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If She Saw

Блейк Пирс

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) IF SHE SAW (A Kate Wise Mystery) is book #2 in a new psychological thriller series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. When a couple is found murdered and no suspects are apparent, 55 year old empty nester Kate Wise, after a 30 year career with the FBI, finds herself called out of retirement (and her quiet suburban life) to come back and work for the bureau. Kate’s brilliant mind and unrivaled ability to enter the mind of serial killers is just too indispensable, and the FBI needs her to crack this baffling case. Why were two couples found murdered, 50 miles apart, and in the same manner? What can they possibly have in common? The answer, Kate realizes, is urgent—as she is certain the killer is about to strike again. But in the deadly game of cat and mouse that follows, Kate, entering the dark canals of the killer’s twisted mind, may just find herself a moment too late. An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, IF SHE SAW is book #2 in a riveting new series that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #3 in the KATE WISE MYSTERY series is now also available for pre-order.

Once Dormant

Блейк Пирс

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ONCE DORMANT is book #14 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 1,000 five star reviews! After lying dormant for 10 years, an elusive serial killer strikes again, leaving few clues—and the only way for FBI Special Agent Riley Paige to catch him in the present is to solve the riddles of the past. Women are turning up dead, and in this dark psychological thriller, Riley Paige realizes she is in a race against time. The murders of the past were too perplexing to be solved back then. Can Riley solve them 10 years cold? And connect the dots to the present-day crimes? When Riley finds her personal life in crisis, playing cat and mouse with a brilliant psychopath may just be too much for her. Especially since there is something that is just not sitting right with this case… An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, ONCE DORMANT is book #14 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #15 in the Riley Paige series will be available soon.

If She Ran

Блейк Пирс

“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” –-Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) IF SHE RAN (A Kate Wise Mystery) is book #3 in a new psychological thriller series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. 55 year old FBI agent Kate Wise is called back in from retirement when a second husband from a wealthy suburb is found murdered, shot to death on his way home. Can it be a coincidence? There was one case that has haunted Kate her entire career, the one that she couldn’t solve. Now, 10 years later, a second husband is killed in the same way—and from the same, exclusive town. What is the connection? And can Kate redeem herself, and solve it before it goes cold again? An action-packed thriller with heart-pounding suspense, IF SHE RAN is book #3 in a riveting new series that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Book #4 in the KATE WISE MYSTERY SERIES will be available soon.

Выстрел из прошлого

Анатолий Жаренов

В небольшом поселке Нылка произошло неслыханное. Ни с тог, ни с сего бесследно исчез заведующий местным Домом культуры – двадцатисемилетний Александр Мямлин. Он жил в развалюшке, у глухой бабки на краю поселка и, казалось, был по-настоящему счастлив. И вдруг пропал. Происшествие не редкое. Многие исчезают. Кто на ночь от жены исчезнет, кто на неделю уйдет «в себя» с томиком Горького в стеклянном переводе. Но личность Мямлин в поселке видная, фигура немалая. А потом не запойный он, не блудливый, как некоторые, ни в его это правилах исчезать, не сказав никому ни слова. И вот на тебе! Сам исчез, а вместе с ним исчезло зеленое нейлоновое пальто и красный клетчатый чемодан, в котором он хранил свое нехитрое имущество. Кассирша на вокзале, знавшая всех нылкинских жителей наперечет, сообщила, что парень ни ночью, ни утром билета не покупал. Такие же сведения поступили и с автобусной станции. Таксисты, ночевавшие в поселке, пассажира с красным клетчатым чемоданом не видели. Это, конечно, еще ни о чем не говорило – уехать из Нылки можно было и на попутном грузовике. Смущало другое. Не поддавалась логическому объяснению сама неожиданность, скрытность и поспешность отъезда. Похоже, следователю Кириллову будет нелегко докопаться до истины в этом загадочном деле об исчезновении. Также не пропустите аудиокниги по увлекательным романам Анатолия Жаренова: «Обратная теорема», «Частный случай», «Фамильная реликвия». © А. Жаренов (наследники) ©&℗ ИП Воробьев ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ

Лучшие френды девушки

Нина Запольская

Чисто российское убийство – когда добро и зло меняются местами… Наши дни плюс пять-десять лет. Будет любовь, с разницей в возрасте и без, настоящая мужская дружба, приключения в Африке, много рома в Колумбии и, конечно, кровавые убийства, одно из которых всколыхнёт некие структуры мегаполиса. Будет полицейское расследование, а вот реалий работы нашей полиции не будет. Да и нужны ли они вам, эти реалии?


Federico Betti

O que liga uma série de homicídios ocorridos em Bolonha e na província? Trata-se de um serial killer ou outro? Descobri-lo será dever do inspetor de Polícia Stefano Zamagni e seus homens. Uma mulher é encontrada morta e acredita-se que pode se tratar de um homicídio. Começam as investigações, mas a polícia parece estar em um beco sem saída. Pouco depois, o mesmo acontece com outras pessoas e assim se descobrem detalhes em comum. A ideia do serial killer vem logo à mente dos investigadores, até que inclusive o mais provável culpado é encontrado morto a tiros de arma de fogo. O inspetor Zamagni e o agente Finocchi perdem todas as certezas, até receberem uma confissão que dirigirá o caso sob uma nova luz. Um suspense cheio de reviravoltas que irá manter o leitor sob tensão até um inesperado desfecho.

На весах Фемиды. Судебные очерки

Владимир Александрович Жуков

В судебных очерках и статьях на основе конкретных уголовных дел раскрыт широкий спектр социальных недугов и пороков. По морально-этическим соображениям имена «героев» криминальных историй изменены.


Тесс Ґеррітсен

Мора Айлс бачила чимало страшних речей. Коли працюєш судмедекспертом, уже не боїшся смерті. На секційний стіл потрапило тіло жінки, як дві краплини води схожої на Мору. Судмедексперта охопив справжній жах. Хто ця незнайомка? Загадкова сестра-близнючка? Чи це просто збіг? Але якщо так, то на кого насправді полював убивця: на цю дівчину чи на Мору? Можливо, це попередження? Час знайти відповіді на всі запитання, випередивши вбивцю та вийшовши на слід того, хто роками уникав правосуддя…

Алиби на всех не хватит

Николай Леонов

Убит Яков Розенберг, известный московский бизнесмен и продюсер. Генерал приказал заняться этим делом вплотную и через три дня представить ему убийцу. Расследование поручено полковникам МУРа Льву Гурову и Станиславу Крячко…


Rachel Lee

When the deck has been stacked against you, working outside the law is the only card left to playFollowing a victorious evening, shots ring out, leaving the Democratic presidential front-runner near death. As the official investigation begins, FBI special agent Tom Lawton is sidelined, given work intended to keep him out of the way. Determined to find out why, he launches an investigation of his own–and uncovers a web of deceit constructed by his own superiors. Soon he has uncovered far too much.Working alone is no longer an option, and Tom's only hope is Agent Renate Bachle, a woman with secrets of her own. On the run for his life, he must determine whether he can trust this mysterious foreigner to guide him through the corridors of a conspiracy that threatens a nation, or whether she is simply another spider in the web….