-liturgical church to a more liturgical church and to those contemporary Christians who are seeking an ancient-future form of Christian worship. Those who are familiar with Eucharistic worship will encounter new treasures that have been hiding in plain sight. The book follows carefully the service of Holy Communion as it is celebrated in a local congregation, describing what is done and why. The service chosen is from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. Christians of other traditions will find close parallels to the way this central act of worship is celebrated in their own tradition.
Awe and Expectation charts new territory in exploring the intersection of theology and stewardship. Theologians, ministers, and lay members of the church will find in this book material to fuel their imaginations as they rethink the role of stewardship in a post-Christendom church. Starting with sacrament and ending with word, Awe and Expectation surveys how a theology of stewardship illumines those core activities that define the church and how these same practices shape the contours of stewardship. It encourages Christians to understand the explosive potential of stewardship both within and beyond the walls of the church. This book will enable Christians to see the world in Awe and Expectation as Stewards of the Gospel.
Nearly everyone finds beauty compelling, so Christian apologists should devise ways to present an «aesthetic Christian apologetic.» Nearly all apologists admit that the beauty of a life well lived and the beauty of the Christian community (along with the use of media and the arts) are not only helpful for apologetics but essential in a postmodern culture. In fact, it is frustrating to see how many apologists mention the need for such an approach but go on devoting most of their energies to traditional approaches. This book is different. It clearly shows the pros and cons of traditional approaches and offers a fresh perspective as well, arguing that beauty is the most compelling apologetic, and suggesting ways to implement such an approach. It demonstrates how Western culture arrived in its current unfortunate situation and uses both Scripture and figures like Athenagoras and Jonathan Edwards to challenge current views on apologetics.