Preaching from Hebrews can help any preacher prepare practical sermons from the New Testament epistle to the Hebrews. It contains (1) a concise commentary on Hebrews, (2) a survey of how great preachers have applied the wisdom of Hebrews, and (3) a collection of sermons for special occasions, based on Hebrews.
Today’s readers are outraged by world events, often frustrated by their own personal battles, and disenfranchised from government and leadership. Born of moral indignation, informed by decades of study, and seasoned by a life of devoted self-cultivation, Mad Monk Manifesto is exactly what they are looking for, organically cohering personal prescriptions and calls to social and political action in one powerful document. Based on ancient Chinese wisdom, the manifesto is part tour guide to consciousness, part recipe for personal development, part prescription for environmental salvation, and part handbook for social change. In clear and concise language, Monk Yun Roul reveals traditional Daoist prescription for changing the larger world by changing ourselves first. In the same way ripples move away from a stone dropped into a pond, the prescription begins with exercise and diet and moves to techniques for awakening consciousness with meditation and mind/body practice. Advice for a healthy, conscious lifestyle come next, followed by choices the reader can make to enhance the effects of personal changes on the lives of friends, family, and coworkers. Following this comes consideration of how we can enlarge and change our community through cultural shifts. After that comes an examination of what we can do to help commerce and government evolve through civil disobedience and legislative means. If we don’t have a habitable planet, nothing else matters, so the manifesto treats environmental issues next, linking them to the Daoist veneration of nature and conservation of natural resources. Finally, the narrative returns to spirituality and service as the highest goals of an awakened life. Each chapter is creative and fresh, offering proactive solutions in single-paragraph exhortations and prescriptions against a backdrop of lessons from Chinese history, the wisdom of ancient sages, and stories born of the author’s journey from privileged Manhattanite to practicing Daoist monk. Inspirational and informative, exhortative and prescriptive, the book creates a complete and immersive experience for the reader—a portrayal of everything from the mundane to the sublime through the lens of the philosophy best known from George Lucas’ Star Wars saga, the Green Movement, and surf and hippie cultures. The reader emerges with a new way of seeing life, a series of concrete steps to take for personal transformation, and an action plan for working in the community to change in the world. At a time of unprecedented environmental disasters, international instability, and divisive and unreliable leadership, this is precisely the manifesto the world needs.
Find Happiness in Gratitude The four keys to the Gate of Heaven: As it turns out, Buddha had quite a lot to say on the subject of gratitude, including citing it as one of the four keys to the Gate of Heaven. Why is this? Perhaps the sheer simplicity of gratefulness is a key, as it is available to all of us at any time. Even in the midst of over-busyness, stress, and chaos, we can find plenty to be glad about, and The Buddha’s Guide to Gratitude will start your journey towards Zen and gratefulness. Count your blessings: According to Buddha, “You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy.” Being thankful is one of the most powerful tools we humans have to attain peace of mind and happiness. Take time each day and count your blessings. This can be done with a prayer or mindfulness mediation, whichever works for you. This lovely, uncomplicated approach featured in The Buddha’s Guide to Gratitude could be life-changing. Increase your happiness: Studies show―and experts counsel―that gratitude is a key component of our happiness. People who are grateful about events and experiences from the past, who celebrate triumphs instead of focusing on losses or disappointments, tend to be more satisfied. Gratitude can help us transform our fears into courage, our anger into forgiveness, our isolation into belonging, and another’s pain into healing. Follow the advice of Buddhist leader Thich Nhat Hanh, “With all I have experienced in my own life, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. In your mindfulness practice, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.” The Buddha’s Guide to Gratitude will show you the way. Inside The Buddha’s Guide to Gratitude , we have provided you with positive thinking “power tools” that will help you build a more grateful life, including: Mindful meditationsHands-on exercisesProfound practicesInspiring quotationsSpace for notetaking and journalingThought-provoking questions
If Jesus were alive today, would he: feed the poor – or give tax breaks to the super rich? Comfort the old and infirm – or cut Social Security? Build bridges that unite – or build walls that divide? Make peace – or make war? In this ground breaking book, noted author and theologian Linda Seger, Th.D., explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat – and shows how the two are not mutually exclusive but rather inclusive. She reveals the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus' teachings and the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own. The idea that America's real Christians vote strictly Republican crumbles when one studies the platforms of both parties. Jesus Rode a Donkey reminds the reader that Jesus and the prophets had a radical, progressive message that calls individuals and nations to feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick, care for the earth, free the oppressed, and love our enemies. The book won the Silver Medal Christian Living Illumination Book Award given for exemplary Christian writing.
