
Различные книги в жанре Программы

Moxon's Master

Ambrose Bierce

A short story that speculates on what it is to be intelligent and when artificial intelligence becomes to powerful.

Digital Transformation: Evaluating Emerging Technologies

Группа авторов

Selecting the right technology is one of the most critical decisions in technology driven enterprises, and no selection is complete without a thorough and informed evaluation. This book explores the digital transformation movement from three perspectives: the technological, the personal, and the organizational.The technical perspective analyses and evaluates new and up and coming technologies such as IoT and Cloud Technology. The personal perspective focuses on the consumer's attitude and experience in the adoption of technologies such as smart homes, smart watches, drones and wireless devices. And the organizational perspective focuses on evaluating how technology-driven an organization and their core activities or products are.This book is an ideal reference for managers who are responsible for digital transformation in their organizations and also serves a good starting point for researchers interested in understanding the trend. The book contains case studies that may be used by educators in MBA and Engineering and Technology Management MS programs covering digital transformation related courses.

Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6

Michael Law

Continuing the tradition of the best-selling Getting to Know series,  Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6  teaches new and existing GIS users how to get started solving problems using ArcGIS Pro. Using ArcGIS Pro for these tasks allows you to understand complex data with the leading GIS software that many businesses and organizations use every day. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6  introduces the basic tools and capabilities of ArcGIS Pro through practical project workflows that demonstrate best practices for productivity. Explore spatial relationships, building a geodatabase, 3D GIS, project presentation, and more. Learn how to navigate ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online by visualizing, querying, creating, editing, analyzing, and presenting geospatial data in both 2D and 3D environments. Using figures to show each step,  Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6  demystifies complicated process like developing a geoprocessing model, using Python to write a script tool, and the creation of space-time cubes. Cartographic techniques for both web and physical maps are included. Each chapter begins with a prompt using a real-world scenario in a different industry to help you explore how ArcGIS Pro can be applied for operational efficiency, analysis, and problem solving. A summary and glossary terms at the end of every chapter help reinforce the lessons and skills learned. Ideal for students, self-learners, and seasoned professionals looking to learn a new GIS product,  Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6  is a broad textbook and desk reference designed to leave users feeling confident in using ArcGIS Pro on their own. Note:  This e-book requires ArcGIS software. You can download the ArcGIS Trial at http://www.esri.com/arcgis/trial, contact your school or business Esri Site License Administrator, or purchase a student or individual license through the Esri Store.

Энциклопедия Diablo

Роберт Брукс

Постойте немного и послушайте рассказы художников, разработавших характерную для Diablo готическую эстетику, о том, как они вызывают монстров из темных уголков Преисподней и создают героев, способных выстоять даже в самых глубоких подземельях. В этой книге ужасов представлено более 500 отборных концепт-артов Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo III и Diablo IV, придуманных специально для культовой игры в жанре «экшн», которая стала затяжным кошмаром для многих поколений фанатов.

Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies

Peter Bauer

Get picture perfect with Photoshop CC   Photoshop is a stunning program that puts the power of a professional photography studio into your hands, but it can also be a jungle to navigate—with a dense proliferation of menus, panels, shortcuts, plug-ins, and add-ons to get thoroughly lost in. Written by a literal Photoshop Hall of Famer, the new edition of  Photoshop CC For Dummies  is your experienced guide to the technical terrain, slashing away the foliage for a clear picture of how to produce the perfectly framed and beautifully curated images you want.  Beginning with an overview of the basic kit bag you need for your journey toward visual mastery, Peter Bauer—Photoshop instructor and an award-winning fine art photographer in his own right—shows you how to build your skills and enrich your creative palette with enhanced colors and tone, filters and layering, and even how undertake a foray into digital painting. Add in instructions on combining text with images and the how-tos of video and animation editing, and you have all the tools you need to carve out a one-person multimedia empire.  Master everything from the basics to professional insider tips Combine, layer, tone, and paint your images Explore the colorfully creative world of Photoshop filters Fix common problems You’ll find everything on the latest version of the software that you could dream of—and an improved shot at artistic success!

Комплект вопросов сертификационного экзамена «1С:Профессионал» по программе «1С:Общеобразовательное учреждение» (ред. 2.0) с примерами решений

Фирма «1С»

Официальное издание фирмы «1С» для подготовки к экзамену «1С:Профессионал» по программе «1С:Общеобразовательное учреждение» (ред. 2.0)». Версия экзамена – август 2019 года. Настоящее пособие содержит комплект вопросов, используемых при проведении автоматизированного сертификационного экзамена «1С:Профессионал» по программе «1С:Общеобразовательное учреждение» (ред. 2.0). Основная цель издания – помочь читателю подготовиться к сдаче сертификационного экзамена. Самостоятельная проработка вопросов, приведенных в пособии, позволит читателю систематизировать и углубить свои знания, получить комплексное представление о функциональных возможностях и настройке программы, эффективно используя ее в повседневной деятельности. Издание будет полезно как пользователям, так и специалистам по разработке, внедрению и поддержке прикладных решений на технологической платформе «1С:Предприятие 8». Книга может использоваться преподавателями учебных курсов по программным продуктам системы «1С:Предприятие 8» для обучения и проверки знаний слушателей.