
Различные книги в жанре Словари

Opening the Door of Faith

Jem Sullivan

"…to evangelize does not mean to teach a doctrine, but to proclaim Jesus Christ by one's words and actions, that is, to make oneself an instrument of his presence and action in the world." Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization As baptized Catholics, we are all called to be a part of the New Evangelization – a renewal and deepening of our faith from which flows our deep desire to share the Good News in every way we live, work, and play. Opening the Door of Faith: Forming Catechists for the New Evangelization is a practical and insightful guide to living the New Evangelization in our everyday lives.

Father Smith Instructs Jackson

John Francis Noll

Father Smith Instructs Jackson: Centennial Edition! Over 3 million copies of this timeless classic have been sold, and it has influenced thousands of conversions. Witness the engaging and accessible interplay between a priest and a non-Catholic inquiring about the Faith. Their conversation is a masterpiece in catechesis – as Chris Jackson asks the questions generation after generation wants to ask, and Father Smith responds with wisdom, wit, Scripture references, and solid Catholic teaching. It is one-on-one catechesis at its finest, delivered in a relevant and practical context – much like Jesus himself taught. With fresh references and updated language supplied by noted Church scholar Paul Thigpen, this is a book that Catholics and non-Catholics alike can turn to for greater personal understanding of the intricacies and nuances of the Faith.

What Anglicans Believe

Sam Wells

Крик нерожденных. Все последствия аборта

Сергей Васильевич Ковальчук

В этой книге 22 рассказа. В качестве рассказчиков вы найдете самих женщин, которые пошли на аборт(ы, врачей, психологов, священников и даже мужчину, который, разбогатев, тем не менее проклинает себя за то, что когда-то заставил любимую пойти на аборт. Одну из женщин (врача) на протяжении жизни преследовали неудачи в личной жизни, а однажды она «случайно» при родах уронила новорожденного на пол, и он погиб. Отец ребенка, представитель народов Кавказа, при всех поклялся ей отомстить. А закончилось это все тем, что ее изуродованный труп нашли в камышах. Вторая, будучи уже старухой, пришла в храм и, упав на пол перед алтарем, кричала: «Господи, прости!» Она всю жизнь делала аборты, получала за это большие деньги. Но под конец жизни ее стали преследовать страшные сны, в которых ей являлись убитые ею нерожденные дети. Администрация сайта ЛитРес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация специалиста.

The Other Catholics

Julie Byrne


Saint Bishop of Hippo Augustine

The 'Enchiridion' is a compact treatise on Christian piety, written in response to a request by an otherwise unknown person, named Laurentius, shortly after the death of Saint Jerome in 420. It is intended as a model for Christian instruction or catechesis. As the title indicates, the work is organized according to the three graces necessary for the Christian worship of God: Faith, Hope and Love. This edition contains nearly 300 linked footnotes.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

Westminster Assembly

In 1643 when the Long Parliament of England called the Westminster Assembly to produce the Westminster Confession, it also asked for a directory of «catechising». The Assembly asked Herbert Palmer to produce a draft of the Larger Catechism. Robert Baillie and other Scottish delegates found the work disappointing. In December 1643 a committee was formed to write the Catechism. In January 1647 the Assembly gave up writing one catechism and split it into two. The Westminster Shorter Catechism was to be «easier to read and concise for beginners» and the Larger Catechism was to be «more exact and comprehensive». The Catechism was completed by the Westminster Assembly in 1647. It was then adopted by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1648 and by the Presbyterian Synod of New York and Philadelphia in 1788.

City of God

St. Augustine

Christianity's Family Tree Participant's Guide

Adam Hamilton

This book is excellent for individual reading or can be used as the small group study book for the Christianity's Family Tree DVD based study. Adam Hamilton is, in my opinion, a national treasure. He embodies the kind of generous orthodoxy so many of us have been dreaming of and praying for. This book provides something truly unique—a kind of orientation to Christianity in its wide array of forms that not only educates but inspires. It’s one of the few books I wish every single Christian would read and share with their friends.      – Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christian   In this wise and practical book, Adam Hamilton serves as a trusted guide to some of the rich diversity of Christian belief and practice. It is a rare feat to acknowledge differences and distinctiveness appreciatively, and Hamilton does it with exceptional grace and insight.      – L. Gregory Jones, Dean and Professor of Theology, Duke Divinity School     I love this book. Adam Hamilton teaches us that we are far richer than we know, because the beauty and the fullness of the whole church is ours. Read, learn, and be happy.      – John Ortberg, author of God Is Closer Than You Think In this book, Adam Hamilton presents a welcoming, inspiring vision of eight Christian denominations and faith traditions. Comparing the Christian family to our own extended families, he contends that each denomination has a unique, valuable perspective to offer on the Christian faith.   The traditions he examines are Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Baptists, Pentecostalism, and Methodism. For each group, Hamilton gives a brief history, outlines major beliefs, and describes some things we can learn from that tradition to strengthen our own Christian faith.   Also available is the planning kit for this video-based small-group study  Christianity’s Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why .   Adam Hamilton is pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. Named by PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly as one of the top “Ten People to Watch,” Hamilton is the author of numerous video based small group studies and books from Abingdon Press.

Roverbes français et leurs équivalents en russe / Русские пословицы и их французские аналоги

Группа авторов

Книга представляет собой краткий сборник пословиц и состоит из двух частей: французские пословицы с русскими аналогами и русские пословицы с французскими аналогами. Под аналогом понимается изречение, схожее по смыслу. Помимо пословиц, в книгу также включены известные поговорки и высказывания. К каждой части прилагается список слов, участвующих в образовании пословиц. Во втором издании были скорректированы отбор и форма пословиц с учётом их современного употребления.