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Различные книги в жанре Религия: прочее

Crazy Amazing Miracles

Lindsay Roberts

In Lindsay's newest mini book, she shows you from God's Word how to use your faith and believe for God to take the "crazy, difficult or out of control" situations in your life and turn them into something amazing!

Золотая легенда. Жития святых

Иаков Ворагинский

«Золотой легендой» в Средневековье называли собрание житий святых Католической церкви, составленное в 1250-е годы Иаковом Ворагинским, итальянским монахом-доминиканцем. Эта книга приобрела широкую известность и оказала значительное влияние на европейское искусство и культуру.

Hundred Thousand Songs

Antoinette K. Gordon

This collection of Tibetan poetry and lyrics is accompanied by extensive commentary and offers a great insight into a rich literary culture.Tibet, remote and inaccessible, is less known to the western world for its literary than its artistic contributions to world culture. Nevertheless, it has produced a literature of enduring beauty and significance, the supreme achievement of which is the poetry of Milarepa, its greatest poet and saint.This Tibetan poetry book indicates in its poetic exaggeration that, to the Tibetans, his poetry contains all earthly and celestial wisdom. It is from this masterpiece that the selections for the present volume have been made—songs in which Milarepa describes his life in the solitude of mountain glaciers, his yogic attainments in self-discipline, his encounters with demons who try to obstruct his meditations, and his arrival at enlightenment and spiritual freedom.Presented here in skillful translation—in a volume decorated with original Tibetan woodcuts and motifs from Tibetan art—these poems shiningly reflect the genius of Tibet's «Old Man, Storehouse of Songs.»

Seven Little Known Birds of the Inner Eye

Mulk Raj Anand

In this fascinating, informal approach to art appreciation, an eminent Indian scholar reveals the crucial difference between merely looking at and really seeing painting and sculpture, drawing and architecture. And to the open-minded and sensitive observer, he shows how simple perceptions can be transmuted into darshana—the pure delight of union with the inner life of a work of art.The presentation is poetic, not technical, directed toward the general reader rather than the specialist. The author begins by symbolizing certain powers of the imagination as the «seven little-known birds of the inner eye.» Then he traces these energies of the «body-soul» through a wide range of aesthetic response—from the first, almost involuntary discriminations lines, colors, and forms to the insights attained by the «third eye» of total vision.Illustrated and discussed are the superb murals and breathtaking architecture of India; ancient symbols and modern experiments; the landscape paintings of Song China and the works of major Western artists.

Монастыри и храмы России


Книга повествует о наиболее известных православных храмах и монастырях Москвы и Подмосковья, Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области, а также Ярославля, Костромы, Нижнего Новгорода, Вологды, Владимира, других великих и древних городов России. Для каждого из них изложена его история – с момента возведения первых строений до настоящего времени, описаны находящиеся в них особо чтимые иконы и другие православные святыни.

Child Laughs


Bring a world of justice voices to Sunday worship with «A Child Laughs,» an anthology of reflections, liturgies, and prayers from seventy-seven writers in eleven different countries. Find meditations, worship resources, and action steps on topics of gun violence, addiction, chronic illness, migration, reproductive health, climate change, and more. «A child’s laugh should be the butterfly wing, the ripple-maker, for all the world. There are many children crying—we hear them echoing from news media. It is time to pray for the change of the world in children’s laughter.»


Eric Pankey

His arresting ninth collection of poems, Eric Pankey’s Trace locates itself at a threshold between faith and doubt—between the visible and the invisible, the say-able and the ineffable, the physical and the metaphysical. Also a map of the poet’s journey into a deep depression, these poems confront one man’s struggle to overcome depression’s smothering weight and presence. And with remarkable clarity and complexity, Trace charts the poet’s attempt to be inspired, to breathe again, to give breath and life to words. Ever solemn, ever existential, Pankey’s poems find us at our most vulnerable, the moment when we as humans—believers and nonbelievers alike—must ultimately pause to question the uncertain fate of our souls.

The Fall of Alice K.

Jim Heynen

Seventeen-year-old Alice Marie Krayenbraak is beautiful, witty, a star student, and a gifted athlete. On the surface, she has it all. But in Alice’s hometown of Dutch Center, Iowa, nothing is as it seems. Behind the façade of order and tidiness, the family farm is failing. Alice’s mother is behaving strangely amid apocalyptic fears of Y2K. And her parents have announced their plans to send her special-needs sister Aldah away. On top of it all, the uniformly Dutch Calvinist town has been rattled by an influx of foreign farm workers.It’s the fall of senior year, and Alice now finds herself at odds with both family and cultural norms when she befriends and soon falls in love with Nickson Vang, the son of Hmong immigrants. Caught in a period of personal and community transformation, Alice and Nickson must navigate their way through vastly different traditions while fighting to create new ones of their own. Funny and provocative, amusing and unsettling, The Fall of Alice K. marks a watershed moment in the publishing career of author, Jim Heynen.

You Can't God Can

Mike Lee

Do you feel useless? Do you feel insignificant? Do you feel like if you weren’t on the Earth, no one would miss you? «You Can't God Can» will help you realize that one of the most fulfilling things in life is to be used by God to influence the spiritual life of another person. You will find out what God is looking for to make that a reality in your life. «You Can't God Can» is written to encourage those who are followers of Jesus to start thinking a little bigger and ask the question, “God, what could you do through me if I could get my priorities and values lined up with your priorities and values?”

Heart of God

Rabindranath Tagore

Awarded the Noble Prize for Literature in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore (1861&#8212; 1941) is considered the most important poet of modern-day India. He was also a distinguished author, educator, social reformer, and philosopher. Today, Tagore along with Mahatma Gandhi is prized as a foremost intellectual and spiritual advocate of India's liberation from imperial rule. <br><br>This inspiring collection of Tagore's poetry represents his «simple prayers of common life.» Each of the seventy-seven prayers is an eloquent affirmation of the divine in the face of both joy and sorrow. Like the Psalms of David, they transcend time and speak directly to the human heart. <br><br>The spirit of this collection may be best symbolized by a single sentence by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the renowned philosopher and statesman who served as president of India: <i>"Rabindranath Tagore was one of the few representatives of the universal person to whom the future of the world belongs."</i>