Grab these Excel formulas and functions to make your life easier! Are you intimidated by major financial choices, like which loan to get or how to grow your savings? Don't worry—we all are! But Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition can take some of the pain out of the data organization and analysis processes. This step-by-step reference sheds light on Microsoft Excel's 150 most useful functions, and offers detailed instructions on how to implement them. Additionally, each function is illustrated by helpful, real-world examples that show how they are used within a larger formula. To take your knowledge of Excel's functions a step further, 85 specialized functions are described in abbreviated form so you can use Excel to better support your decision-making process when securing a mortgage, buying a car, computing classroom grades, evaluating investment performance, and more. Functions are predefined formulas that you can use to make data analysis a bit easier within the Microsoft Excel framework. Functions use specific values, called arguments, to calculate a variety of things, from simple sums and averages to more complicated loan payments. Explore the 150 most useful functions that help Microsoft Excel make your life easier Access real-world examples of how functions fit into larger formulas Discover 85 specialized functions, which are described in abbreviated form and take your knowledge of Excel to the next level Understand how Microsoft Excel can help you make key decisions, such as whether to go with a 15-year or 30-year mortgage Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition brings order to chaotic data—and helps you make decisions with confidence!
The perennial bestseller—now in a new edition for QuickBooks 2018 QuickBooks 2018 For Dummies is here to make it easier than ever to familiarize yourself with the latest version of the software. It shows you step by step how to build the perfect budget, simplify tax return preparation, manage inventory, track job costs, generate income statements and financial reports, and every other accounting-related task that crosses your desk at work. Written by highly qualified CPA Stephen L. Nelson, this trusted bestseller shows you how to get the most out of the software that helps over six million small businesses manage their finances. Removing the need to hire expensive financial professionals, it empowers you to take your small business' finances into your own hands. Handle your financial and business management tasks more effectively Implement QuickBooks and get the most out of its features Create invoices and credit memos with ease Pay bills, prepare payroll, and record sales receipts If you're a small business owner, manager, or employee who utilizes QuickBooks at work, this bestselling guide has answers for all of your business accounting needs.
Learn to use the UK's number one small business accounting software! A reliable accounting system is integral to the success of any small business and QuickBooks is the finance program you need to handle your financial and business management tasks efficiently. This eagerly awaited book shows you how to use this popular software to build a budget, process payroll, create invoices, manage inventory, balance accounts, and much more—all without having to hire expensive financial professionals. After discovering the best way to install and setup QuickBooks, the authors show you how to use QuickBooks to maintain your accounting records to comply with tax laws, enter data, keep track of your cheque book and credit card accounts, and produce common financial reports that track every penny coming in and going out. Shares proven secrets for building a solid budget Details how to track accounts receivable and payable Provides clear steps for keeping track of inventory as you purchase and sell items Highlights ways to track who needs to get paid, who owes money, and what needs to get done QuickBooks "X" For Dummies, UK Edition addresses the unique needs of UK businesses and helps you keep your business in the black.
Your all-access guide to reaping the benefits of has a rapidly expanding influence over the way companies across the globe interact with their clientele. Written by insiders with years of experience in customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, For Dummies gives you an edge in building relationships and managing your company's sales, marketing, customer service, and support operations. You'll discover how to organize contacts, schedule business appointments, use forecasting tools to predict upcoming sales, create accurate projects based on past performance, and so much more. A customizable, on-demand CRM solution, allows businesses to organize and manage all of their customer information—leads, opportunities, contacts, accounts, cases, and solutions—in one place. Whether you're a Windows or Mac user, this down-to-earth, friendly guide shows you how to maximize's capabilities to close deals faster, gain real-time visibility into sales, and collaborate instantly. Customize the new user interface with apps, widgets, and tools Prospect leads, drive sales, and provide outstanding customer service Manage contacts, identify opportunities, and analyze your results Collaborate with colleagues using Chatter If you're new to or an existing user looking for the latest tips and tricks to maximize its potential, this friendly guide has you covered.
Learn all the ins and outs of SharePoint 2016, launch your site, collaborate with coworkers, and go mobile There's no doubt about it, SharePoint is a complex creature. But when broken down into easily digestible chunks, it's not quite the beast it appears to be right out of the gate—that's where SharePoint 2016 For Dummies comes in! Written in plain English and free of intimidating jargon, this friendly, accessible guide starts out by showing you just what SharePoint 2016 is, translating the terminology, and explaining the tools. Then it helps you create a site, work with apps, and master basic SharePoint administration. Next, you'll learn to use SharePoint 2016 to get social, go mobile, manage content, and connect with others through working with Office 365, archiving documents, developing workflows, and so much more. SharePoint is truly one of Microsoft's crown jewels. Launched in 2001, it offers organizations a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information under the Microsoft Office system umbrella—all in a single portal. Whether you're new to SharePoint 2016 or new to SharePoint altogether, SharePoint 2016 For Dummies is the fast and painless way to get a site up and running, branded, and populated with content. Plus, this new edition adds the need-to-know information for administrators, techsumers, and page admins who want to leverage the cloud-based features online, either as a standalone product or in conjunction with an existing SharePoint infrastructure. Get up to speed with SharePoint 2016 and take advantage of new features Set up and effectively manage your SharePoint site Use SharePoint 2016 in the Cloud with SharePoint Online Leverage SharePoint 2016 capabilities to drive business value If you want to learn SharePoint from the ground up, get your site going, and start collaborating, SharePoint 2016 For Dummies will be the dog-eared reference you'll turn to again and again.
