
Различные книги в жанре Путеводители

Москва Михаила Булгакова

Владимир Алексеевич Колганов

Книга рассказывает о тех уголках Москвы, которые связаны с жизнью и творчеством Михаила Булгакова. Каждый московский адрес представлен фотографией. Среди героев книги – люди, знакомые Булгакову по работе в театре, друзья, ну и конечно, персонажи его произведений. Одна из глав посвящена погоне Ивана Бездомного за Воландом, Коровьевым и Бегемотом – их путь от Патриарших до Остоженки проиллюстрирован фотографиями старой Москвы. Все фотографии отреставрированы автором. Часть фотографий сделана автором в 1970-2010 гг. Авторы фотографий, сделанных в начале прошлого века, неизвестны.

Across Patagonia

Lady Florence Dixie

Across Patagonia is a travel narrative written by Lady Florence Dixie, Scottish writer and feminist. She left her aristocratic life and her children behind in England, and set out to travel, accompanied by her two brothers, her husband, and a family friend who served as a guide. Dixie debated going elsewhere, but chose Patagonia because few Europeans had ever set foot there. Dixie paints a picture of the landscape using techniques reminiscent of the Romantic tradition of William Wordsworth and others, using emotion and physical sensation to connect to the natural world. While she describes the land as «uninviting and feared territory,» Dixie's actions demonstrate that survival in a wild land requires both strength and agency. During her travels in Patagonia, Dixie is «active, hardy, and resilient», rejecting Victorian gender constructs that depicted women as weak and in need of protection.

Tuscan Cities

William Dean Howells

To meet Mr. Howells again on his Italian rambles is like rejoining an old friend in the midst of scenes associated with the beginning of our friendship. This rich volume is a grateful recollection of the book which first gave him a place in our standard literature. Much of the old charm of 'Venetian Life' is certainly here. The daring disregard of conventionality, the happy discovery of aspects of life un noticed by previous travelers, the artistic and novel use of illustrative side-lights, the quick insight into the characteristics of places, the unforced flow of delicate humor, the fascination of a style distinguished more by natural grace than by laborious polish, and the genial understanding between the author and the reader – all these qualities reappear in the new record of travel ; and if they seem less striking than they did of old, we must remember that Mr. Howells himself is no longer a fresh sensation but a familiar favorite. Half the volume is devoted to Florence under the title of Florentine Mosaics. Mr. Howells gives us something quite unlike the ordinary impressions of a traveler. Here is neither set description of scenery and architecture, nor systematic study of life and manners ; but the author passes at will from pictures of the streets and squares and churches and palaces, to brief comments upon the people, and glowing transcriptions of dramatic episodes in Florentine history. . . . Siena is visited in the same temper, although Mr. Howells took his pleasure there with a keener zest than the well-known sights of Florence were able to afford him ; and the tour took in Pisa, Lucca, Pistoja, Prato and Fiesole, of which he writes much more briefly than of the more important cities.

Three Villages

William Dean Howells

In this volume Mr. Howells has collected three short pieces which show his power under various aspects. The pleasantest and in a literary sense the best of the three is the charming paper on 'Lexington,' originally contributed to Longman's Magazine. It is distinguished by that happy faculty of description, that sure artistic eye, and that genial spirit which constitute so much of the fascination of his larger works; flashes of characteristic humor surprise us in its delicate pages; and it has all that strong individual flavor which makes the best writing of Mr. Howells so different from the rest of the good writing which is getting to be abundant in books. The second village in his collection is the Shaker settlement of 'Shirley.' If Lexington was a theme for a dainty literary exercise, Shirley served him rather for a plain and sympathetic account of a community which he seems to have regarded with a tender interest. The quiet and simple tone of the paper is in perfect accord with the life it portrays. The story of the Moravian Indian settlement of 'Gnadenhütten,' on the Muskingum, and the brutal massacre by which the white frontiersmen blotted it out in 1782, is vigorously told in the last chapter of the book, where Mr. Howells shows his skill in tragic narrative rather than description.

Sardinien mit dem Wohnmobil

Petra Lupp

Auf individuellen Touren führt unser Wohnmobilexperte Sie durch Sardinien. Die Detailkarte zu jeder Tour hilft bei der Orientierung, Streckenleisten und Straßenatlas im Anhang zeigen detailliert die Route zum Nachfahren. Stell- und Campingplätze sind am Ende jeder Tour ausführlich und mit GPS-Koordinaten beschrieben und im Straßenatlas verzeichnet. Sardinien – Perle des Mittelmeers! Erleben Sie malerische Landschaften, traumhafte Strände und geschichtsträchtige Orte mit dem Wohnmobil. Nicht zu vergessen: die köstliche sardische Küche! Die Autoren dieses Wohnmobilführers nehmen Sie mit auf ausgewählten Touren über die italienische Insel und ermöglichen Ihnen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit Ihrem Wohnmobil. Besonders praktisch: ausgewählte Stell- und Campingplätze, landeskundliche und wohnmobilspezifische Tipps sowie Reiseinfos von A-Z

Прогулки по Израилю

Алексей Стейнерт

На страницах этой книги вы найдете описания интереснейших маршрутов по Израилю. Совершите увлекательные прогулки, которые под силу каждому. Прочитаете об экскурсиях по священному для христиан, мусульман и иудеев древнему городу Иерусалим. Познакомитесь с городами на побережье Средиземного, Красного и Мертвого морей. Схемы и планы значительно облегчат ориентирование, а цветные иллюстрации дадут представление о местности. Путеводитель рассчитан на самостоятельных путешественников, готовых узнать страну, ближе познакомиться с природой и традициями Израиля. Чтобы экскурсии без гида были познавательными, в статьях приводятся исторические данные, содержатся практические советы.

Lufthansa City Guide Tel Aviv und Jerusalem

Marianne von Waldenfels

Wo feiert die hippe Start-Up-Szene? Welches Restaurant empfiehlt Starkoch Yotam Ottolenghi wegen seiner einzigartig-kreativen Küche? Und wo bekommt man das beste Streetfood? Diese Fragen beantworten Prominente wie Schauspielerin Iris Berben, Popstar Asaf Avidan oder Neni-Chefin Haya Molcho. Sie führen uns durch ihre liebsten Stadtviertel und verraten ihre ganz persönlichen Geheimtipps. Oder wissen Sie auf Anhieb, wo es den besten Hummus der Stadt gibt?

Lufthansa City Guide Barcelona

Marianne von Waldenfels

Barcelona, die geniale Stadt am Meer: mediterrane Lässigkeit, Spitzen-Gastronomie und spektakuläre Architektur. Lassen Sie sich von unseren prominenten Insidern, die in Barcelona leben und die Stadt lieben, an Orte und Plätze führen, die die Hauptstadt Kataloniens so besonders machen: versteckte Tapas-Bars, coole Concept-Stores abseits der überlaufenen Ramblas, stylishe Boutique-Hotels und Chiringuitos, in denen die Atmosphäre ebenso prickelt wie der Cava.