Fully revised and updated, the second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān offers an ideal resource for anyone who wishes to read and understand the Qur'ān as a text and as a vital component of Muslim life. While retaining the literary approach to the subject, this new edition extends both the theological and philosophical approaches to the Qur'ān. Edited by the noted authority on the Qur'ān, Andrew Rippin, and Islamic Studies scholar Jawid Mojaddedi, and with contributions from other internationally renowned scholars, the book is comprehensive in scope and written in clear and accessible language. New to this edition is material on modern exegesis, the study of the Qur'ān in the West, the relationship between the Qur'ān and religions prior to Islam, and much more. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān is a rich and wide-ranging resource, exploring the Qur'ān as both a religious text and as a work of literature.
Covering the origins, key features, and legacy of the Islamic tradition, the third edition of A New Introduction to Islam includes new material on Islam in the 21st century and discussions of the impact of historical ideas, literature, and movements on contemporary trends. Includes updated and rewritten chapters on the Qur’an and hadith literature that covers important new academic research Compares the practice of Islam in different Islamic countries, as well as acknowledging the differences within Islam as practiced in Europe Features study questions for each chapter and more illustrative material, charts, and excerpts from primary sources
A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism offers a comprehensive, nuanced, and chronological account of the evolution of Buddhist religion in Japan from the sixth century to the present day. Traces each period of Japanese history to reveal the complex and often controversial histories of Japanese Buddhists and their unfolding narratives Examines relevant social, political, and transcultural contexts, and places an emphasis on Japanese Buddhist discourses and material culture Addresses the increasing competition between Buddhist, Shinto, and Neo-Confucian world-views through to the mid-nineteenth century Informed by the most recent research, including the latest Japanese and Western scholarship Illustrates the richness and complexity of Japanese Buddhism as a lived religion, offering readers a glimpse into the development of this complex and often misunderstood tradition
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism combines outstanding contributions covering Buddhism as it developed and is practiced in this region. These newly-commissioned essays provide fresh scholarly perspectives on a wide range of concepts, texts, and practices. Offers a comprehensive and balanced survey of Buddhism within East and Central Asia, from the time of the Buddha through to the present day Provides fresh perspectives on a wide range of concepts, texts, traditions, doctrines, practices, and institutions – on topics spanning gender roles, tantric rituals, and the spread of Zen into Europe Brings together cutting-edge research by an interdisciplinary and international contributor team, including historians, literature scholars, and historians, as well as those from religious studies Presents a panoramic view of the extraordinary richness and variety of local Buddhist expressions and practices within Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Tibetan, cultures
Now available in a fully-revised and updated third edition, Islam: History, Religion and Politics, provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the core teachings, historical development, and contemporary public struggles of Islam. Features a new chapter on the Arab Spring and the ongoing struggles for representative governance throughout the Muslim world Includes up-to-date analysis of the civil wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, including the rise of terrorist groups like Boko Haram and ISIS Spans Islamic history from the life of Muhammad and the birth of Islamic ideals, through Islam’s phenomenal geographical expansion and cultural development, to the creation of modern states and its role in today’s global society Written by a leading scholar of Islamic studies
Buddhist Philosophy: A Comparative Approach presents a series of readings that examine the prominent thinkers and texts of the Buddhist tradition in the round, introducing contemporary readers to major theories and debates at the intersection of Buddhist and Western thought. Takes a comparative, rather than oppositional, approach to Buddhist philosophy, exploring key theories and debates at the intersection of Eastern and Western thought Addresses a variety of topics that represent important points of convergence between the Buddhist and Western philosophical traditions Features contributions from a wide array of acclaimed international scholars in the discipline Provides a much-needed cross-cultural treatment of Buddhist philosophy appropriate for undergraduate students and specialists alike
Это книга для верующих христиан, в той или иной степени знакомых с предметом, но завязших в его неразрешимых противоречиях.Только не используйте мой труд в качестве стартового источника введения в христианство. Возьмите сначала что-то общепринятое, например, учебник по основам христианского богословия.А вот когда будет общее представление, то как раз и приходите ко мне, поскольку в этой книге я «точнее указываю путь», хотя бы по некоторым вопросам.
Кніга «Біблейскія гісторыі Новага Запавету, ілюстраваныя паштовымі маркамі» – вынік жаданьня спазнаць сэнс зьместу Бібліі пры дапамозе мастацкіх твораў, выявы якіх разьмешчаны на паштовых марках розных краін сьвету. У кнізе каля ста артыкулаў і прыблізна 800 ілюстрацый. І яшчэ спроба маіх разважаньняў над зьместам Бібліі. Спроба зразуменьня гэтага зьместу… Запрашаю паразважаць разам са мною і адначасова знаёміцца з творамі знакамітых майстроў мастацтва…
В издании впервые представлены подробное исследование и научная трактовка памятника музыкально-теоретической мысли середины XVII века – Согласника из рукописи РНБ Соловецкого собрания № 690/752, л. 107-107 об. Это уникальное музыкальное руководство беспометного периода посвящено описанию объема и структуры обиходного звукоряда. Согласник построен его автором по весьма употребительному в древнерусской музыкальной теории принципу: ступени звукоряда продемонстрированы на примерах и в контексте строк песнопений. Порядок следования этих строк подчинен при этом идее показа функционального тождества ступеней. Указав на существование «отличных и своегласных» строк, нетипичных для основного корпуса гласовых песнопений, автор Согласника также наметил присутствие в знаменном осмогласии определенной стилистической неоднородности.
Эта книга – второе издание избранных переводов со старогреческого языка, сделанных Носовым И. М. по греческому изданию ΠΑΤΕΡΙΚΑΙ ΕΚΔΟΣΙΕΣ «ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΣ Ο ΠΑΛΑΜΑΣ», т. т. 9, 20, Фессалоники