Данное пособие предназначено для подготовки учащихся 11-х классов к Единому государственному экзамену (ЕГЭ) по географии. Издание включает типовые задания по всем содержательным линиям экзаменационной работы, а также примерные варианты в формате ЕГЭ 2021 года. Пособие поможет школьникам проверить свои знания и умения по предмету, а учителям – оцепить степень достижения требований образовательных стандартов отдельными учащимися и обеспечить их целенаправленную подготовку к экзамену.
Surrogate Warfare explores the emerging phenomenon of “surrogate warfare” in twenty-first century conflict. The popular notion of war is that it is fought en masse by the people of one side versus the other. But the reality today is that both state and non-state actors are increasingly looking to shift the burdens of war to surrogates. Surrogate warfare describes a patron's outsourcing of the strategic, operational, or tactical burdens of warfare, in whole or in part, to human and/or technological substitutes in order to minimize the costs of war. This phenomenon ranges from arming rebel groups, to the use of armed drones, to cyber propaganda. Krieg and Rickli bring old, related practices such as war by mercenary or proxy under this new overarching concept. Apart from analyzing the underlying sociopolitical drivers that trigger patrons to substitute or supplement military action, this book looks at the intrinsic trade-offs between substitutions and control that shapes the relationship between patron and surrogate. Surrogate Warfare will be essential reading for anyone studying contemporary conflict.
В книге в международном ключе раскрыты основные аспекты, касающиеся современного внутреннего и внешнего аудита, а также техники компьютерного аудита (CAAT).
Terrorist attacks have become more frequent in Europe. In this book, you will understand why this happened. If you put a glass dish with boiling water in cold water, the glass dish will crack. Similarly, monotonous people cannot immediately understand a complex civilization. Of course, any monotony can be used. The monotony of these people is used by the special services
This volume seeks to fill the vacuum created by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress's decision to cease publishing comprehensive assessments of Russia's performance and potential. It provides readers with authoritative descriptions of Russia's economy, military prowess and international ambitions. The volume does not settle controversies, but does provide readers with an objective basis for assessing Russia's prospects without the distortions caused by fake news and disinformation wars.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li><b><i>Russian Economy:</i></b><ul><li>Putin's Muscovite Economy <i>(Steven Rosefielde)</i></li><li>Russia's Macroeconomy — A Closer Look at Growth, Investment and Uncertainty <i>(Torbjörn Becker)</i></li><li>State-Led Innovation and Uneven Adaptation in Russia <i>(Satoshi Mizobata)</i></li><li>Fundamentals and Recent Trends in Russian Banking <i>(Victor Gorshkov)</i></li><li>Russian Health and Demographic Trends and Prospects <i>(Judyth Twigg)</i></li><li>Can Russia Catch Up/Keep Up? Russian Science and Education in Putin's Fourth Term <i>(Harley Balzer)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Russian Defence:</i></b><ul><li>Russian Defence: Economic Constraints and Potential <i>(Steven Rosefielde)</i></li><li>Military Potential Revisited <i>(Masaaki Kuboniwa)</i></li><li>Can Russia Sustain Its Defence Buildup? <i>(Stephen Blank)</i></li><li>The Fighting Power of Russia's Armed Forces <i>(Petteri Lalu)</i></li><li>On War and Peace: Russian Security Policy and Military-Strategic Thinking <i>(Gudrun Persson)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Russian Politics:</i></b><ul><li>Russian International Relations: Russia's Great Power Revival and Engagement with the Global Community <i>(Lance Alred and Madina Rubly)</i></li><li>Western Sanctions against Russia: How Do They Work? <i>(Susanne Oxenstierna)</i></li><li>Russia's Arctic Policy: Between Confrontation in Europe and Irrelevance in Asia <i>(Pavel Baev)</i></li><li>Russia's 'Turn to the East', 2012–2018 <i>(Andrei P Tsygankov)</i></li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Academics, professionals, policy-makers and students interested in Russia.Putin's Russia;Renewed Cold War;Russian Economy;Russian Arms Build-Up;Russian Foreign Policy;Russia's Annexation of Crimea;Russian Economic Sanctions;Russia's Arctic Ambitions;Russian–Chinese Relations;Russian Cyberwarfare;Russian Demography;Russian Education and Health;Russian Technology;Authoritarianism;Globalization;Democracy;Arms Control and Disarmament00
Designing and writing a qualitative dissertation methodology chapter can be done! Qualitative Dissertation Methodology: A Guide for Research Design and Methods functions as a dissertation advisor to help students construct and write a qualitative methodological framework for their research. Drawing from the challenges author Nathan Durdella has experienced while supervising students, the book breaks down producing the dissertation chapter into smaller pieces and goes through each portion of the methodology process step by step. With a warm and supportive tone, he walks students through the process from the very start, from choosing chairs and developing qualitative support networks to outlining the qualitative chapter and delving into the writing. By the end of the book, students will have completed the most challenging chapter of a qualitative dissertation and laid a strong foundation for the rest of their dissertation work.
Учёные длительное время не могут ответить на вопрос, кто и с какой целью возводил египетские пирамиды. Возникает предположение, что существует глубоко спрятанная ошибка, мешающая исследователям сделать правильные выводы. В книге ведётся поиск этой таинственной помехи. Выполнив поставленную задачу, автор предлагает новые версии решения загадок пирамид. Удалось ли это сделать? Слово за читателем.