Windows IT Pro/RE – профессиональное издание на русском языке, целиком и полностью посвященное вопросам работы с продуктами семейства Windows и технологиям компании Microsoft. Журнал предназначен для системных администраторов и разработчиков. В номере: ИТ и бизнес История успеха 2017 года продолжается Тема номера Что необходимо знать об управлении Office 365 Обновления Защита от вредоносных программ с помощью OneDrive для бизнеса Лаборатория Windows 10 S вблизи Вводный курс Paint становится трехмерным Безопасность Уроки крупных взломов для ИТ-специалистов SQL Server SQL Operations Studio для всех и многое другое
Windows IT Pro/RE – профессиональное издание на русском языке, целиком и полностью посвященное вопросам работы с продуктами семейства Windows и технологиям компании Microsoft. Журнал предназначен для системных администраторов и разработчиков. В номере: Тема номера Переходим с Windows 7 на Windows 10 в сфере бизнеса SQL Server SQL Server: как избежать сортировки по убыванию Office System Режим ограниченной функциональности клиента Skype Управление Управление мобильными устройствами Обновления PowerShell Core 6.0: что нового? Вводный курс Преобразование панели управления Windows 10 в версии RS4 и многое другое
В номере: Повсеместные операционные системы Операционные системы вышли сегодня за рамки традиционных компьютеров и применяются повсеместно, но, несмотря на внешние различия, все существующие ОС снабжены «программно-конфигурируемыми» возможностями, поддерживают виртуализацию и программируемые функции. Искусственный интеллект для масштабируемой персонализации Персонализацию сегодня упорно ставят во главу любых адресных маркетинговых программ; однако, несмотря на огромные инвестиции, предприятия по-прежнему испытывают сложности с персонализацией взаимодействия с клиентами и сотрудниками. Активное применение методов искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения может улучшить ситуацию. Как реализовать потенциал блокчейна? Статистика анонсированных ICO за 2017 год выпукло демонстрирует кризисную ситуацию в области новых проектов, использующих технологию распределенного реестра. Для успеха таких проектов требуется иная культурно-технологическая среда, способствующая реализации рациональных идей с помощью блокчейна. Открытая аналитическая СУБД До недавнего времени рынок аналитических массивно-параллельных СУБД делили между собой компании Vertica, Teradata, Netezza и Greenplum, существовавшие вне сообщества Open Source, однако ситуация изменилась в 2017 году, когда проект Greenplum перешел в категорию открытых. Убейте DevOps Какое отношение DevOps имеет к школе буддизма? Культ мечтателей, где на любого, у кого нет косички, кто не носит футболку и не держит в руках iPad, смотрят с подозрением. Одни только постоянные споры об определении DevOps уже заставляют провести параллель с дзен-буддизмом. Куда послать коммивояжера? Едва научившись ходить, человек стал строить маршруты, но со временем они становились все сложнее. Сегодня задача прокладки оптимальных трасс стала актуальной для всех логистических предприятий, однако ее точного решения до сих пор не найдено. Есть, конечно, эвристические алгоритмы, но возникает проблема их выбора. и многое другое
A step-by-step guide to managing critical technologies of today's converged services IP networks Effective IP Address Management (IPAM) has become crucial to maintaining high-performing IP services such as data, video, and voice over IP. This book provides a concise introduction to the three core IPAM networking technologies—IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and Domain Name System (DNS)—as well as IPAM practice and techniques needed to manage them cohesively. The book begins with a basic overview of IP networking, including a discussion of protocol layering, addressing, and routing. After a review of the IPAM technologies, the book introduces the major components, motivation, benefits, and basic approaches of IPAM. Emphasizing the necessity of a disciplined «network management» approach to IPAM, the subsequent chapters enable you to: Understand IPAM practices, including managing your IP address inventory and tracking of address transactions (such as allocation and splitting address space, discovering network occupancy, and managing faults and performance) Weigh the costs and justifications for properly implementing an IPAM strategy Use various approaches to automating IPAM functions through workflow Learn about IPv4-IPv6 co-existence technologies and approaches Assess security issues with DHCP network access control approaches and DNS vulnerabilities and mitigation including DNSSEC Evaluate the business case for IPAM, which includes derivation of the business case cost basis, identification of savings when using an IP address management system, associated costs, and finally net results Introduction to IP Address Management concludes with a business case example, providing a real-world financial perspective of the costs and benefits of implementing an IP address management solution. No other book covers all these subjects cohesively from a network management perspective, which makes this volume imperative for manager-level networking professionals who need a broad understanding of both the technical and business aspects of IPAM. In addition, technologists interested in IP networking and address management will find this book valuable. To obtain a free copy of the IPAM Configuration Guide please send an email to: [email protected]
This book will advance the understanding and application of self-adaptive intelligent systems; therefore it will potentially benefit the long-term goal of replicating certain levels of brain-like intelligence in complex and networked engineering systems. It will provide new approaches for adaptive systems within uncertain environments. This will provide an opportunity to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current state-of-the-art of knowledge, give rise to new research directions, and educate future professionals in this domain. Self-adaptive intelligent systems have wide applications from military security systems to civilian daily life. In this book, different application problems, including pattern recognition, classification, image recovery, and sequence learning, will be presented to show the capability of the proposed systems in learning, memory, and prediction. Therefore, this book will also provide potential new solutions to many real-world applications.
