This book brings together contributions from key investigators in the area of pathological pain. It covers the molecular basis of receptors and channels involved in nociception, the possible messages that cause neuropathic plasticity, spinal plasticity in neuropathy, plastic changes in opioid systems in neuropathy and opioid tolerance, and plastic changes related to pathological pain.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
Science is developing more and more potential for human beings to enhance themselves. The pace of change is rapid, and some people are already warning that we are heading for a post-human future populated by ever-lasting, self-sustaining intelligence systems into which the contents of a human mind have been poured… Is this true? In Enhancing Me, Pete Moore examines the ways in which technology can change our bodies, our brains, our emotions, and how long we live. He talks to people who have actually been 'enhanced' to find out what it's like and how beneficial it is; and to the experts to find out what the future holds – including a look at some of the more controversial, headline-grabbing claims. He also looks at what drives us to want to be 'superhuman', and the consequences for the individual and society alike: If you could live forever, would you want to? If you could download your mind onto a computer, would you still be you? Should we insert chips into our children, so we can track where they are? Should we force violent criminals to have mood-controlling brain implants? Would you want technology to improve your memory… or help you forget? If you've ever wondered – or worried – about the pace at which technology is progressing, then this book will give you an eye-opening glimpse of the future in this fascinating field. About the author Pete Moore has been a freelance science writer since 1993, and specialises in making 'academish' intelligible to people who only speak English! He has received seven national awards for his work, and has appeared on radio and television on 50 different occasions, discussing his books and related news events. He is a public speaker and a member of Toastmasters International; as well as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a visiting lecturer in ethics at Trinity College Bristol, and a course tutor on the Science Communication MSc at the University of the West of England, Bristol.
This multimedia resource offers a complete introduction to neuroanatomy with superb, clear and thoroughly labeled images and illustrations within an elegant navigation structure. It emphasizes the practical aspects of how to identify neuroanatomical structures, with quizzes and chapter self-assessments. The content is organised into sections covering light-microscopic neurohistology, electron-microscopic neurohistology, skull-meninges-spinal cord, gross anatomy of the brain, sectional anatomy of the brain, and brain imaging. Digital Neuroanatomy: An Interactive CD Atlas with Review Text features: Richly illustrated throughout with over 300 images A brief printed textbook that follows the same organization and approach, reviewing all the main concepts Self-grading quizzes with answers that include a detailed explanation A help mode offering animated explanations of the primary programme features A dynamic navigation structure providing direct access to specific points in the large volume of content An ideal tool for teaching, self-instruction, and self-assessment, Digital Neuroanatomy: An Interactive CD Atlas with Review Text is an invaluable resource for students, teachers, and scientists alike. It is useful for undergraduate courses and graduate courses in medical, anatomy, radiology, dental, and pharmacy schools, as well as those in schools of dentistry and physical therapy.
Heinrich Wieland (1877 – 1957, Nobelpreis 1927) gilt heute als einer der Pioniere der Naturstoff-, der Medizinal- und der Biochemie. Nicht nur hat er wegweisende Grundlagenforschung betrieben, sondern auch – ein fruhes Zeugnis akademisch-industrieller Kooperation – Arzneimittel entwickelt, die zum Teil noch heute bekannt sind. Und er war ein aufrechter Mensch, wie seine Doktorandin Hildegard Hamm-Brucher bezeugt: «Er war ein exzeptioneller Widersteher – … Er hatte sich vorgenommen, dass er es bis zum Ende durchhalten und sein Verhalten vor sich und seinen Mitmenschen verantworten konne. Mit diesem Vorsatz trat er bereits 1925 die Nachfolge des wegen antisemitischer Stromungen und Storungen zuruckgetretenen Richard Willstatter an … Wir alle haben dieses Institut ((fur Chemie der Universitat Munchen)) als „Oase der Anstandigkeit“ empfunden.» (Hildegard Hamm-Brucher, Chemie in unserer Zeit, 2004) In seiner Laudatio zur Verleihung des Friedenspreises 2007 des Deutschen Buchhandels an Saul Friedlander formulierte Wolfgang Fruhwald: «Die Bilder der Erinnerung werden weniger … die Geschichtsbilder werden jetzt fixiert, die Erinnerungsorte jetzt festgelegt, die Anteile von Erinnerung und Vergessen jetzt voneinander geschieden.» Die Herausgeber und Autoren erinnern in diesem Sinne an Heinrich Wieland, ein Leuchtturm in dunklen Zeiten. Sich mit Heinrich Wieland beschaftigen hei?t, sich mit Zeit-, Industrie- und Forschungsgeschichte zu beschaftigen und daraus fur die Zukunft zu lernen.
