Discover how data science can help you gain in-depth insight into your business – the easy way! Jobs in data science abound, but few people have the data science skills needed to fill these increasingly important roles. Data Science For Dummies is the perfect starting point for IT professionals and students who want a quick primer on all areas of the expansive data science space. With a focus on business cases, the book explores topics in big data, data science, and data engineering, and how these three areas are combined to produce tremendous value. If you want to pick-up the skills you need to begin a new career or initiate a new project, reading this book will help you understand what technologies, programming languages, and mathematical methods on which to focus. While this book serves as a wildly fantastic guide through the broad, sometimes intimidating field of big data and data science, it is not an instruction manual for hands-on implementation. Here’s what to expect: Provides a background in big data and data engineering before moving on to data science and how it's applied to generate value Includes coverage of big data frameworks like Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, MPP platforms, and NoSQL Explains machine learning and many of its algorithms as well as artificial intelligence and the evolution of the Internet of Things Details data visualization techniques that can be used to showcase, summarize, and communicate the data insights you generate It's a big, big data world out there—let Data Science For Dummies help you harness its power and gain a competitive edge for your organization.
Learn the Raspberry Pi 3 from the experts! Raspberry Pi User Guide, 4th Edition is the «unofficial official» guide to everything Raspberry Pi 3. Written by the Pi's creator and a leading Pi guru, this book goes straight to the source to bring you the ultimate Raspberry Pi 3 manual. This new fourth edition has been updated to cover the Raspberry Pi 3 board and software, with detailed discussion on its wide array of configurations, languages, and applications. You'll learn how to take full advantage of the mighty Pi's full capabilities, and then expand those capabilities even more with add-on technologies. You'll write productivity and multimedia programs, and learn flexible programming languages that allow you to shape your Raspberry Pi into whatever you want it to be. If you're ready to jump right in, this book gets you started with clear, step-by-step instruction from software installation to system customization. The Raspberry Pi's tremendous popularity has spawned an entire industry of add-ons, parts, hacks, ideas, and inventions. The movement is growing, and pushing the boundaries of possibility along with it—are you ready to be a part of it? This book is your ideal companion for claiming your piece of the Pi. Get all set up with software, and connect to other devices Understand Linux System Admin nomenclature and conventions Write your own programs using Python and Scratch Extend the Pi's capabilities with add-ons like Wi-Fi dongles, a touch screen, and more The credit-card sized Raspberry Pi has become a global phenomenon. Created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to get kids interested in programming, this tiny computer kick-started a movement of tinkerers, thinkers, experimenters, and inventors. Where will your Raspberry Pi 3 take you? The Raspberry Pi User Guide, 3rd Edition is your ultimate roadmap to discovery.
Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie als Webdesigner die Vorteile von HTML5 und CSS3 kennen und gezielt einzusetzen, um einzigartige Webseiten zu gestalten, die sowohl funktional sind als auch optisch etwas zu bieten haben. Finden Sie heraus, welche Neuerungen HTML5 und CSS3 mit sich bringen und welche Designmoglichkeiten sie Ihnen bieten. Nutzen Sie HTML5, um Inhalte zu organisieren und strukturieren, und spielen Sie Video- und Audiodateien ab. Mit CSS3 verpassen Sie dem Layout dann den letzten Schliff: Animieren Sie Ubergange und Effekte, fugen Sie Schatten und Farbverlaufe hinzu und nutzen Sie Responsive Webdesign, um Ihre Seiten auch auf Smartphones und Tablets optimal darzustellen. Zusatzlich hat der Autor zahlreiche Tipps zu praktischen Online-Tools fur Sie, beispielsweise zum Erstellen von Grafiken oder Animationen, die Ihnen beim Webdesign sehr hilfreich sein konnen.
Achieve best-in-class metrics and get more from your data with JMP JMP Connections is the small- and medium-sized business owner's guide to exceeding customer expectations by getting more out of your data using JMP. Uniquely bifunctional, this book is divided into two parts: the first half of the book shows you what JMP can do for you. You'll discover how to wring every last drop of insight out of your data, and let JMP parse reams of raw numbers into actionable insight that leads to better strategic decisions. You'll also discover why it works so well; clear explanations break down the Connectivity platform and metrics in business terms to demystify data analysis and JMP while giving you a macro view of the benefits that come from optimal implementation. The second half of the book is for your technical team, demonstrating how to implement specific solutions relating to data set development and data virtualization. In the end, your organization reduces Full Time Equivalents while increasing productivity and competitiveness. JMP is a powerful tool for business, but many organizations aren't even scratching the surface of what their data can do for them. This book provides the information and technical guidance your business needs to achieve more. Learn what a JMP Connectivity Platform can do for your business Understand Metrics-on-Demand, Real-Time Metrics, and their implementation Delve into technical implementation with information on configuration and management, version control, data visualization, and more Make better business decisions by getting more and better information from your data Business leadership relies on good information to make good business decisions—but what if you could increase the quality of the information you receive, while getting more of what you want to know and less of what you don't need to know? How would that affect strategy, operations, customer experience, and other critical areas? JMP can help with that, and JMP Connections provides real, actionable guidance on getting more out of JMP.
