This book, ”31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit,” is a ”Life in the Spirit program.” A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life. Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school. Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations. “And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. – (Luke 1:35) Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.
This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can’t afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; “every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.” I don’t know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses. This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can’t afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; “every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.” I don’t know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses. Many people lose one thing or the other every day because Satan steals every day. As God gives us daily benefits, so Satan gives us daily problems. Unfortunately, the majority of these set of people who had lost great riches and virtues to Satan, are making little or no effort to recover their belongings from the Devil. In John 10:10 Jesus said; ”The thief does not come except to steal, and kill, and destroy” Many people are conversant with this scripture, yet they ignore this divine alarm. In this scripture, Jesus informed us that Satan is a thief and he comes to steal. It is the nature of Satan to steal. If he succeeds in stealing, it becomes easier for him to kill and destroy. This menace of Satan and his cohorts have reduced the potency of the virtues which God deposited in the lives of His people, and also render the destiny of many people useless. Satan has robbed many people of their salvation, gifts, talents, marriages, jobs, businesses, properties, and even their lives. There are certain facts about a thief you should know; A thief comes without notification. A thief comes to rob you of your goods and belongings. A thief can do anything to get what he wants, even if it means killing someone. A thief is cruel and wicked. A thief sees stealing as a business and not an act of evil. A thief comes each time he noticed that something good has come into someone's life. A thief is not mindful of your loss. He is mindful of his gain. Etc. These ungodly characteristics of a thief should call for your attention, and also awaken you into realizing the damages the Devil might have done in the lives of many people, and the destruction he may still cause if you slumber in sleep and merry in relaxation without praying down the mighty hand of God to put an end to these evil operations of the Devil. You must be mindful of whatever the Devil has stolen from you and quickly seek for recovery through divine intervention. In the same John 10:10 where Jesus informed us about evil plans of the Devil against us, Jesus also told us what He (Jesus) has come to do for us; ”I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” Satan came to steal, but Jesus came to recover and restore. Do you want to recover your losses? Then read this book meditatively and pray the prayers in it, and it will amaze you how God will miraculously recover your losses. In this book, you will gain the following revelation knowledge: UNDERSTANDING ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” HOW SATAN STEAL FROM PEOPLE HOW GOD RECOVER AND RESTORE OUR LOSSES OUR ROLES IN THE ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” HOW TO RETAIN WHAT WE HAVE RECOVERED No one enjoys losing something good. A pregnant woman is never happy when she experiences miscarriage during pregnancy, or loses her child after birth. Businessmen and women feel so sad whenever they fail in any business venture. In sports, no team feels happy whenever they lose a match or tournament to their opponent. This is a general and natural feeling in all ramifications of life. This book will enlighten you and equally help you to avoid those things which make Satan have the edge over you and steal from you. Avoid any form of distraction while reading this book and invite the Holy Spirit to conduct “Divine works of recovery” in your life. Study this book with adequate devotion. Pray the prayers in this book, and you will see God recover your losses.
Великолепное справочное издание, без которого не обойтись при изучении английского языка. Объем тщательно отобранной лексики и разработка значений рассчитаны на начинающих и продолжающих учить английский язык. Словник дополнен тематическими вставками, призванными расширить словарный запас и кругозор читателя. Заголовочные слова в англо-русской части сопровождаются современной транскрипцией, выполненной по британскому изданию Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Издание предназначено для всех, кто учит английский язык на курсах или самостоятельно.
В настоящем пособии кратко и ёмко изложены основы английского морского языка, который признан языком международного общения в море (а также в воздухе и космосе), очевидно в силу его простоты и синонимичности. Поэтому если вы хотите ходить в море, то просто необходимо иметь базовые знания этого языка для коммуникаций с властями или другими моряками. В настоящем пособии предложено авторское понимание разговорника на английском, наглядно указаны профессиональные морские термины на иллюстрациях, приведены наиболее употребительные выражения и составлены упражнения для самостоятельной работы и закрепления материала, чтобы моряки-яхтсмены в команде современной яхты могли эффективно общаться в любой акватории нашей планеты.
Сейчас многие пытаются вернуть то казачество, которое было, но кроме формы, это казачество не распространяется. В этой книге, автор пытается передать тот дух казачества, который был в те времена начала двадцатого века. Ведь где есть дух, там форма обязательно появится, а вот где только форма, будет ли там дух? И что главнее, – дух наполняющий форму или форма, которая без духа пуста!? Ко всему этому автор затрагивает духовные проблемы, которые так еще во всей полноте не реализованы в нашей стране, как, в общем, то и во всем мире!
«Монологи» – труд известного христианского проповедника и философа Августина Блаженного Аврелия (лат. Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis, 354-430). *** Все открывшееся ему автор собрал в данном сочинении, написанном для узкого круга читателей, то есть для немногих и лучших из граждан. Другими выдающимися трудами Августина Блаженного являются «О бессмертии души», «Исповедь», «Письма», «О различных вопросах», «О порядке», «О количестве души» и «О блаженной жизни». Произведения гения теологической мысли Августина Блаженного Аврелия послужили основой для возникновения новых течений: христианского неоплатонизма и символизма.
Архимандрит Павел (Груздев; 1910–1996) – великий старец Русской Православной Церкви. Много лет провел в ссылках и лагерях как исповедник православной веры. Стяжал множество даров Святого Духа: прозорливость, духовное рассуждение, пламенную веру, горячую молитву и любовь Христову. Старец утешал, вразумлял, советовал, поддерживал, помогал своей молитвой огромному количеству страждущих, скорбящих, нуждающихся в духовной поддержке, совете, ободрении.
Книга посвящена удивительному старцу – протоиерею Николаю Гурьянову (1909–2002), к которому стекалось огромное количество людей за советом, наставлением, духовной помощью. Будучи сам великим старцем, архимандрит Иоанн (Крестьянкин) говорил об отце Николае, что он является «единственным по-настоящему прозорливым старцем на территории бывшего СССР».
Книга посвящена удивительному грузинскому старцу, преподобному исповеднику и юродивому, архимандриту Гавриилу (Ургебазде; 1929–1995). В ней собраны его советы, наставления, фрагменты жития, воспоминания о нем и свидетельства о его помощи. Многочисленные чудеса, происходящие после смерти старца Гавриила, еще больше убеждают в том, что он – святой человек. В 2012 году Синод Грузинской Православной Церкви причислил архимандрита Гавриила (Ургебадзе) к лику святых.