
Различные книги в жанре Руководства

VI Settler's Handbook

Mr. Cheyenne Harty

The VI Settler's Handbook a comprehensive view of life, government, economy and recreation for those considering moving to any of the three US Virgin Islands – St. Croix, St. Thomas or St. John.

The Worst World Disasters of All Time

Kevin Baker

The Worst World Disasters of All Time is an overview of the most terrible disaster events in recorded history.<br><br>Caution: Because of the nature of this book, some readers may find some of the content and pictures disturbing.

A Comparative Study Guide Spanish to English to Italian

Robert D. O'Brian

The Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide, Spanish to English to Italian, highlights over 7,000 selected Spanish words that have either the same spelling and meaning as their English and Italian counterparts or contain easily recognizable English and Italian meanings.<br><br>This guide jump-starts the student into a knowledge of Spanish or English or Italian, or all three, by concentrating on easily recognizable words common to these languages. It teaches a basic vocabulary by word association.<br><br>This guide is designed after the &quot;vocabulary first&quot; method of language instruction as advocated by the author. The student then is taught how to structure a particular vocabulary into meaningful sentences and concepts.

Quotations Inspire Love In a Relationship

Perry Ritthaler

This beautiful colorful e-book is easy to read; and easy to understand; filled with thought provoking love quotations and color illustrations of animals and landscapes. <br><br>&quot;Quotations Inspire Love In A Relationship&quot; is a quotation empowerment guide to naturally build strength within the thought process that can be focused to enhance your commitment to love with your partner; guilty by association to specific ideas naturally building more romance into your relationship.

Expanded Awareness Quotes

Bill MDiv Able

The Expanded Awareness Quote Book includes 24 categories, including anger, blame, fear, guilt, stress, forgiveness, and many more. Thought Management&#39;s Expanded Awareness Quote Book is highly practical and fully applicable to all situations in your life, and at all times. Each quote is designed to keep you in control over all events that seem to have control over you, bringing you immediate benefits in your everyday life experiences.<br><br>Table of Contents<br><br>Introduction<br>Anger<br>Anticipation/Review<br>Attachment<br>Blame<br>Cause and Effect<br>Compare/Conflict<br>Complaining<br>Control/Controlling<br>Defenses/Defending<br>Emotions<br>Fear<br>Forgiveness<br>Guilt<br>Impatience/Waiting <br>Non-Contentment<br>Making Mistakes<br>Mind<br>Moment Management<br>Peace of Mind<br>Stress<br>Worrying/Problems<br>Your Completion<br>Unconditional Love<br>Random<br><br>Anger<br><br>&quot;Venting anger is to amplify anger, thereby attracting more anger to you.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Anger is an active attempt to blame everyone and everything, except for yourself, for your current lack of peace.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Anger is a state of mind. Therefore, venting/projecting anger keeps you in that state of mind.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Anger is a meter that directly measures the amount of control over your thoughts that you have deliberately given over to someone or something.&quot; – B Able<br><br>Blame <br><br>&quot;Blame always involves trying to change everyone and everything, except for changing yourself.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Blame is an attempt to export your guilt.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Blame is the relinquishment of control over your thoughts to external happenings.&quot; – B Able<br><br>&quot;Blame implies that if someone acted differently, you would be happy. That means everyone must change except you.&quot; – B Able

Modi Di Dire Del Popolo Gaetano

Nicola PhD Tarallo

Oltre 400 modi dire del popolo gaetano raccontati e commentati da Nicola Magliocca e pubblicati a cura del nipote Nicola Tarallo.

Somewhere Lost

Jasen BSL Sousa

This collection of poems chronicles Jasen&#39;s relationships with people who have had substance abuse problems in their lives. This collection is not intended to ridicule those who have suffer from addiction, but rather show respect to their struggle to become free again. Addiction is not a fault or a weakness, it is a disease , and it just so happens that many of the people Jasen grew up with suffer from this disease, which puts the author in a unique position to tell this story, his story, and their stories, while trying to find some type of hope inside of this lonely, and repetitive urban <br>experience.

Let's Explore America

Raj Boone's Gadasalli

Well researched and presented guide about the USA for world wide audience, especially for immigrants and perspective US immigrants to help them get a comprehensive view of our great nation on earth.<br><br>Book is written by a naturalized American International Business Executive and former manager with a top Fortune 500 company with decades of US experience, who now is into academics..<br><br>What is to be noted here is that most new comers will take a long time understanding American society and culture and get rid of false notions acquired by reading tabloids, second rates movies and listening to those for whom America is sour grape.

Создание своей игры

Андрей Усачев

Доброго утра! С сей поры начинается ваш рассвет в создании своей игры.Игры, про которые пойдет речь в данной книге – это активная форма обучения с элементами развлечения в виде настольной игры.Прошу обратить ваше внимание, что игра – это всего лишь увлекательная форма, в которую завернута умная начинка.Исходя из определения, можно понять, что разработка игры состоит из двух ключевых моментов: полезное наполнение игры и развлекательная обертка, в виде настольной игры.