
Различные книги в жанре Путеводители

Travels with my Daughter

Niema Ash

"You could say I had an unconventional upbringing. At the age of four, I was sharing my bedroom with Bob Dylan, and by the time I was fifteen, I had been taken out of school to go traveling and was smoking joints with my mother." Some may be shocked at the adventures mother and daughter share, but everyone will admire Niema’s celebration of travel, motherhood, and life itself, as this honest and often humourous account describes how she copes with: The overwhelming desire to travel, which conflicts with the responsibilites of motherhood.Finding the confidence to believe in herself and her instincts.Being a single mother in the sixties while mixing with some of the most talented poets and musicians of our time, including Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Seamus Heaney, and Joni Mitchell.Developing a unique mother-daughter bond that many only dream about.This book will touch a hidden nerve in everyone who reads it as it turns a world of convention and protocol upside-down!

One Russia, Two Chinas

George Fetherling

A travel narrative written over the course of ten years, One Russia, Two Chinas is about change and resistance to change in the postmodern world. In 1991, when the Soviet Union was about to morph into the Russian Federation, George Fetherling found himself in Moscow. He both marched with the workers in the last-ever Communist May Day parade and observed, at ground level, the new Russia's love of the marketplace. Fetherling then went overland to China. His entry point was Beijing, which at that moment was girding itself for the first anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Later that same year he journeyed to Taiwan, then in its final days as a dictatorship. He returned there mid-decade when the «Other China» had become a democracy, in order to note the differences – and similarities. This is old-fashioned travel writing, with vivid prose, bizarre characters, and crystallizing descriptions. But its also a valuable document that freezes some important world events for close inspection.

The Suite Life

Christopher Heard

This book is the product of a lifelong fascination with iconic hotels and tells of the people who have lived in them. Hotel living has always seemed exotic. Why did Claude Monet, Greta Garbo, Janis Joplin, Vladimir Nabokov, Howard Hughes, and many other mercurial individuals desire such a life? Besides answering that question, The Suite Life features interviews with high-profile celebrities who have also chosen hotel living, such as Johnny Depp, Warren Beatty, Keanu Reeves, Richard Harris, and Criss Angel. Author Christopher Heard was conceived in The Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto and now lives there as the writer-in-residence. The Suite Life is the culmination of a lifelong fascination with iconic hotels and those who have opted to reside in them. It tells of the enchantment of being exposed to many varied energies at the same time and describes the uniqueness of life lived in a place where people can let their inhibitions relax. Living in a hotel is many things, but first and foremost it is magical.

Pilgrim in the Palace of Words

Glenn Dixon

Pilgrim in the Palace of Words is about language, about the words that splash and chatter across our tongues. Some six thousand languages are still spoken on the planet, and author Glenn Dixon – an expert is socio-linguistics and a tireless adventurer – travels to the Earth’s four corners to explore the way these languages create and mould societies. As one philosopher said, languages are Houses of Being. After doing graduate work in linguistics, Dixon wanted to visit these houses or «palaces» himself – to stroll along their sidewalks, knock on their doors, and peek in their windows. He wanted to see what they were hiding in their basements … even if it meant a little bit of trouble. In some cases, a whole lot of trouble! Join him on his adventure as, with wit and humour, he works toward a real understanding of how and why we communicate the way we do in the Global Village.

Walking Backwards

Mark Frutkin

From Istanbul to New Delhi to Boulder, Colorado, through Venice, Paris, Rome, and points between. As travellers, we are always walking backwards, forever on the verge of stepping into the unknown, never knowing what waits around the next corner. You could be lost, forget your passport, fall ill. You could be served a bowl of food and not know whether it’s animal, vegetable, or mineral. Even flushing the toilet can be an adventure. You are a child again, innocent and hoping for the best, forced to trust strangers. Quite often this works out. Not always. Walking Backwards is a return to 10 cities and what happened there. Whether inadvertently smuggling cloth into Istanbul, reading poetry in New Delhi to a crowd expecting a world-famous pianist, or wandering endlessly through Mantua searching for a non-existent hotel on a street that’s fallen off the map, Mark Frutkin is a master at rediscovering the magic at the heart of all travel.


Monika Grzelak

Голоса Арбата

Екатерина Елохова

Одной из главных туристических улиц Москвы принято считать Арбат. Однако он состоит не только из сувенирных лавок, уличных музыкантов и художников-карикатурщиков. Отправляясь на променад по главным аллеям города, мы зачастую не замечаем деталей. Аудиогид по Арбату предлагает вам отправиться в исторический экскурс и услышать голоса тех, кто был причастен к этой улице много лет назад. Путешествуя вместе с автором, вы узнаете, что было на месте Макдональдса, и окунётесь в тайны здания МИДа. Вас ожидает приятный вечер в компании Есенина, Маяковского и Блока в кафе «Арбатский подвальчик», а также прогулка по литературному дворику. Откройте для себя привычное с нового ракурса!

Путеводитель по туристическим маршрутам региона Беловежской пущи


Книга содержит популярные туристические маршруты по Беловежской пуще.

Challenges and alternatives towards peacebuilding

Israel Biel Portero

Rural development and peacebuilding in Colombia have been highly prioritized by higher education institutions since the signing of the Peace Agreement between the National Government and the FARC-EP. This has resulted in the need to further analyze rural strategies that contribute towards a better life for the population of territories where armed conflict is coming to an end, whilst understanding the pressing uncertainty that this process implies; on the one hand, for the urgency of generating rapid and concrete responses to social justice and equity, and on the other, because fulfilling the agreement guarantees scenarios of non-repetition of the war in the country.

Турецкие мотивы

Ксения Польская

Цикл зарисовок турецких судеб, в основном, Средиземноморья, вымышленных и настоящих, смешных и грустных, адаптированных даже для человека, далекого от Турции, написан по принципу лоскутного одеяла. В этом сборнике разные люди, объединяет их только Турция и любовь. Удивительная страна. Пленившая многих. Необъяснимо, почему она так по-разному действует на людей. Вы познакомитесь с героями, с их историями, правдивыми и, возможными, грань честности и вымысла здесь стерта, не пытайтесь искать сравнений и пересечений, наслаждайтесь чтением. + несколько советов туристам + тонкости предсвадебных хлопот + мини-разговорник + кулинарные рецепты