Книга будет интересна не только тем, чья деятельность связана с розничной торговлей – продавцам, но и тем, кто пользуется услугами розничной торговли – покупателям, значит, эта книга для всех. Автор представил свой взгляд на торговлю, а соглашаться или нет – решит сам читатель.
The first part of this book discusses the mobile games industry, and includes analysis of why the mobile industry differs from other sectors of the games market, a discussion of the sales of mobile games, their types, the gamers who play them, and how the games are sold. The second part describes key aspects of writing games for Symbian smartphones using Symbian C++ and native APIs. The chapters cover the use of graphics and audio, multiplayer game design, the basics of writing a game loop using Symbian OS active objects, and general good practice. There is also a chapter covering the use of hardware APIs, such as the camera and vibra. Part Three covers porting games to Symbian OS using C or C++, and discusses the standards support that Symbian OS provides,and some of the middleware solutions available. A chapter about the N-Gage platform discusses how Nokia is pioneering the next generation of mobile games, by providing a platform SDK for professional games developers to port games rapidly and effectively. The final part of the book discusses how to create mobile games for Symbian smartphones using java ME, Doja (for Japan) or Flash Lite 2. This book will help you if you are: * a C++ developer familiar with mobile development but new to the games market * a professional games developer wishing to port your games to run on Symbian OS platforms such as S60 and UIQ * someone who is interested in creating C++, Java ME or Flash Lite games for Symbian smartphones. This book shows how to create mobile games for Symbian smartphones such as S60 3rd Edition, UIQ3 or FOMA devices. It includes contributions from a number of experts in the mobile games industry, including Nokia's N-gage team, Ideaworks3D, and ZingMagic, as well as academics leading the field of innovative mobile experiences.
Inside this little book one of Britain’s top Scrabble players reveals his top tips for all day, everyday Scrabble success.We all want to get one over on our friends and family on the Scrabble board. Most of us manage to win now and again but if you’re looking for a permanent performance boost, then this book is for you. Barry Grossman offers us some of his top tips for remembering high-scoring and unusual words along with those crafty tactics which will make all the difference.Beautifully produced, Collins Little Book of 101 Ways to Win at Scrabble™ is a treasure in itself and makes a perfect gift for all word enthusiasts and aspiring Scrabble players the world over.Collins Little Book of 101 Ways to Win at Scrabble™ is endorsed by Mattel.SCRABBLE™ is a registered trademark of J. W. Spear & Sons Ltd., a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc.© 2015 Mattel, Inc. All Rights ReservedBarry Grossman is one of the UK's best Scrabble players and a committee member of the Association of British Scrabble Players. He has also appeared on and won Countdown. Barry has written Collins Scrabble: Play to win! and contributed to Collins Scrabble A-Z.
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