You've heard much in recent years about positive thinking. Out of the recessions and lean years another term has been born: «prosperous thinking.» The word «prosper» means «to flourish, succeed, thrive, to experience favorable results.» This book plainly shows how prosperous thinking has helped people in every walk of life to experience these results. Furthermore, it shows how prosperous thinking can do these things for you, too! As you read this book, chapter by chapter, you will automatically begin to develop the power of prosperous thinking, and, almost as easily, you will begin to reap a harvest of prosperous results.
Our attitudes and thoughts shape our lives. Ponder gives you the tools to prosper in all of life's situations. “Desire is God tapping at the door of your mind, trying to give you greater good.” – Caherine Ponder.
"MINDSET isn't an Important Thing…It is the ONLY Thing!!!" quote by Mark Sieverkropp<br><br>What you consistently think about has a direct impact on your behavior and not the other way around. So, it's important to get this fundamental ingredient right!<br><br>Mindset is the fence that dissects Successful people from the Rest.<br>In regard to Being Successful and Developing a Millionaire Mindset, people ought to be Optimistic, Confident and Have a Clear Set of Goals to Target. But most people meet with disaster on all of the above and lose the battle of Success.<br><br>Well, we are pleased to Offer you a Far-Flung, Well-Researched Info-Product with latest techniques that will transform your mindset and help you pave the path of Success.<br><br>So, here's what you are going to discover in this Awesome "Million Dollar Mindset" Info Course:<br><br>Understanding your Vision<br>Setting the Goals for Success<br>Things to Follow to Develop a Million Dollar Mindset<br>Road-blockers to your Success and Ways to Deal with it<br>Assertiveness and Optimism<br>Working Well with your Co-workers<br>Law of Attraction for Success<br>The Power of a Strong Belief System<br>Stepping out of your Comfort Zone<br>Confidence and Over-Confidence – Realizing the Difference<br>The Significance of Workout and Meditation<br>Controlling your Mood and Emotions<br>Combating Stress and Anxiety<br>And so much more.....<br><br>Are you sick of endlessly exploring ways on How to Become a Millionaire and end up with absolutely achieving nothing?<br><br>You are trying hard to accomplish your goals, putting your blood and sweat in to overcome the road-blockers to your success but fail to achieve anything worthwhile…<br><br>Success appears to be a Difficult Thing for you NOW because of your pessimistic Mindset and approach towards your Life and Things…<br><br>Trust me, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!<br><br>There are millions of people out there who are steering the same wheel but to no Success…<br><br>Before we proceed further, let's have a look at some statistics to give you an Insight on Failure Rates and the reasons driving it…<br><br>It is estimated that more than 50% of the new businesses fail within five years of getting started.<br><br>Around 30 percent of businesses fail due to unbalanced experience or lack of managerial experience.<br>Incompetence and lack of abilities lead to business failure in 46 percent of the cases.<br>Only 40 percent of the small businesses are profitable, 30 percent break even, and another 30 percent are continuously losing money.<br><br>These are pretty serious numbers AND now you know that millions of people are sailing in the same boat as yours…<br><br>Let's focus on the root causes of this problem:<br>Unsettled jobs and Increasing Unemployment<br>Lack of Vision and Undefined goals<br>Decreasing Self-Confidence among people<br>Growing Stress and Anxiety in the World<br>Inappropriate Time Management<br>Staggering Self-Belief System<br>Fear to take Risks and Chances in Life
Catherine Ponder is an American minister of the Unity Church, and author of books in the prosperity field, who declared that those who develop the power of prosperous thinking will reap a harvest of prosperous results.
Original Research: The book deeply explores career transition, mapping it on an arc that all high-performers move through. Based on Harrison’s ground-breaking, original research into the experiences of elite athletes, Personal Next explains the nine key PRACTICES that are in play in high performance when successfully navigating transition from one stage of work activity to another. The High Performer in Transition: The book illuminates the psychological and emotional impacts of high-level athletic life. It draws parallels between the experiences of elite athletes with those of high-performers in business and the arts, and offers practical understanding for all readers who are navigating career and life transitions. The common thread is that all have achieved in the past, are now in a period of pause, and are in pursuit of new meaning. After the Podium: There has been much in the press recently about negative aspects of sport (e.g., hazing and other abusive relationships, injuries, addiction). This coaching book delves into the positives and negatives of elite training and performance, demystifying the athlete’s journey and making real the many challenges faced when the spotlight turns away from the athlete. The book gives guidance for how athletes and others can use the formidable experiences they’ve had to date to tackle new challenges. Public Fascination: The public fascination with the success journeys of elite athletes and the lessons to be learned from them is evident in the billions of people worldwide who have tuned in to the Olympic games. (An estimated 3.5 billion people watched the Rio Olympics in 2016.) High-performers learn and can relate to the unique circumstances that affect the athlete and how these lessons from sport can be applied to their own career and life changes.
Книга Саши Лонго «Парабола замысла поиска работы мечты» основана только на реальном опыте автора и наполнена полезной информацией, касающейся закономерностей процесса внутреннего рекрутмента. Очень многие из нас хотя бы раз в жизни искали работу и задавались вопросом, почему все-таки не они стали обладателями заветного Job Offer в компанию своей мечты? Вся правда о поиске работы : от определения персональной миссии до успешных поведенческих стратегий на интервью-собеседовании, от нюансов интерпретации ваших ответов внутренними рекрутерами до архетипов HR-менеджеров. В первую очередь, книга обращена к соискателям работы , поскольку она охватывает широкий спектр вопросов, начиная от профессионального самоопределения заканчивая успешными поведенческими стратегиями до, в процессе и после интервью-собеседования. Кроме того, вся книга призвана изменить парадигму восприятия интервью-собеседования: часто HR-менеджер, который проводит с вами первичное интервью-собеседование, воспринимается как основное препятствие на пути достижения заветной цели – получения Job Offer в компанию своей мечты. Как понимать, что за человек проводит с вами встречу? Как он воспринимает людей и мир вокруг себя? Что является его глубинной мотивацией? На основании чего он принимает решение? Эта книга будет также интересна и HR-специалистам . Узнать себя в привычных поведенческих стратегиях – что может быть более мотивирующим к развитию? Структура книги такова, что вы легко можете начать с той главы, которая в данный конкретный момент является наиболее актуальной для вас.