«Журнал сетевых решений / LAN» – издание для специалистов по проектированию, установке, эксплуатации и модернизации информационных систем о компьютерных сетях, системах передачи данных, управления сетями и проектами, средствах связи, системах безопасности разного уровня. Тематика охватывает весь круг вопросов, связанных с корпоративными сетями, их сопряжением с общедоступными сетями, вычислительной и телекоммуникационной инфраструктурой, включая центры данных, СКС, системы бесперебойного питания. В номере: Канал новостей Измениться или умереть, или Новый сервис за 17 минут Тема номера Незнакомый знакомый монтажный конструктив Мир ЦОД Мир ЦОД. Осень. Облака Сетевая инфраструктура Готовы ли вы к переходу на Wave 2? и многое другое
В номере: На пути к «умной» системе хранения Ядро любой современной информационной системы – система хранения данных, отказ которой способен нанести непоправимый урон компании или организации. Технология Pure1 META, созданная на основе методов машинного обучения, призвана обеспечить бесперебойную работу флеш-массивов и предотвратить деградацию производительности. Проблемы реализации промышленных приложений Интернета вещей Промышленные приложения в контексте Интернета вещей подняты сегодня на щит практически всеми ИТ-поставщиками, но если с облачными сервисами и большими данными все относительно ясно, то «на земле» это не так. «Alexa, можно ли тебе доверять?» Многочисленные инциденты в области безопасности и нарушения приватности подтвердили наличие серьезных рисков, связанных с интеллектуальными виртуальными ассистентами Google Home, Apple Siri или Amazon Alexa. Проблемы безопасности больших данных Технологии больших данных предоставляют сегодня существенную ценность для бизнеса, однако одним из ограничений соответствующих проектов являются риски информационной безопасности. Вместе с тем до сих пор нет общепринятой единой концепции защиты технологий больших данных, а текущие подходы основаны на использовании разрозненных методов. Как масштабировать Agile? Сегодня мало кто сомневается в эффективности команд, организованных на принципах Agile, однако при масштабировании этого подхода на уровень всей компании возникает много препятствий. Управление данными мониторинга окружающей среды Эффективная и удобная работа c данными – необходимое условие успеха большинства систем, в том числе и биомониторинга. Облачная платформа управления данными программы Комиссии ООН по контролю за загрязнением воздуха позволяет точно выявлять проблемные области и создавать региональные карты трансграничных загрязнений. и многое другое
В статье продемонстрированы существование и возможность выявления объективно обособленных операций обработки знаний, объективно инициируемой типизации таких операций (формирования видов обработки знаний), а также объективной упорядоченности множества видов обработки знаний. Продемонстрирована возможность выявления характеристик формы гносеологической модели, а также показано, что конкретный набор характеристик формы гносеологической модели, реализованный в моделях знаний, определяет соотнесение этих моделей к конкретному объективно выделяемому классу.
Get up to date quickly with clear, expert coverage of SCCM 2016 Mastering System Center Configuration Manager provides comprehensive coverage of Microsoft's powerful network software deployment tool, with a practical hands-on approach. Written by Santos Martinez, Peter Daalmans, and Brett Bennett, this guide walks you through SCCM 2016 with in-depth explanations anchored in real-world applications to get you up to speed quickly. Whether you're planning a new installation or migrating from a previous version of Configuration Manager, this book provides clear instruction and expert insight to get the job done right. Fully aligned with the latest release, the discussion covers the newest tools and features with examples that illustrate utility in a variety of contexts. System Center Configuration Manager (formerly SMS) is one of Microsoft's flagship products; the 2016 release has been updated with better Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 compatibility, improved tools for managing non-Microsoft mobile devices in the cloud, and more. This book provides start-to-finish coverage and expert guidance on everything you need to get your system up to date. Deploy software and operating systems Automate processes and customize configurations Monitor performance and troubleshoot issues Manage security in the cloud and on Virtual Machines SCCM 2016 improves your ability to handle the bring-your-own-device influx in managing mobile, streamlining the latest hiccup right into the everyday workflow. Mastering System Center Configuration Manager provides the practical coverage you need to get up and running seamlessly.
Your all-inclusive guide to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition Windows 10 Bible, Anniversary Update presents the ultimate reference for enterprise and professional Windows 10 Anniversary Update users. From setup and settings to networking and the daily workflow, this book provides expert guidance on all aspects of the OS. Read from beginning to end for a comprehensive tour of all of the nooks and crannies, or dip in as needed to find quick answers to your most pressing issues—formatted as a reference divided into mini-tutorials, this guide delves deep into the Windows 10 Anniversary Update to walk you through every inch of functionality. Personalize your settings, desktop, and security to augment the way you work; configure Windows 10 for enterprise with remote access, groups, and Hyper-V; set up a private network for two or 20 computers, and manage security to keep your content safe—everything you need to know is explained here. This book provides clear, authoritative guidance toward every aspect of the old and new to help you take advantage of everything Windows 10 Anniversary Update has to offer. Customize your Windows 10 Anniversary Update experience Install and remove hardware and software Set up your network and configure security Manage content, connect to printers, and troubleshoot issues Clear your to-do list faster than ever with Cortana voice commands, Windows Ink, Windows Hello, and a cross-platform capability that allows you to integrate a range of platforms including tablets, phones, Raspberry Pi, and even Xbox. Even if you're an experienced user, you're probably missing out on some very cool features—let the Windows 10 Bible, Anniversary Update fill the gaps and take your Windows 10 experience to the next level.
