Finding Grace with God: A Phenomenological Reading of the Annunciation engages in an interweaving of phenomenology, mystical theology, and feminist philosophy to unfold a theopoetic interpretation of the narrative of the Annunciation in the Gospel of Luke. It begins with a discussion of the foundational phenomenologies of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger and then moves to the more recent work of several French phenomenologists, including Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Louis Chretien, and Michel Henry. The interpretation is then expanded through the philosophies of Luce Irigaray, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jacques Derrida. Finally, the phenomenologies of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger provide a means to interpret the Annunciation through theopoetics, as a text that is infused with possibility. Mary, filled with grace, is beckoned by the divine into possibility; responding in grace, she in turn beckons the divine into possibility. Transgressing the limits of language, this possibility slips into apophasis–into a moment of Gelassenheit, a mutual «letting-be» or releasement of Mary and the divine into a mystical union of love, a love that becomes manifest through a gift of life.
This volume throws out a lifeline to all who are running low on hope–those going under, losing their grip, slipping away, falling, failing, listing, losing, lost–as well as to those looking to enliven and embolden their hope. Hope's Daughters takes a comprehensive, 360-degree approach to hope, drawing inspiration from nature, history, poetry, science, philosophy, religion, psychology, fiction, art, biography, sports, children, and current events. This hope «reader» is deeply personal, drawing on the author's thirty years spent in hospital chaplaincy plumbing the depths with patients, their families, and their caregivers. Willis writes not from some ivory tower, but out of the hot caldron of human suffering. As «a lover of words, quotations, and stories, and one who aspired to serve others as a hope-prompter,» Willis packs every page with a two-minute drill to jumpstart hope each day. For hurried people, this book removes life's husk and gets straight down to the kernel. As a cornucopia of wisdom and hope, Hope's Daughters is an eminently practical gift for those seeking to keep hope alive and well.
Acts is arguably the most exciting book in the New Testament. It covers the tumultuous early years of Christianity and narrates the growth of the church throughout the Roman Empire. Luke tells this story by focusing primarily on two men, Peter and Paul. This book examines their apostolic ministries as they are revealed within the pages of The Acts of the Apostles.
Their apostolic ministries are examined in the context of several different components: Leadership, Evangelism and Church Planting, Miracle Working and Healing, and Mystical or Supernatural Experiences. These categories are shown to detail particular aspects of each man's apostleship work. These categories provide a convenient way to compare and contrast the type of ministry that each apostle performed, as described by Luke.
Spell also devotes a chapter each to Luke's literary method and the relationship of Peter and Paul as seen in their letters. These two chapters lay important groundwork for examining the apostles. This book will provide the reader with valuable insights from Scripture that they can apply to their own lives and ministry. By looking at how Peter and Paul conducted their ministries in the first century, we can be more effective in the twenty-first.
The Confessions of St. Augustine is one of the few Christian classics that is still widely read in the secular academy. Yet, oddly enough, it is not often read in the manner Augustine appears to have intended and in which the church read it for centuries: as a model of conversion, devotion, friendship, and the love of God. This book is a companion for any reader of the Confessions–whether in an academic, ecclesial, or devotional context–informed by the latest scholarship yet always directed toward pushing the reader, with Augustine, toward God.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Arthur McGill had numerous opportunities to air his rich theological musings outside of the classroom. We are now fortunate, some twenty-five years after his death, to have seventeen sermons brought to us by the aid of his wife Lucille McGill and editor David Cain (University of Mary Washington). These homilies reveal the core themes that distinguish his theological writings: relaxing in our neediness before God, participating in the death-to-life pattern of self-expenditure, and rooting our hope in the unique power of Christ. The collection culminates with what Cain notes as McGill's «signature» sermon on The Good Samaritan, wherein we see that the reception of grace always precedes the extension of grace. In addressing day-to-day issues such as possessions, speech, loneliness, and anger, McGill is both prophetic and pastoral. He does not hesitate to say that «the wickedness of Nineveh–alas!–is the wickedness of the United States.» At the same time, he brings a refreshing word with theological depth about human suffering and the God who models ultimate vulnerability.
The desert fathers wanted to get away from a church co-opted by empire and a Christian faith grown cold and listless. They retreated to the desert to do battle against demons and against their own worst desires. They had no intention of being famous; yet ironically their Sayings have inspired millions of imitators over the centuries. This guide is meant to accompany a reading of the Sayings of the Desert Fathers, in hopes that readers with lives quite different than those third- and fourth-century dwellers of the Egyptian desert might nevertheless come to imitate their lives of poverty, chastity, and obedience; and more importantly, that readers might grow more imaginative and passionate in their following of the same Lord.
"To pursue the matter of «revelation in context,» I will address an exceedingly difficult text in the Old Testament, Joshua 11. The reason for taking up this text is to deal with the often asked and troublesome question: What shall we do with all the violence and bloody war that is done in the Old Testament in the name of Yahweh? The question reflects a sense that these texts of violence are at least an embarrassment, are morally repulsive, and are theologically problematic in the Bible, not because they are violent, but because this is violence either in the name of or at the hand of Yahweh." -from chapter 2
A helpfully concise commentary on Paul's letter to the early Christians in Rome, which the Apostle wrote just a few years before the outbreak of Nero's persecution. Keener examines each paragraph for its function in the letter as a whole, helping the reader follow Paul's argument. Where relevant, he draws on his vast work in ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman sources in order to help modern readers understand the message of Romans according to the way the first audience would have heard it. Throughout, Keener focuses on major points that are especially critical for the contemporary study of Paul's most influential and complex New Testament letter.
How does the Bible shape the perspective from which Christians view politics, the manner in which they engage in public debate, and the strategies they adopt when they translate faith into action? In Political Engagement as Biblical Mandate, Hanson suggests that many believers give insufficient thought to the basic principles that biblical study contributes to the lives of those who simultaneously seek to live in obedience to the central confessions of the Christian faith and to engage constructively in the life of a nation guided by the First Amendment and populated by an increasingly religiously diverse citizenry.
How can a Christian create a work of art that truly glorifies God? While many books address the need for a Christian vision of art, few speak to the actual criteria artists can follow to do art to the glory of God. Not only does this booklet speak to the need for a Christian ideal in art, but also it capably guides the reader through several important building blocks of what constitutes a composition of heavenly worth. Although the discussion focuses mainly on the areas of painting and architecture, the reader can apply what is stated to virtually any area of artistic endeavor.