
Различные книги в жанре Словари

Mary for Protestants

R. Divozzo

Have you ever wondered about Mary, Jesus' mother? Is she important beyond having given birth to Christ? Is there more to her relationship to Jesus than simply being his biological mother? If you have wondered what Mary is all about, then you will be interested in what this book has to tell you about her. It is a theological and scriptural reflection on Mary as we find her in the biblical record and will help the Protestant reader understand Mary in her relation to Christ according to the ancient wisdom and profound richness of the Catholic tradition about Mary the Mother of God.

Come Out from among Them, and Be Ye Separate, Saith the Lord

Группа авторов

Believers' Churches have their origin in the Radical Reformation of the sixteenth century. Over the past 450 years the movement has included the Brethren, Mennonites, Hutterites, various types of Baptists, and the Restoration Movement. While never a unified denominational structure, the Believers' Churches together have been characterized by a strong personal faith in Christ, a call to discipleship and Christian activism, a high view of the authority of Scripture, and profession of faith in believers' baptism. The Believers' Churches have represented their beliefs in various ecumenical settings, missionary gatherings, and theological conversations. In the late 1950s, representatives of the several Believers' Churches began to meet in a series of conferences to explore their common views on doctrine, history, and ethics. Topics at the conferences have included baptism, Lord's Supper, the nature of the church, and religious voluntarism. In 2016, the 17th Believers' Church Conference was held at Acadia University and sponsored by Acadia Divinity College. The theme was «The Tendency Toward Separationism Among the Believers' Churches,» a key recurring characteristic. This volume includes the papers presented at the conference and examines the theme from an immediate post-Reformation perspective, including Baptists, Black Baptists, Restorationists (including the Churches of Christ), the Hutterites, Pentecostals, the role of women, and significantly, the separationist tendency as it occurs in New Religious Movements. Typologies and analyses are provided by leading historians, theologians, and social science specialists.

The Church of God and Its Human Face

Martin Madar

The Church of God and Its Human Face is the first comprehensive study of perhaps the most original U.S. ecclesiologist of our times, Joseph A. Komonchak. In language accessible to a wide audience, the author offers an exposition of Komonchak's thought on the church and explores its distinctive features, including its implications for church practice.

Around the Table

Jonathan P. Case

In these days of uncivil public discourse–complete with trolling, hater comments, CAPSLOCKING, and generally acting like jerks towards each other–talking graciously about anything is becoming a lost art. Throw religion into the mix ("Well, my Bible says . . . ") and you've got one huge toxic mess. Is it possible for Christians to become more thoughtful and gracious conversation partners as we talk through our theological disagreements? How can we keep from throwing around the term heretic! every time someone disagrees with us? And remember, it's a big world out there. If arguing with other Christians isn't difficult enough, how do we think about engaging members of other religions? What's the point of talking with them? They don't know God anyway, right? Then there are all those agnostics and atheists, accusing believers of ignorance and calling for the end of religion. Why should we even want to talk with these people? Aren't they our enemies? What can we possibly learn from them? In this book, Jonathan Case explores, from a Christian theological perspective, what's at stake in these conversations and suggests how to keep people talking through their disagreements about that most volatile subject: God.

A Theological Aesthetics of Liberation

Vicente Chong

Since its emergence in the sixties of the last century, liberation theology in Latin America has paid little attention to the areas of aesthetics and art. At the same time, theological aesthetics seldom has been directly and explicitly concerned about the reality of the poor and the struggle for justice. This mutual disinterest between liberation theology and theological aesthetics is regrettable, because discerning a correlation between them would benefit both theological disciplines in their attempt to understand the saving action of God in the world. It is the intention of this book to fill that gap. A Theological Aesthetics of Liberation correlates liberation theology and theological aesthetics, exploring different themes such as the liberating power of art, and how the Spirit of God is involved in the process of liberation in and through art. This study is a critical reflection upon the question of the beauty of Jesus Christ, especially in relationship with the event of the cross, and upon its meaning for Christian life. This book analyzes such topics in conversation with important theologians: Gustavo Gutierrez, Jon Sobrino, Karl Rahner, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Edward Schillebeeckx, and other contemporary Christian theologians who have explored these themes.

A Postmodern Theology of Ritual Action

Jonathan L. Best

A Postmodern Theology of Ritual Action is a unique work that seeks to explore where we find meaning within ritual and actions within the church. Bridging hermeneutics, philosophy, and postmodern thought, this work seeks to explore how to do theology with the community through conversation. Beginning with the mindset that meaning is already present within ritual action rather than outside it, Best engages the practice of foot washing among the Original Free Will Baptist denomination of eastern North Carolina. Foot washing suggests a new future for theology, a future that models love, service, and acceptance. Incorporating insights gained from conversing with philosophy, theology, and the Original Free Will Baptists, foot washing points toward a future relational practical theology. A Postmodern Theology of Ritual Action is a captivating work that draws from both philosophers and theologians to show that we can learn much by listening to the voices of religious practitioners.

Pretensions of Objectivity

Jeffrey L. Morrow

Modern historical biblical criticism, while having many strengths, often operates under the pretensions of objectivity, as if such scholarship were neutral and disinterested. Examining the history and roots of modern biblical scholarship shows that such objectivity is elusive, and was never intended by the method's earliest practitioners. Building upon his earlier work in Three Skeptics and the Bible and Theology, Politics, and Exegesis, Morrow continues this historical investigation into the political and philosophical roots of modern biblical criticism in Pretensions of Objectivity, in the hope of developing a criticism of biblical criticism and of making space for theological exegesis.

A Bombshell in the Baptistery

Justin Nalls

Who should be baptized? Should a person who has not been baptized be allowed to become a member of a church? What happens when a person is baptized? There are a number of important questions about baptism that call for biblical and theological reflection on a more fundamental question–what is baptism? Perhaps no one in the twentieth century addressed that question more thoroughly than British New Testament scholar George Beasley-Murray. While touching on a range of issues related to baptism, this book explores the influence that Beasley-Murray's work has had on the debate about the meaning of baptism, and shows why his work was referred to as «a bombshell in the baptistery.»

John Henry Newman and His Age

Owen F. Cummings

Many books exist devoted to the life, thought, and writings of Blessed John Henry Newman, the premier Catholic theologian in nineteenth-century England. His influence has been enormous, perhaps especially on Vatican II (1962-65). This book is a Newman primer, and not only a primer about Newman himself, but also about his time and place in church history. It attends to the papacy during his lifetime, his companions and friends, some of his peers at Oxford University, the First Vatican Council (1869-70), as well as some of his writing and theology. It should be especially helpful to an interested reader who has no particular background in nineteenth-century church history or in Newman himself.

Great Risks Had to be Taken

Patrick J. Howell

The renovation of the Jesuits after the Second Vatican Council has been a sign of hope and a cause for consternation. Especially during the turbulence right after the Council, the Jesuits were in the eye of the storm. In this historical memoir, Patrick Howell gives personal insight into how the Council impacted the Society of Jesus and precipitated a radical rethinking of the mission of the Jesuits today. The Council mandated a return of religious orders to the vision of their founders. The Jesuits fortunately had a strong, charismatic founder in St. Ignatius of Loyola with a rich religious and intellectual tradition. By rediscovering their spiritual heritage and restructuring their mission around the signs of the times and the needs of the world, the Jesuits were able to move adroitly into the twenty-first century as a continuing dynamic force for the Church and for the world. Fr. Howell brings a unique personal perspective to the nature and style of the Church prior to the Council and «an insider's view» throughout his fifty-seven years as a Jesuit in which he has met many of the personages, witnessed all the changes, and been a direct participant in many of them.