Трилогия «Колымские повести» рассказывает о работе геологов, осваивающих район Колымы. Небольшой отряд пересекает Колымскую низменность на вездеходе, позже сплавляется по речке на лодках. Природные условия, суровый быт, производственные проблемы и психологические нагрузки требуют мобилизации физических и душевных сил.Как объединить людей, как пройти болота, в которых тонули даже мамонты? Залог успеха в единстве людей, объединенных общим стремлением – победить! Победить, невзирая на трудности!
В новом романе выдумщик Арто Паасилинна отправляет своих героев по стопам самого Жюля Верна! Владелец черепичного завода заказывает в Англии дирижабль для рекламных целей. Но аппарат улетает в небо раньше времени с рок-музыкантами на борту. Буря относит его на территорию России, Казахстана, и в конце концов он приземляется в неприступных горах Тибета. К спасению несчастных подключается группа циркачей из Турции… Тем временем у главного героя Хемми Элстелы завязывается роман с юристом завода, недотрогой Миллой. Вскоре любовь побеждает все сомнения девушки. А поначалу безумный проект вырастает в благородную миссию – дирижабль летит на помощь жертвам землетрясения.
Роман Чарльза Диккенса «Лавка древностей» – это история о молодой девушке Нелли и ее деде, отправляющихся бродяжничать по дорогам викторианской Англии. На пути они встретят множество людей: как отзывчивых и готовых помочь путникам, так и тех, кто с пренебрежением пройдет мимо. Текст произведения снабжен грамматическим комментарием и словарем, в который вошли все слова, содержащиеся в тексте. Благодаря этому книга подойдет для любого уровня владения английским языком.
The notorious Lord of Roul……must take her as his bride!Lady Avelyn flees her unwanted betrothal to an elderly warlord, only to be hunted down and returned to King David’s court by fearsome Elrik, Lord of Roul, a legendary warrior with a heart of ice—and a kiss of fire. Now Avelyn is bound to Elrik—and to his bed—when Elrik is commanded to wed her instead!
Daughter of a slave……wedded to the warrior!Livia Valeria is furious when she’s ruthlessly gambled away by her intended bridegroom. Luckily, it’s tall, muscled and darkly handsome Roman centurion Marius Varro who wins her as his bride! Livia must hide her Caledonian roots, but when Marius faces a barbarian rebellion at Hadrian’s Wall she must make a choice: her heritage or the husband she’s falling for…
CAUGHT IN A MIDNIGHT TRYST! Can a reclusive and distrustful lord, scarred by betrayal and raised without love, learn to trust a pampered society beauty who seems to have the whole world at her elegantly shod feet? When Alexander Forthin, Earl of Calvercombe, clashes with Persephone Seaborne it seems not…But a series of mysterious disappearances links their two families, forcing the embittered soldier and the toast of St James into an unlikely alliance – one that starts the gossips’ tongues wagging… Especially after they are caught in a secret midnight tryst!
In The Ocean Between Us Susan Wiggs deftly portrays the struggles and triumphs of an American family facing life's greatest challenges as they come to understand the timeless lessons of the heart.On the surface Grace Bennett has it all – three wonderful children, a devoted husband and a life of adventure and travel. But somewhere between her husband Steve's demanding career, raising a family, the constant uprooting and the Navy's routine, Grace has lost her sense of self. And when a nearly forgotten secret resurfaces, her discontent comes into sharp focus.Something needs to change.She needs to change.Then duty calls.Now, separated by an ocean of regrets and longing, Grace and Steve are forced to take a hard look at their faltering marriage.But when the unthinkable happens, Grace is left to face a Navy wife's worst nightmare – the cold truth that life's biggest chances can slip away while you're looking for guarantees.
Married in haste……to a complete stranger!When Rowena McKenzie is accused of murder, she’s relieved to find an unlikely ally in Deputy US Marshal Dale Hunter. Having proved her innocence, she only has one thing of value with which to repay this handsome yet scarred and enigmatic man—the Wyoming ranch she inherited from her father two years ago. But Dale will only accept it if Rowena agrees to be his wife!
Chosen to be the ultimate secret operative, Helen Roston has become the most dangerous woman in the world.Two years of training and she's now ready for the final phase–a risky combination of virtual reality and a mind-altering serum. When her mysterious and faceless «trainer» syncs his mind to hers using the program, she's amazed at her sizzling response to his virtual touch. But Helen likes to be in control. She's not going to beg for more.Helen's final test is a challenging mission, picked by the other government agencies whose candidates lost out to her. To succeed, she has to put herself completely in the hands of her trainer, a man she's not sure she can trust. But all of COS Command are counting on her. She cannot fail.