Understanding the world of R programming and analysis has never been easier Most guides to R, whether books or online, focus on R functions and procedures. But now, thanks to Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies, you have access to a trusted, easy-to-follow guide that focuses on the foundational statistical concepts that R addresses—as well as step-by-step guidance that shows you exactly how to implement them using R programming. People are becoming more aware of R every day as major institutions are adopting it as a standard. Part of its appeal is that it's a free tool that's taking the place of costly statistical software packages that sometimes take an inordinate amount of time to learn. Plus, R enables a user to carry out complex statistical analyses by simply entering a few commands, making sophisticated analyses available and understandable to a wide audience. Statistical Analysis with R For Dummies enables you to perform these analyses and to fully understand their implications and results. Gets you up to speed on the #1 analytics/data science software tool Demonstrates how to easily find, download, and use cutting-edge community-reviewed methods in statistics and predictive modeling Shows you how R offers intel from leading researchers in data science, free of charge Provides information on using R Studio to work with R Get ready to use R to crunch and analyze your data—the fast and easy way!
The most comprehensive guide to Microsoft Word 2016 If you're a professional who uses Word, but aren't aware of its many features or get confused about how they work best, Word 2016 For Professionals For Dummies answers all your burning questions about the world's number-one word processing software. Offering in-depth coverage of topics you won't find in Word 2016 For Dummies, this guide focuses on the professional's needs, giving you all you need to know not only do your job well, but to do it even better. As Microsoft continues to hone Word with each new release, new features are added beyond basic word processing. From using Word to create blog posts to importing data from Excel to expertly flowing text around objects, it covers the gamut of Word's more advanced capabilities—including those you probably don't know exist. Whether you're looking to use Word to build a master document, collaborate and share, publish an ebook, or anything in between, the thorough, step-by-step guidance in Word 2016 For Professionals For Dummies makes it easier. Discover neat Word editing tips and tricks to create complex documents Share documents and collaborate with others Format text, paragraphs, and pages like never before Add Excel charts and graphics to Word documents Create an ebook Essential reading for the Word power user who wants to be more productive and efficient at work, this handy guide gives you the boost to take your skills to the next level.
Your one-stop guide to programming with Java If you've always wanted to program with Java but didn't know where to start, this will be the java-stained reference you'll turn to again and again. Fully updated for the JDK 9, this deep reference on the world's most popular programming language is the perfect starting point for building things with Java—and an invaluable ongoing reference as you continue to deepen your knowledge. Clocking in at over 900 pages, Java All-in-One For Dummies takes the intimidation out of learning Java and offers clear, step-by-step guidance on how to download and install Java tools; work with variables, numbers, expressions, statements, loops, methods, and exceptions; create applets, servlets, and JavaServer pages; handle and organize data; and so much more. Focuses on the vital information that enables you to get up and running quickly with Java Provides details on the new features of JDK 9 Shows you how to create simple Swing programs Includes design tips on layout, buttons, and labels Everything you need to know to program with Java is included in this practical, easy-to-use guide!
Learn to speak the Java language like the pros Are you new to programming and have decided that Java is your language of choice? Are you a wanna-be programmer looking to learn the hottest lingo around? Look no further! Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies, 5th Edition is the easy-to-follow guide you'll want to keep in your back pocket as you work your way toward Java mastery! In plain English, it quickly and easily shows you what goes into creating a program, how to put the pieces together, ways to deal with standard programming challenges, and so much more. Whether you're just tooling around or embarking on a career, this is the ideal resource you'll turn to again and again as you perfect your understanding of the nuances of this popular programming language. Packed with tons of step-by-step instruction, this is the only guide you need to start programming with Java like a pro. Updated for Java 9, learn the language with samples and the Java toolkit Familiarize yourself with decisions, conditions, statements, and information overload Differentiate between loops and arrays, objects and classes, methods, and variables Find links to additional resources Once you discover the joys of Java programming, you might just find you're hooked. Sound like fun? Here's the place to start.
Develop the next killer Android App using Java programming! Android is everywhere! It runs more than half the smartphones in the U.S.—and Java makes it go. If you want to cash in on its popularity by learning to build Android apps with Java, all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to get started is at your fingertips. Inside, you'll learn the basics of Java and grasp how it works with Android; then, you'll go on to create your first real, working application. How cool is that? The demand for Android apps isn't showing any signs of slowing, but if you're a mobile developer who wants to get in on the action, it's vital that you get the necessary Java background to be a success. With the help of Java Programming for Android Developers For Dummies, you'll quickly and painlessly discover the ins and outs of using Java to create groundbreaking Android apps—no prior knowledge or experience required! Get the know-how to create an Android program from the ground up Make sense of basic Java development concepts and techniques Develop the skills to handle programming challenges Find out how to debug your app Don't sit back and watch other developers release apps that bring in the bucks! Everything you need to create that next killer Android app is just a page away!
Современные разработчики занимаются построением кроссплатформенных приложений, их сопровождением и развертыванием. Чтобы облегчить им тяжкий труд, был создан новый фреймворк компании Microsoft – ASP.NET Core. Теперь в вашем распоряжении множество разнообразных библиотек с открытым кодом, более того, сам фреймворк является продуктом с открытым кодом. Как же освоить все новые возможности, предоставляемые ASP.NET Core? Авторы объясняют решение конкретных задач на примере вымышленной компании Alpine Ski House. Каждую главу предваряет краткий рассказ о проблеме, с которой сталкивается команда разработчиков, и о том, как они эту проблему преодолевают. Вам предстоит познакомиться с архитектурой приложений, средствами развертывания и проектирования приложений для работы в облаке и многим другим. Cтаньте профи в революционной технологии Microsoft – ASP.NET Core – и откройте для себя весь невероятный потенциал MVC, Docker, Azure Web Apps, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript и даже Entity Framework!