Wanting to make the most of Microsoft Office 2010? But not sure exactly what is has to offer? Then look no further as this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. Simply Office 2010 runs you through the main features of the Office applications with simple, step-by-step instructions that show you how to tackle dozens of Microsoft Office tasks, whilst offering practical examples and advice. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages and abilities. If you are new to Microsoft Office you will find the gentle approach to the software provides a non-intimidating and easy to follow resource that helps you to get to grips with the application quickly – just follow all instructions on screen at your own speed. Each application in the Office suite is covered, including: Word Excel Outlook Publisher PowerPoint Using Office Internet and graphics tools Packed with advice and screen shots, this full-colour visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Office 2010!
Автором предложено применение мультиагентного подхода к решению задач управления микрогрид. Представлены результаты синтеза мультиагентной системы (МАС), определение ее структуры, состава и функциональности с целью оптимизации работы микрогрид в реальном времени путем оптимального планирования распределенной генерации и управления спросом и предложением. В качестве критериев оптимизации приняты экономические и экологические факторы, а также стандартизированные показатели надежности. Модель экономической, технологической и экологической эффективности взаимодействия элементов мультиагентной системы микрогрид предложена на основе искусственной нейронной сети (ИНС).
В статье рассмотрены основные аспекты тестирования производительности программных продуктов. Авторами приводится классификация методов тестирования. При этом основное внимание уделяется так называемому нагрузочному тестированию. Нагрузочное тестирование проводится с целью определения степени соответствия системы нефункциональным требованиям, таким как максимальное количество одновременных пользователей, время отклика информационного сервиса и т. п. В работе подробно описаны различные виды нагрузочных тестов, а также представлена методика тестирования для каждого вида, предложен набор показателей для классификации инструментов тестирования, на основе которого приведен сравнительный анализ существующих инструментальных средств для проведения нагрузочного тестирования.
Рассматриваются практические вопросы создания учетных приложений, подходы и инструменты разработки приложений, приводятся готовые фрагменты программного кода для автоматизации отдельных процессов. Издание предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 38. 03. 01 «Экономика», при изучении дисциплины «Разработка учетных приложений в среде MS Office», а также может быть рекомендовано всем желающим получить практические навыки работы в офисном пакете с элементами автоматизации своих приложений с использованием макросов и VBA.
На конкретных практических примерах продемонстрированы принципы и последовательность создания компьютерной модели технологического процесса ректификационного разделения многокомпонентной смеси средствами пакета моделирующих программ ChemCAD. Книга предназначена для изучения методов компьютерного моделирования процессов ректификации одновременно с моделированием систем автоматического управления ректификационными установками и может быть рекомендована студентам, магистрам и аспирантам, а также инженерам-химикам-технологам, занимающимся решением задач расчетно-технологического проектирования и управления технологическими процессами. Изложенный подход к моделированию применим как при создании новых, так и при оптимизации существующих производств.
As the fastest growing dashboarding solution on the market, Xcelsius is an intuitive stand-alone Windows application that enables Excel users to transform the contents of an ordinary Excel spreadsheet into an engaging, interactive Flash-based dashboard Offers step-by-step instruction on the wide array of functionality that Xcelsius has to offer so that readers can complete mini-dashboards of increasing complexity with each chapter Addresses how to prepare Excel spreadsheets for use with Xcelsius dashboards and then use basic components of Xcelsius (charts, buttons, labels) Shows ways to add advanced functionality to dashboards (gauges, sliders, maps) and create interactive business calculators with Xcelsius Discusses integrating Xcelsius reports into PowerPoint slides, Web pages, and e-mail
Written especially for advanced beginners and intermediate users, this book offers quick fixes for anyone bedeviled by faulty formulas, failed formatting, printer purgatory, and other perplexing Excel problems Offers three types of fixes: Escape in Under 30 Seconds, Escape in Under Two Minutes, and More Elaborate Escapes-over 400 solutions in all Topics covered include formula fixes, formatting fixes, data and layout fixes for Excel charts, PivotTable fixes, managing complexity in very large spreadsheets, fixing broken procedure functions, and more Includes preventive measures and best practices that teach users how to avoid problems in the future Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Manage sales, service, and marketing processes all together Find out how to manage customer information to make your business more productive Whether you're completely new to customer relationship management (CRM) software or you just want the scoop on the newest version, this handy guide will get you going. Discover how to set up CRM 3, navigate and customize the system, use it to work with your accounts and contacts, collect leads, forecast sales, run reports, and much more. Discover how to * Develop and manage customer relationships * Implement a sales process * Set up security and access rights * Generate quotes, orders, and invoices * Manage leads and opportunities * Create and use product catalogs
"If you'd like a glimpse at how the next generation is going to program, this book is a good place to start." —Gregory V. Wilson, Dr. Dobbs Journal (October 2004) Build Your Own Automated Software Testing Tool Whatever its claims, commercially available testing software is not automatic. Configuring it to test your product is almost as time-consuming and error-prone as purely manual testing. There is an alternative that makes both engineering and economic sense: building your own, truly automatic tool. Inside, you'll learn a repeatable, step-by-step approach, suitable for virtually any development environment. Code-intensive examples support the book's instruction, which includes these key topics: Conducting active software testing without capture/replay Generating a script to test all members of one class without reverse-engineering Using XML to store previously designed testing cases Automatically generating testing data Combining Reflection and CodeDom to write test scripts focused on high-risk areas Generating test scripts from external data sources Using real and complete objects for integration testing Modifying your tool to test third-party software components Testing your testing tool Effective Software Test Automation goes well beyond the building of your own testing tool: it also provides expert guidance on deploying it in ways that let you reap the greatest benefits: earlier detection of coding errors, a smoother, swifter development process, and final software that is as bug-free as possible. Written for programmers, testers, designers, and managers, it will improve the way your team works and the quality of its products.
Learn proven project management strategies as you master the world's #1 project management software Here's a winning combination: a series of successful project management strategies that cover every phase of the process AND an insider's guide to the most powerful and versatile project management software available anywhere. That's what you'll find in Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2000. A synchronized learning system helps you get with the program Microsoft Project 2000 brings 21st-century power to this already formidable tool. Whether you're an experienced user preparing to upgrade to Microsoft Project 2000 or an aspiring project manager who needs to understand the big picture as you gain control of the details, this remarkable one-stop guide helps you make the most of this outstanding new program. It puts you in control of every new feature and enhanced capability, including how to: SCHEDULE TASKS AND TRACK PROGRESS using task calendars, deadline dates, estimated durations, baseline and interim plans, and more MANAGE RESOURCES FOR BETTER TASK SCHEDULING with new methods that let you vary resource availability, specify material resources, and set task priorities for resource leveling MODEL PROJECTS GRAPHICALLY WITH NETWORK DIAGRAM VIEW, which offers flexible viewing and formatting of program information in a graphical layout of tasks MANAGE TASKS AND RESOURCES ACROSS A WORKGROUP with Microsoft Project Central-a Web-based companion to Microsoft Project 2000 that allows for task delegation up and down organizational lines, task progress reporting, and narrative status reporting WORK FASTER AND SMARTER by jump-starting new products with templates, grouping tasks and resources, creating your own work breakdown structure numbering scheme-and much, much more