If you are serious about getting up to speed with Windows 7, then this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. The author illustrates the main functions of Windows 7, explaining everything you need to know in plain, jargon-free English with full-colour screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages – just follow the instructions on your own PC. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user in need of a quick grip on the updates in Windows 7, read on for: Windows 7 basics new ways to customize Windows to work for you the new interface and the new and improved Internet Explorer creating movies sharing their computer working with and managing files browsing the Web Packed with advice and illustrations, this visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Windows 7!
There is a software gap between the hardware potential and the performance that can be attained using today's software parallel program development tools. The tools need manual intervention by the programmer to parallelize the code. Programming a parallel computer requires closely studying the target algorithm or application, more so than in the traditional sequential programming we have all learned. The programmer must be aware of the communication and data dependencies of the algorithm or application. This book provides the techniques to explore the possible ways to program a parallel computer for a given application.
The new edition of a bestseller, now revised and update throughout! This new edition of the unparalleled bestseller serves as a full training course all in one and as the world's largest data storage company, EMC is the ideal author for such a critical resource. They cover the components of a storage system and the different storage system models while also offering essential new material that explores the advances in existing technologies and the emergence of the «Cloud» as well as updates and vital information on new technologies. Features a separate section on emerging area of cloud computing Covers new technologies such as: data de-duplication, unified storage, continuous data protection technology, virtual provisioning, FCoE, flash drives, storage tiering, big data, and more Details storage models such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Network (SAN), Object Based Storage along with virtualization at various infrastructure components Explores Business Continuity and Security in physical and virtualized environment Includes an enhanced Appendix for additional information This authoritative guide is essential for getting up to speed on the newest advances in information storage and management.
Presents the latest advances in complex-valued neural networks by demonstrating the theory in a wide range of applications Complex-valued neural networks is a rapidly developing neural network framework that utilizes complex arithmetic, exhibiting specific characteristics in its learning, self-organizing, and processing dynamics. They are highly suitable for processing complex amplitude, composed of amplitude and phase, which is one of the core concepts in physical systems to deal with electromagnetic, light, sonic/ultrasonic waves as well as quantum waves, namely, electron and superconducting waves. This fact is a critical advantage in practical applications in diverse fields of engineering, where signals are routinely analyzed and processed in time/space, frequency, and phase domains. Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications covers cutting-edge topics and applications surrounding this timely subject. Demonstrating advanced theories with a wide range of applications, including communication systems, image processing systems, and brain-computer interfaces, this text offers comprehensive coverage of: Conventional complex-valued neural networks Quaternionic neural networks Clifford-algebraic neural networks Presented by international experts in the field, Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications is ideal for advanced-level computational intelligence theorists, electromagnetic theorists, and mathematicians interested in computational intelligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning theories, and algorithms.
Авторами исследуется случайная линейная сеть, в которой при передаче помимо пакетных потерь происходят символьные стирания. Построена модель такой сети, базирующаяся на новых моделях узлов с расширенным сетевым алфавитом. Разработаны методы кодирования, основанные на использовании сетевых кодов Кеттера-Кшишанга-Силвы и канальных помехоустойчивых кодов. В статье отмечена возможность применимости этих методов в случае несанкционированного использования линейных сетей нелегальным пользователем.