This book offers a concise review of quantum radar theory. Our approach is pedagogical, making emphasis on the physics behind the operation of a hypothetical quantum radar. We concentrate our discussion on the two major models proposed to date: interferometric quantum radar and quantum illumination. In addition, this book offers some new results, including an analytical study of quantum interferometry in the X-band radar region with a variety of atmospheric conditions, a derivation of a quantum radar equation, and a discussion of quantum radar jamming.
This book assumes the reader is familiar with the basic principles of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical electrodynamics. Our discussion of quantum electrodynamics and its application to quantum radar is brief, but all the relevant equations are presented in the text. In addition, the reader is not required to have any specialized knowledge on classical radar theory.
Table of Contents: Introduction / The Photon / Photon Scattering / Classical Radar Theory / Quantum Radar Theory / Quantum Radar Cross Section / Conclusions
Testing applications for mobile phones is difficult, time-consuming, and hard to do effectively. Many people have limited their testing efforts to hands-on testing of an application on a few physical handsets, and they have to repeat the process every time a new version of the software is ready to test. They may miss many of the permutations of real-world use, and as a consequence their users are left with the unpleasant mess of a failing application on their phone.
Test automation can help to increase the range and scope of testing, while reducing the overhead of manual testing of each version of the software. However automation is not a panacea, particularly for mobile applications, so we need to pick our test automation challenges wisely. This book is intended to help software and test engineers pick appropriately to achieve more; and as a consequence deliver better quality, working software to users.
This Synthesis lecture provides practical advice based on direct experience of using software test automation to help improve the testing of a wide range of mobile phone applications, including the latest AJAX applications. The focus is on applications that rely on a wireless network connection to a remote server, however the principles may apply to other related fields and applications.
We start by explaining terms and some of the key challenges involved in testing smartphone applications. Subsequent chapters describe a type of application e.g. markup, AJAX, Client, followed by a related chapter on how to test each of these applications. Common test automation techniques are covered in a separate chapter, and finally there is a brief chapter on when to test manually.
The book also contains numerous pointers and links to further material to help you to improve your testing using automation appropriately.
Table of Contents: Introduction / Markup Languages / Testing Techniques for Markup Applications / AJAX Mobile Applications / Testing Mobile AJAX Applications / Client Applications / Testing Techniques for Client Applications / Common Techniques / When to Test Manually / Future Work / Appendix A: Links and References / Appendix B: Data Connectivity / Appendix C: Configuring Your Machine
GIS is your tool, not your career. How can you quickly begin applying GIS in your work? The GIS 20: Essential Skills , third edition, presents step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and practical tips on how to perform the top 20 skills needed to successfully use a geographic information system (GIS). These skills include finding and editing data, querying GIS maps, creating reports, and sharing and publishing maps.
Note: This e-book requires ArcGIS software. You can download the ArcGIS Trial at, contact your school or business Esri Site License Administrator, or purchase a student or individual license through the Esri Store.
Как написать такой сценарий, чтобы снятый по нему фильм зрители смотрели на одном дыхании? Авторы книги, сооснователи Высшей школы кино «Арка», продюсеры и сценаристы Вячеслав Ширяев и Дмитрий Котов дают исчерпывающий ответ на этот вопрос. В книге вы найдете все необходимое для начинающего сценариста: инструменты, правила и приемы, без которых не обойтись при создании истории. Вы узнаете, из чего состоит хороший сценарий, как придумать интересного героя, которому зритель захочет сопереживать, на что нужно обращать внимание при разработке сеттинга, какие правила необходимо соблюдать при создании конфликта и в чем особенности каждого из актов в структуре сценария. Эта книга – экспертное пошаговое руководство с подробным чек-листом, по которому удобно работать при написании сценария, – будет полезна всем, кто хочет овладеть основами сценарного мастерства. © Storyside
Mars: Science Fiction to Colonization, explores how science fiction has emerged into scientific fact as the prospect of colonizing Mars grows ever more tangible. From modern technology borne straight from the pages of classic novels to the Space Race, the first orbiter missions to the hypothesized underground hot houses that might provide fresh vegetables to the first colonizers, Mars illuminates the possibility of establishing an extraterrestrial human settlement. Mars covers rovers, orbiters, Mars, NASA and other space agencies, Curiosity, fossils, HG Wells, Ray Bradbury, Sputnik, Space Race, ExoMars, and Mars One, engineering, psychology, and culture.
The Titans of Tech: Edison to Gates explores the curiosity, creativity, and improvement of American technology throughout the 20th and 21st century. From Josephine Cochran’s pragmatic invention of the dishwasher to Tim Cook’s cutting-edge Apple watch, Titans takes its reader on a 100-year journey of technological revolution.
Основной целью книги является ознакомить читателя с методологией повышения эффективности операционной деятельности энергомашиностроительных предприятий на основе критерия максимального дохода от сбыта производимой продукции и учитывающего в расчетах современное состояние производственно-технологических мощностей и социально-экономическую среду.