
Различные книги в жанре Сказки

Drugi brzeg

Joanna Jax

Piedmont Phantoms

Daniel W. Barefoot

This perennially popular book has been refurbished with an intriguing new cover and a short introduction by Scott Mason, a popular television personality known for his segment the «Tar Heel Traveler» on one of the state’s most-watched news stations. The three-volume set will be combined later in a boxed set for a special promotion.

Snotty Saves the Day

Tod Davies

“Look inside this world and find wonder.” —KATE BERNHEIMER, editor of My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me and author of The Girl Who Wouldn’t Brush Her HairA book arrives by Owl, left under an old fir tree in the snow. With it, a mysterious message: another world’s scientists have discovered the laws of the universe are found in—fairy tales. Is it true?Snotty—the unlikely hero of this tale—is a streetwise adolescent mastermind transported to a mystical realm where the fate of the world rests on discovering who he really is. As Snotty’s perceptions of might and right are upended, the scholarly footnotes point toward a deeper truth—that in the endless fight against evil, the toughest warriors come from the most despised group of all: the smallest, the poorest, the funniest, the snottiest.A fantastic adventure story, smart political allegory, and philosophical treatise, this is a book to be savored by adults of all ages.The History of Arcadia series tells the story of a world that was literally formed by a story, by one person discovering and claiming who she really is . . . and of the subsequent events that led first to a deceptively happy world, then to an inevitably tragic outcome, and finally to a slow rebuilding of the world on foundations more deeply and thoughtfully laid. Each book includes bonus Arcadian legends and fairy tales, and relates how the manuscript crossed the barriers between Arcadia and our own world to arrive at Exterminating Angel Press. The first two novels in the series are Snotty Saves the Day and Lily the Silent.Tod Davies lives with her husband and her two dogs at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, in Boulder, Colorado and in the alpine valley of Colestin, Oregon, where she discovered Snotty Saves the Day, the first Arcadian manuscript.Illustrator Gary Zaboly is the author and illustrator of The Barack Obama Coloring Book (Dover Publications) and many books on American military and frontier history. He lives with his wife Cora in Riverdale, New York, overlooking the Hudson River.

Коренная тайность

Павел Бажов

«На память людскую надеяться нельзя, только и дела тоже разной мерки бывают. Иное, как мокрый снег не по времени. Идет он – видишь, а прошел – и званья не осталось. А есть и такие дела, что крепко лежат, как камешок да еще с переливом. Износу такому нет и далеко видно. Сто годов пройдет, а о нем все разговор. Бывает и так, что через много лет оглядят такой камешок и подивятся: – Вот оно как сделано было, а мы думали по-другому. Такое вот самое и случилось с нашей златоустовской булатной сталью…»

Уна – дочь Луны

Ольга Конаева

Однажды на море разыгралась буря. Луна увидела тонущий корабль и не смогла устоять перед мольбой матери о спасении её маленькой дочки. Её стали звать Уна, дочь Луны. Утром девочку нашел старый рыбак и вырастил, а Луна и великий Моо, прикованный к скале богами за любовь к простой девушке, стали её покровителями, спасли от пиратов и помогли встретить любовь.

Grandfather's Journal

C.W. Hanes

This is a story I was told when I was fourteen or fifteen years old and it is based on a true story about a cave at the top of a mountain along the Red River. Three men went into a cave that overlooked Red River around 1923 or 1927. You could see the river from the cave, but you couldn't see the cave from the river. As they were searching through the cave they found a pit with a log lying across it about two feet across with a hair rope tied around it descending down, down into the pit. They said it looked like horsehair. They lowered one of the men into the pit to approximately thirty or forty feet where he landed on a rock ledge. He walked around the ledge shining his carbide light and noticed the pit descended another 100 feet or so. Circumferencing the ledge area he noticed another opening. He yelled out to the two men at the top of the pit to let them know he found another cave entrance. As he shined his light into the opening of the cave, he became excited; he saw Spanish helmets, breastplates, muskets, bows, and arrows. There were also spears, trunks with clothing, gold, and silver. His heart began to race as he stood at the edge of the entrance. He looked down and noticed a mask mostly covered with dirt on the cave floor in the opening. He bent over, picked it up and brushed the dust off the mask. When he did, the mask began to glow and voices filled the air around him. The voices were deafening and the mask glowed as if it were on fire. He threw the mask down to the cave floor and started screaming pull me up, please get me out of here, pull me up. They said when his feet hit the cave floor he ran out of the cave never stopping until he had gotten back to the car. He had covered five miles to get back to the car, crossing over mountains and dry creek beds. They couldn't catch him. An hour later when they got back to the car, he was lying on the back floorboard covered with a blanket. When they finally coaxed him out of the car, he told them everything that he experienced. He said: «I'll never go into that cave again as long as I live!»

Поймать Удачу за хвост. Сборник рассказов

Милена Завойчинская

«Поймать Удачу за хвост» – сборники фантастических рассказов Милены Завойчинской, жанр городское фэнтези, сказки. Мы живем в реальном мире. Но окружают нас и и нереальные чудеса. Только нужно уметь их заметить. Найти хорошее в плохом, помогая потустороннему существу исправить хорошие оценки на ужасные. Увидеть незаметную помощь, того, кто о вас ежедневно заботится. И не стыдиться быть немного ребенком и загадывать желания Деду Морозу. 1. Поймать Удачу за хвост 2. Тот, кто живет рядом 3. А Дед Мороз всё-таки существует musopen.org Edson Lopes / Agustin Barrios Mangore's Maxixe © Завойчинская Милена © ИДДК

Как Волк Телёночку мамой был

Михаил Липскеров

Многие знают мультфильмы, которые были сняты по произведениям Михаила Липскерова: «Волк и Телёнок», «Уважаемый Леший», «Живая игрушка» и другие. Добрые и забавные герои этих историй сразу полюбились зрителю, а сами произведения запомнились чувством юмора, по которому сразу узнаётся автор Михаил Липскеров. В книгу вошли четыре сказки: «Как Волк Телёночку мамой был», «Уважаемый Леший», «Живая игрушка», «Если очень захотеть». Все сказки проиллюстрированы художником-кукольником Ириной Костриной, а последние две впервые выходят с её новыми рисунками. Для дошкольного возраста.

Двое прагных Мядзведзікаў


Прадстаyляем вашай увазе кнiгу «Двое прагных Мядзведзікаў».

Як Іванка-прастачок дзяцей глядзеў


Прадстаyляем вашай увазе кнiгу «Як Іванка-прастачок дзяцей глядзеў».