
Различные книги в жанре Религиоведение

When Ministers Sin

Neil Ormerod

Albrecht Dürer

Stacey Bieler

Peace in the Midst of It All

Cecilyn J. Washington

This book is an investment not only for your immediate future but for your eternal future. The scriptures in this devotional helped me get through a difficult time in my life. Through my pain, I experience peace. You too can find peace, if you seek peace. As you go through your daily devotional you will find weekly “walk” scriptures strategically placed for your encouragement. Not Shown are 365 photos to brighten your day or night and to help bring to remembrance the Word of God. We had such an amazing time studying God’s Word and having Him illuminate his encouraging, thought-provoking, peaceful and comforting words to our hearts as we pined the words to paper. Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing which I sent it.” NKJV As you go from day to day or night to night, you too can start experiencing life in a ‘new’ light. It does not matter if you are not currently “walking” with God, if you are just starting to “walk” with God or if you have been “walking” with Him for years. You will receive and experience your blessing(s) as you turn the page to a new day each day of your life from year to year. This will be the one book you will need to get you through to the next year.

Essential Christmas Prayers

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Many of us feel a little closer to our faith during the Christmas season—even those without a regular faith practice.
Around us, people are talking about peace on Earth and goodwill towards all, while deeply rooted Christmas rituals and traditions and familiar prayers speak to our hearts—a refreshing respite in this age.
A beautiful collection of inspiring holiday prayers that will bring back heartwarming memories and open new understanding of the sacred season.

Life is Simple

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In this age of sensory overload, more than ever we seek out simplicity—a still pond, quiet space to meditate, the solid stable comforts that are so elusive. Creative leaders through the centuries have understood that simple beauty is one of the highest goals. Albert Einstein said, «Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.» But as the Apple slogan used to say: Simple is hard. With the frustration of always feeling 'plugged in,' we all need creative ideas and inspiring encouragement to slow down and experience the beauty of life and relationships.

Preparing Room

Russell J. Levenson Jr.

Explore the biblical context for Advent in this series of contemplations.
The pieces of the beginning of the Christian story come together, not from one set of hands, but many. For instance, in the four Gospels, Mark makes no mention of the events leading up to and surrounding the birth of Jesus. John, for the most part, points back to Genesis. Most of the historical pieces come to us primarily from Matthew and Luke. The scriptures together are the key to telling the story of the season.
Allusions and references to other scriptures are accompanied by brief meditations so that readers may step more deeply into the Advent story and find its meaning and impact for their own lives.

Christian Citizenship in the Middle East

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For Christians living as a persecuted minority in the Middle East, the question of whether their allegiance should lie with their faith or with the national communities they live in is a difficult one. This collection of essays aims to reconcile this conflict of allegiance by looking at the biblical vision of citizenship and showing that Christians can live and work as citizens of the state without compromising their beliefs and make a constructive contribution to the life of the countries they live in. The contributors come from a range of prestigious academic and religious posts and provide analysis on a range of issues such as dual nationalism, patriotism and the increase of Islamic fundamentalism. An insightful look into the challenges religious minorities face in countries where they are a minority, these essays provide a peace-building and reconciliatory conclusion for readers to consider.