At Easter I'm going to Berlin as an Academy man without any obligations, rather like a living mummy, Albert Einstein wrote in the fall of 1913. The most important physicist of the 20th century worked for nearly two decades in the Prussian metropolis. These twenty years represent the pinnacle of his scientific and social recognition – however they were also a period of increasing political and anti-Semitic attacks. So what were the personal and scientific relationships that bonded Einstein so closely to Berlin? The author, himself an expert in scientific history, provides the answers: Readers accompany Einstein via 30 places in Berlin and surroundings, getting to know his contemporaries and all the important scenes of his life in the capital. Numerous illustrations and photos of the historic settings and details from today's street map allow readers to locate these places and so take a tour of one of the most significant chapters in modern history of science.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 187. The focus of Surface Ocean: Lower Atmosphere Processes is biogeochemical interactions between the surface ocean and the lower atmosphere. This volume is an outgrowth of the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) Summer School. The volume is designed to provide graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers from a wide range of academic backgrounds with a basis for understanding the nature of ocean-atmosphere interactions and the current research issues in this area. The volume highlights include the following: Background material on ocean and atmosphere structure, circulation, and chemistry and on marine ecosystems Integrative chapters on the global carbon cycle and ocean biogeochemistry Issue-oriented chapters on the iron cycle and dimethylsulfide Tool-oriented chapters on biogeochemical modeling and remote sensing A framework of underlying physical/chemical/biological principles, as well as perspectives on current research issues in the field. The readership for this book will include graduate students and/or advanced undergraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and researchers in the fields of oceanography and atmospheric science. It will also be useful for experienced researchers in specific other disciplines who wish to broaden their perspectives on the complex biogeochemical coupling between ocean and atmosphere and the importance of this coupling to understanding global change.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 174. Discovery of the perovskite to post-perovskite phase transition in MgSiO3, expected to occur for deep mantle conditions, was first announced in April 2004. This immediately stimulated numerous studies in experimental and theoretical mineral physics, seismology, and geodynamics evaluating the implications of a major lower mantle phase change. A resulting revolution in our understanding of the D″ region in the lowermost mantle is well underway. This monograph presents the multidisciplinary advances to date ensuing from interpreting deep mantle seismological structures and dynamical processes in the context of the experimentally and theoretically determined properties of the post-perovskite phase change; the last silicate phase change likely to occur with increasing pressure in lowermost mantle rocks.
Petroleum is not as easy to find as it used to be. In order to locate and develop reserves efficiently, it's vital that geologists and geophysicists understand the geological processes that affect a reservoir rock and the oil that is trapped within it. This book is about how and to what extent, these processes may be understood. The theme of the book is the characterization of fluids in sedimentary basins, understanding their interaction with each other and with rocks, and the application of this information to finding, developing and producing oil and gas. The first part of the book describes the techniques, and the second part relates real-life case histories covering a wide range of applications. Petroleum geology, particularly exploration, involves making the best of incomplete results. It is essentially an optimistic exercise. This book will remove some of the guesswork. Brings together the most important geochemical methods in a single volume. Authored by two well-respected researchers in the oil industry. Real-life, international case histories.
Vertebrate Palaeontology is a complete, up-to-date history of the evolution of vertebrates. The third edition of this popular text has been extensively revised to incorporate the latest research, including new material from North and South America, Australia, Europe, China, Africa and Russia. Highlights astonishing new discoveries including new dinosaurs and Mesozoic birds from China features a new chapter on how to study fossil vertebrates provides an increased emphasis on the cladistic framework with cladograms set apart from the body of the text and full lists of diagnostic characters includes new molecular evidence on early mammal diversification new features aid study including new functional and developmental feature spreads, key questions and extensive references to useful web sites strong phylogenetic focus making it an up-to-date source of the latest broad-scale systematic data on vertebrate evolution To access the artwork from the book, please visit: An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at [email protected] for more information.