Make business chores easy with QuickBooks Managing the books for a small business can be a challenging, onerous task. If you're looking to spend fewer hours hunched over multiple spreadsheets and more time focused on other aspects of your growing business, this all-in-one guide gives you everything you need to put QuickBooks to work for you. Combining eight content-rich books into one complete package, this value-priced reference provides answers to all the questions you have about how QuickBooks can manage your business finances—even the ones you didn't know to ask! With the help of QuickBooks 2017 All-In-One For Dummies, you'll quickly and painlessly discover how to use this fan-favorite software program to establish fundamental accounting practices that will keep your company successful and healthy. From installing the software and configuring QuickBooks to setting up payroll reminders and keeping track of your business checkbook and credit cards, everything you need to effectively—and efficiently—stay on top of those dollars and cents is only a page away! Organize all of your business finances in one place Pay vendors, invoice customers, and track inventory Prepare financial statements and reports Access your cloud-based account using your smartphone This is your all-encompassing guide to putting your financial woes to rest and simplifying your business accounting with confidence!
There's nothing random about it—this is the book on statistical analysis with Excel Stunned by statistics? Exhausted by Excel? Relax! Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies, 4th Edition shows you how to use the world's most popular spreadsheet program to crunch numbers and interpret statistics—even if you've never taken a statistics or advanced math course. In no time, you'll learn to use Excel to create and translate statistics in everyday life, understand common statistical terms, and improve your classroom or professional skills. Statistics has a reputation for being a challenging, math-intensive pursuit—but it doesn't have to make your palms sweat. Using a minimum of equations and assuming no prior knowledge of statistics or Excel, this hands-on guide cuts through the jargon and shows you how to make sense of formulas and functions, charts and PivotTables, samples and normal distributions, probabilities and related distributions, trends and correlations, and much more. Use Excel's tools to analyze and understand data Apply statistical analysis to predict trends and make decisions Interpret sales figures, gambling odds, and sports stats Develop a grading curve or medical correlations Forget the mumbo jumbo! This guide shows you that statistical analysis with Excel can be easy, fun, and useful!
A guide to PowerPivot and Power Query no data cruncher should be without! Want to familiarize yourself with the rich set of Microsoft Excel tools and reporting capabilities available from PowerPivot and Power Query? Look no further! Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies shows you how this powerful new set of tools can be leveraged to more effectively source and incorporate 'big data' Business Intelligence and Dashboard reports. You'll discover how PowerPivot and Power Query not only allow you to save time and simplify your processes, but also enable you to substantially enhance your data analysis and reporting capabilities. Gone are the days of relatively small amounts of data—today's data environment demands more from business analysts than ever before. Now, with the help of this friendly, hands-on guide, you'll learn to use PowerPivot and Power Query to expand your skill-set from the one-dimensional spreadsheet to new territories, like relational databases, data integration, and multi-dimensional reporting. Demonstrates how Power Query is used to discover, connect to, and import your data Shows you how to use PowerPivot to model data once it's been imported Offers guidance on using these tools to make analyzing data easier Written by a Microsoft MVP in the lighthearted, fun style you've come to expect from the For Dummies brand If you spend your days analyzing data, Excel PowerPivot & Power Query For Dummies will get you up and running with the rich set of Excel tools and reporting capabilities that will make your life—and work—easier.
Мы живем в мире растущих приложений. Практически любые программные продукты рано или поздно приходится расширять, надстраивать, адаптировать к обслуживанию растущей пользовательской аудитории и к пиковым нагрузкам. Для того чтобы подобное масштабирование протекало гладко и быстро, нужно закладывать такие возможности уже на уровне архитектуры приложения. В этой незаменимой прикладной книге автор рассказывает не только об архитектурных тонкостях, необходимых для эффективного масштабирования приложений, но и о рисках, присущих такой работе, о грамотной организации масштабирования и об использовании облачных сервисов.
Для эффективной работы в 3ds Max 2018 понадобится многое: моделирование, настройка материалов, постановка источников света и, наконец, визуализация. Уникальная система обучения, предложенная автором книги, была проверена на тысячах студентов, поэтому вам не придется обращаться к другим источникам в поисках дополнительной информации. Продвигаясь от простого к сложному, вы не только освоите технические навыки, но и научитесь действовать осознанно, четко понимая, что вы делаете и для чего. Вся основная информация – сплайновое и полигональное моделирование, материалы и развертки, камеры и свет – представлена в новом интерфейсе. Начинающие пользователи смогут легко ориентироваться в обновленной программе, а тем, кто уже имеет опыт работы с 3ds Max, будут особенно интересны главы про современные движки рендера: V-Ray и Corona. Вы узнаете о новых средствах визуализации, которые пришли на смену Mental Ray – Autodesk Raytracer и Arnold. Теперь в распоряжении пользователя есть удобные современные материалы, расширенные возможности работы с камерами и экспозицией.