"Gaatjie-kinders word mos nie gekies nie." Ivor Swartz kom van die Gaatjie in Grabouw, 'n plek sonder hoop. Sy pa is vroeg dood en sy ma maak hom en sy sibbe alleen groot. Hulle oudste broer, hulle selfaangestelde"oppasser", terroriseer die gesin. Een aand besluit Ivor hy kan net nie meer nie. Hy en sy vriend neem 'n vreeslike besluit wat sy lewe ingrypend verander. Hierdie aangrypende verhaal, eerlik vertel deur Ivor self, sal jou aan die hart ruk en met verwondering oor God se genade los.
How can we live in such a way that we die only once? How can we organize a society that gives us a better chance to be fully alive? How can we reinvent religion so that it liberates us instead of consoling us? These questions stand at the center of Roberto Mangabeira Unger’s The Religion of the Future: an argument for both spiritual and political revolution. It proposes the content of a religion that can survive without faith in a transcendent God or in life after death. According to this religion—the religion of the future—human beings can be more human by becoming more godlike, not just later, in another life or another time, but right now, on Earth and in their own lives. They can become more godlike without denying the irreparable flaws in the human condition: our mortality, groundlessness, and insatiability.
Mia en haar gesin gaan hou vakansie in Stellenbosch. Dan is die hele gesin in 'n motorongeluk is waarin niemand seerkry behalwe Mia nie. Mia sterf, omdat sy nie 'n veiligheidsgordel aan het nie. Omdat haar ma die een keer gesê het sy kan op haar skoot sit. Dit gaan oor hoe haar ma Mariska haar pyn en hartseer verwerk en haarself vergewe. Maar ook oor nuwe lewe, en jou lewe se herstel en terugbymekaar probeer kry na die dood van jou kind.
Marc se ou kunsdosent Simon kom kuier en hulle wys die hele land vir hom. Ma se Mara en haar oppasser Anna kom kuier in Jerusalem en Mara begin al meer haar Joodse afkoms verwelkom. Dit is Yoshi se bar mitzvah? Die dae is vir die Kriges soms donker, maar soms ook wondermooi. Shir-HaShirim – 'n hooglied? Dikwels nie. Tog is daar altyd 'n lied om te sing. Die hooglied van Israel is die elfde boek in die reeks.
#1 New Release in Wicca, Witchcraft & Paganism ─ Your Practical Wiccan Guide to Life Take advantage of centuries of knowledge: In this utterly unique grimoire, bestselling author Cerridwen Greenleaf gathers celestial lore, history, and mythology, drawing from the Dark Ages mystical practices of the original Gothic tribes, Scandinavian shamans and other medieval sources to infuse these spells with the magic of the ancients, allowing the modern reader to tap into that pure power. Here, you’ll learn how to call upon the fairy world and little-known gods and goddesses to empower your magical workings, as well as ways to consecrate and wield magical tools, create a home and garden full of enchantment, and rituals to enhance every aspect of your life. With Dark Moon Magic , she has crafted nothing less than a Wiccan mystery school in book form. Live in tune with the moon: Magicians, alchemists, witches and wise women of ancient times knew how to harmonize their lives with the heavenly cycles and seasons and were able to navigate these tides to benefit their lives, both in the inner and outer spheres. We can all use some assistance with our love (and sex!) lives as well as with more worldly matters like money, and Dark Moon Magic’s tools of divination, spellwork, amulets, and charms can make a key difference. And with life’s increasingly frantic pace, the search for serenity is now more important than ever. Herein may be found the keys to rising above the fray and embracing a life of abundance and joy. Reach the ultimate serenity: All of us need an edge in these difficult times, and Dark Moon Magic can help. Think of these as pagan prescriptions for the twenty-first century, guaranteed to banish stress, ease tension, and add comfort, joy, and magic to your daily life. Learn which moon phase is best for manifesting money, as well as how to recognize the optimal star signs for love and romance, the ideal timing for a job interview, or when to ask for a raise or even the best time to plant your magical herbs. What You’ll Learn Inside Dark Moon Magic : The magical origins of “Winter is Coming” and how it applies to 21st Century WiccaHow to Plant a Fairy Garden that will call benevolent spirits to help you!The importance of creating an altar and caring for your crystals and tools of magickThe art of “Wiccan feng shui” and how to create sacred space and sanctuaryA Conjuring Calendar for an entire year of spells, charms, festivals and ritualsAstrological and lunar connections you can use for money, love, success and healing