
Различные книги в жанре Программы

Quicken All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Gail A. Perry, CPA

Quicken is the #1 personal finance software on the market, with greater than 70 percent retail market share and 16 million active users This book features eight minibooks comprising nearly 750 pages-all the information people need to get the most out of the latest Quicken release, get their finances under control, start building a nest egg, and pay less to the IRS The only book on the market to include coverage on Quicken Premier Home & Business Minibook topics include personal finance basics, an introduction to Quicken, household finances, planning ahead and saving, tracking investments, retirement planning, taxes, and managing small business finances Quicken books are consistent top sellers, with more than 900,000 copies of Quicken For Dummies sold in all in all editions

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Project Managers

Kim Heldman

Combine the power of Excel 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, and sound project management tools to boost your skill set and maximize your productivity. You’ll walk through a project and learn how to use these powerful tools to schedule jobs, create budgets, manage processes, and share project information. Whether new to project management or a veteran, you’ll discover techniques, hints, and examples you can use immediately.

VBA For Dummies

John Mueller Paul

VBA helps you put your computer in its place Write programs that automate tasks and make Office 2007 work better for you If your computer is becoming your boss instead of your servant, start using VBA to tell it what to do! Here's the latest on the VBA IDE and program containers, debugging and controlling your programs, working with multiple applications using a single program, and the most exciting stuff – programming for all the Office 2007 applications. Discover how to Customize an application's interface Quick-launch a VBA program Store and modify information Use VBA with the Ribbon Understand object-oriented programming Avoid runtime errors

Выпуск №74

Алексей Симоненко

Разнообразие браузеров, HTML для людей, PE и GD в Шортах, гриды с фолбэком, фокус с клавиатуры, трюки со шрифтами, рефакторинг и ответственность, Uber в браузере, фича из CS в ES.

Выпуск №73

Алексей Симоненко

Firefox мультипроцессный, новые гриды в Edge, зачем флексы, JS-модули в HTML, Webpack 3 и CSS-фрагменты.

Выпуск №72

Алексей Симоненко

Только для Chrome, анонсы Safari, Chrome и Edge, гриды, Шорты, стример Юра, Stylelint и Node.js.

Выпуск №71

Алексей Симоненко

Safari TP, календарик, разработка на телефоне, гриды на практике, кастомные свойства, магия лейблов, флексы вглубь, Node.js и npm, CSS-в-JS.

Выпуск №70

Алексей Симоненко

Маркетинг Firefox, npm 5 догоняет, доступность, почему шорты и шоу, CSS-в-JS, Webpack и SPA, гриды, новичкам.

Выпуск №69

Алексей Симоненко

Samsung, Safari, Google I/O, Git в Atom, GitHub Desktop, Box Alignment, Лия и Mavo, ППК и формы, фронтенд заговорил, Perf.HTML, ES-модули.

Выпуск №68

Алексей Симоненко

Edge и PWA, Opera всё, Electrino, Автопрефиксер, доступное меню-кнопка, ирония, валидация форм, логичные размерности.