Религия: прочее

Различные книги в жанре Религия: прочее

The Knowledge of God and the Service of God According to the Teaching of the Reformation

Karl Barth

These lectures on that teaching [of the Reformed church on natural theology] will not take the form of an independent outline, but will be connected with a 'document' of the Reformation. Further, taking into account the specifically Scottish character of the Gifford foundation, this document will be a document of the 'Scottish' Reformation. . . . I am letting John Knox and his friend speak in their 'Confessio Scotica' of 1560. This is not to take the form of an historical analysis of the Scottish Confession, but that of a theological paraphrase and elucidation of the document as it speaks to-day and as we to-day by a careful objective examination of its content can hear it speak.


Marc Knutson

Steve Stanton, the Jerusalem Bureau Chief for the World Observer Gazette, has been covering events of the Middle East for many years. Stanton's adventures begin when he receives a priority assignment from his Managing Editor: «Our sources tell us of a new national movement sweeping Judea. Apparently the king pin of this movement, is Yeshua bar Joseph of Nazareth See what is going on in Judea and report back!» Stanton was as intrigued as he was excited about the assignment. The country was «abuzz» about this upstart movement and activity around Jerusalem was making the local leaders nervous. From the moment he accepted the assignment, trouble was literally at his door. Following a trail of leads, from eyewitness shepherds in Bethlehem, to religious leaders of the Jews, and even Roman soldiers and other twists and turns, Stanton catches up with and becomes «embedded» within the cluster of disciples. However, Stanton's task will not be easy. There are those who want to block his story. One man will warn him that his whole meaning of his existence will be to stop Stanton's mission. Many face-to-face encounters ensue, all to prevent the story of Yeshua from getting to the outside world. At almost every turn, there are attempts to stop him. The «embedded» journalist rubs elbows with the disciples of Yeshua and learns more, sees more, experiences more than any other person around, maybe even more than the closest of Yeshua's disciples. His 'exclusive' access allows Stanton insight which will help explain why there is such a furor in Judea. Embedded co-mingles historical data, with plot twists, and characters that could have happened. Does Yeshua's fate bring the end of the story? The Stanton Adventures may not end here, but what direction will they go? You know what the verses in the Bible say; now let the Stanton adventures tell you what went on between the verses!

Theology and Church

Karl Barth

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Karl Barth

No description available.

God In Action

Karl Barth

In this series of lectures delivered in the period immediately preceding World War II, Barth addresses the major topics of systematic theology. The reader gets a glimpse of the depth of Barth's thinking in these brief discourses, which he expanded upon greatly in his major work, 'Church Dogmatics.' In an Appendix, Barth answers question from the audience regarding the last essay.
Contents 1. Revelation 2. The Church 3. Theology 4. The Ministry of the Word 5. The Christian as Witness Appendix

Star Death

Leo Emmanuel Lochard

Star Death is a science-based fiction book depicting «sun death» as revealed by the Prophets and as depicted by the Apostle Peter in the Holy Bible. It also parallels scientific estimations of solar entropy as forecast by major astrophysicists who have pushed Relativity Theory to its applicable limits. This book, based on real scientific theorization, is fresh in perspective and presents the laws of thermodynamics in a way never entertained before. The sun, reacting to inputs from the outer reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, must therefore «negotiate» the «tugs of entropy»; it stretches its electromagnetic curtain to envelop the whole heliosphere into tumultuous radiation eruptions that extend even to the outer periphery of the solar system. Jupiter, Mercury, and the Earth convulse under tremendous pressures that impinge upon their mass and magnetic fields, respectively, to produce turbulence and perturbations uprooting the relative tranquility of the solar system. On the Earth, there is life, human life. Gravi-metric processes become chaotic and erratic so as to disrupt the daily routine of productive life. With impending «star death» came the imperative necessity to create a permanent, safe, space habitation for the human family. As «sun death» affected the whole human species, countries undertook to cooperate internationally in order to alleviate human suffering in the light of the possible extinction of the family of Man.

Bread for the Journey

Thomas W. Currie

Preparing for ministry involves more than the acquisition of certain skills. The shape of a disciple's soul as he or she embarks on this journey is as important if not more so than learning how to exegete a text or engage in pastoral care. Ministry is not easy, and the preparation for this form of Christian discipleship is open to a variety of temptations, not least of which is a kind of despair over the paucity of one's own resources, or worse, the illusion that one is better off relying on one's own talents and virtues. What is needed is bread for this journey, not necessarily exhortations to work harder, but words of encouragement and grace that bear witness to the surprising reality that ministry is, in fact, a joyful gift. These notes from a dean, who sought to help his students discover that joy in their study and preparation, bear witness to the One, whose life provides bread for every journey, especially for the journey of pastoral ministry.

The Cord

Stephen W. Robbins

Pastor Payne Donovan was weary to the bone. He often wondered if he made any difference in people's lives or if his church had any impact on the world around him. In the midst of Payne's despair, George Carlson, head of a genetic laboratory called SarkiSystems, offers hope to revive and embolden Payne's ministry by a merging of faith and technology. Dazzled by George's charisma, Payne agrees to go to a meeting and soon finds himself deeply entangled in a plan to revive the faith of the world. But the more Payne invests in the plan, the more broken his family becomes. Pastor Donovan must let go of the hope that SarkiSystems offers in order to find healing for his family and true hope for the world.