Invaluable coverage on all aspects of System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Completely updated for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, this comprehensive book provides intermediate and advanced coverage of all aspects of the product, including planning and installation, migrating from previous versions of Configuration Manager, deploying software and operating systems, security, monitoring and troubleshooting, and automating and customizing. Provides numerous real-world scenarios to show you how to use the tool in various contexts Explores planning and installation and migrating from SCCM 2007 Walks you through deploying software and operating systems, security, monitoring, and troubleshooting Demonstrates automating and customizing SCCM 2012 with scripts This essential book provides you with all the information you need to get savvy with System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager.
The Ultimate Book on Group Policy Freshly updated to include Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop, Second Edition is the book for learning everything you need to know about Group Policy, no matter which version of Windows you use. Microsoft Group Policy MVP Jeremy Moskowitz covers it all—major Group Policy categories, what Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 bring to the table, and smart ways to tackle tough desktop management problems. Topics include troubleshooting, security, scripting, using Windows PowerShell when necessary, and much more. Inside this book, you'll learn to: Master all Group Policy functions of Windows, including Windows XP through Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003 through Windows Server 2012 Enhance your Group Policy reach with the Group Policy Preferences, ADMX files, and additional add-ons Use every feature of the GPMC and become a top-notch administrator Troubleshoot Group Policy using tools, logs, Resource Kit utilities, Registry hacks, and third-party tools Manage printers, restrict hardware, and configure Internet Explorer Deploy software to your desktops, set up roaming profiles, and configure Offline Files for all your Windows clients—and manage it all with Group Policy settings Secure your desktops and servers with AppLocker, Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and the Security Configuration Manager Download bonus chapters and: Script complex GPMC operations with PowerShell, including linking, backup, restore, permissions changes, and more Create a «change management» system with Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM v4) Understand Windows Intune service and its relationship to Group Policy Coverage Includes: Updated GPMC New Windows 8 GPMC Features ADMX/ADML Files Group Policy Preferences Item-Level Targeting The Central Store AppLocker Fine-Grained Password Policy Offline Files Updates Inheritance Blocking Prioritization Linking Loopback Policy Processing Security Policy Processing Enforcing WMI Filters Third-Party Tools Cross-Forest Trusts Filters Commenting Searching Advanced Logging and Troubleshooting Advanced Auditing Controls Group Policy and VDI Security Configuration Manager Windows Intune
An essential guide on the latest version of Microsoft's server management tool Microsoft's powerful Mastering System Center 2012 Operations Manager introduces many exciting new and enhanced feature sets that allow for large-scale management of mission-critical servers. This comprehensive guide provides invaluable coverage to help organizations monitor their environments across computers, network, and storage infrastructures while maintaining efficient and effective service levels across their applications. Provides intermediate and advanced coverage of all aspects of Systems Center 2012 Operations Manager, including designing, planning, deploying, managing, maintaining, and scripting Operations Manager Offers a hands-on approach by providing many real-world scenarios to show you how to use the tool in various contexts Anchors conceptual explanations in practical application Mastering System Center 2012 Operations Manager clearly shows you how this powerful server management tool can best be used to serve your organization's needs.
Discover all the security risks and exploits that can threaten iOS-based mobile devices iOS is Apple's mobile operating system for the iPhone and iPad. With the introduction of iOS5, many security issues have come to light. This book explains and discusses them all. The award-winning author team, experts in Mac and iOS security, examines the vulnerabilities and the internals of iOS to show how attacks can be mitigated. The book explains how the operating system works, its overall security architecture, and the security risks associated with it, as well as exploits, rootkits, and other payloads developed for it. Covers iOS security architecture, vulnerability hunting, exploit writing, and how iOS jailbreaks work Explores iOS enterprise and encryption, code signing and memory protection, sandboxing, iPhone fuzzing, exploitation, ROP payloads, and baseband attacks Also examines kernel debugging and exploitation Companion website includes source code and tools to facilitate your efforts iOS Hacker's Handbook arms you with the tools needed to identify, understand, and foil iOS attacks.
The bestselling book on Windows, now updated for the new 8.1 features Microsoft has fine-tuned Windows 8 with some important new features, and veteran author Andy Rathbone explains every one in this all-new edition of a long-time bestseller. Whether you're using Windows for the first time, upgrading from an older version, or just moving from Windows 8 to 8.1, here's what you need to know. Learn about the dual interfaces, the new Start button, how to customize the interface and boot operations, and how to work with programs and files, use the web and social media, manage music and photos, and much more. You'll even find troubleshooting tips! This edition covers the upgrades in Windows 8.1, including the dual interfaces, basic mechanics, file storage, and how to get the free upgrade to Windows 8.1 Shows how to manipulate app tiles, give Windows the look you choose, set up boot-to-desktop capabilities, connect to a network, and create user accounts Covers working with programs, apps, and files; using the Internet and social media; new apps and capabilities for working with onboard and online media; and how to move files to a new PC Written by Andy Rathbone, author of every edition of the bestselling Windows For Dummies Windows 8.1 For Dummies is exactly what you need to get going and be productive with the newest Windows update.