О бизнесе популярно

Различные книги в жанре О бизнесе популярно

Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook

Bill Aulet

The essential companion to the book that revolutionized entrepreneurship Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook provides a practical manual for working the 24-step framework presented in Disciplined Entrepreneurship. Unlocking key lessons and breaking down the steps, this book helps you delve deeper into the framework to get your business up and running with a greater chance for success. You'll find the tools you need to sharpen your instinct, engage your creativity, work through hardship, and give the people what they want—even if they don't yet know that they want it. Real-world examples illustrate the framework in action, and case studies highlight critical points that can make or break you when your goal is on the line. Exercises and assessments help you nail down your strengths, while pointing out areas that could benefit from reinforcement—because when it comes to your business, «good enough» isn't good enough—better is always better. Disciplined Entrepreneurship transformed the way that professionals think about starting a company, and this book helps you dig into the proven framework to make your business dreams a reality. Delve deeper into the 24 steps to success Innovate, persevere, and create the product people want Internalize lessons learned from real-world entrepreneurs Test your understanding with exercises and case studies The book also includes new material on topics the author has found to be extremely useful in getting the most value out of the framework including Primary Market Research, Windows of Opportunity and Triggers. The book also introduces the Disciplined Entrepreneurship Canvas to track your progress on this journey. Starting a company is a serious undertaking, with plenty of risk and sacrifice to go around—so why not minimize the risk and make the outcome worth the sacrifice? Author Bill Aulet's 24-step framework is proven to build a successful business; the key is in how well you implement it. Disciplined Entrepreneurship Workbook helps you master the skills, tools, and mindset you need to get on your path to success.

Blueprint to Business. An Entrepreneur's Guide to Taking Action, Committing to the Grind, And Doing the Things That Most People Won't

Michael Alden

Essential reading for any would-be entrepreneur Blueprint to Business is the ultimate guide to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Bestselling author and CEO Mike Alden puts aside the rainbows and sunshine, gets real about what it takes to 'make it,' and gives you the real-world guidance you need to hear. Through anecdotes and advice, he shares his experiences along with those of other top founders and entrepreneurs to give you a realistic picture of what it takes to build a business. It's a bit of tough love, a healthy dose of reality, and a tremendously motivating guide to striking out on your own; from motivation and commitment to business licenses and the IRS, this guide is your personal handbook for the biggest adventure of your career. So you want to start a business: how much are you willing to commit in terms of time, money, and energy? How do you plan to bring in customers? What will set you apart from the crowd? What will convince clients to come to you rather than your competitor with an established track record? These questions must be answered before you even begin planning—and then, you have to make that canyon-sized leap from planning to doing. This book guides you through the early stages with practical advice from a real-world perspective. Turn 'dreams' into goals, and goals into reality Discover just what it takes to build a successful business Dig into the paperwork and legal/regulatory requirements Adjust your expectations to reflect your abilities and willingness to commit Starting a business could be the best thing you've ever done—or it could be the worst. Mitigate the risk by setting yourself up for success from the very beginning with the invaluable advice in Blueprint to Business. Praise for Blueprint to Business "I've had the opportunity to work directly with Michael Alden on his children's book. His business know how and ability to get things done is unparalleled.” —Naren Aryal, CEO Mascot Books. «As an entrepreneur and author myself, I would recommend Blueprint to Business to anyone who is in business or looking to start a company. Michael Alden's no nonsense approach is much needed for anyone who wants the real truth about the life of an entrepreneur.» —Ken Kupchik, author of The Sales Survival Handbook Cold Calls, Commissions, and Caffeine Addiction The Real Truth About Life in Sales "Michael Alden's story is truly inspirational. He has seen some extremely difficult times and has overcome extraordinary odds along his journey. He harnessed what he learned even as a young child to achieve great business success. The lessons in Blueprint to Business not only help those in business but it is for anyone who wants more out of life.” —June Archer, author of YES! Every day can be a good day: The Keys to success that lead to an Amazing life “As a young entrepreneur, I have found that truly successful people help and teach others. Michael Alden has taken the time to help me with my business and my book. His experience is undeniable and I would recommend Blueprint to Business to any entrepreneur who wants to learn from someone who has done great things and continues to.” —Casey Adams, social media influencer and author of Rise of The Young: How To Turn Your Negative Situation Into A Positive Outcome, and Build A Successful Personal Brand “Being an entrepreneur has its challenges. Michael Alden shares his business experiences to help others succeed. His advice and enthusiasm is directed towards teaching and leading through example. If you are looking to succeed in business this book is a must read!

Mergers and Acquisitions Basics. The Key Steps of Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Investments

Larry Forman H.

The essential executive M&A primer, with practical tools and expert insight Mergers and Acquisitions Basics provides complete guidance on the M&A process, with in-depth analysis, expert insight, and practical tools for success. This new second edition has been updated to reflect the current M&A landscape, giving busy executives the ideal resource for navigating each step in the process. Veteran executives relate guidelines, lessons learned, and mistakes to avoid as they explain how M&As work, identify the major players, and describe the roles involved in a successful transaction. Both buyer and seller must consider a broad range of factors, and this essential guide provides checklists, forms, sample reports, and presentations to help you avoid surprises and ensure your organization's full preparation for the deal. Equity investments, valuation, negotiation, integration, legal aspects, and more are explained in detail to provide a foundational primer for anyone seeking to clarify their role in the process. Mergers and acquisitions are becoming ever more critical to the growth of large and mid-sized companies. This book balances depth and breadth to provide a one-stop guide to maximizing the financial and operational value of the deal. Identify key drivers of purchase or sale Understand major roles, processes, and practices Avoid valuation detractors and negotiate effectively Overcome common challenges to successful integration Effective M&As are highly strategic, solidly structured, and beneficial on both sides. It's a complex process with many variables, many roles, and many potential pitfalls, but navigating the deal successfully can mean the difference between growth and stagnation. Mergers and Acquisitions Basics is the comprehensive resource every executive needs to understand the ins-and-outs of strategic transactions.

Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

Scott Whitaker C.

Navigate cross border M&A for a flawless integration execution Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is a practical toolbox for corporate strategy and development professionals dealing with the many challenges involved in cross border M&A. With a detailed discussion of key market specifics and broadly-applicable critical insight, this book demystifies the cross border M&A process and provides a host of practical tools that ease strategic implementation. A geographical overview explains the trends in major M&A markets including Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, the U.K., and the U.S., and industry-specific guidance covers Financial Services, Aerospace and Defense, Health Care, Tech, Manufacturing, and more. Leading experts relate lessons learned while managing actual PMI (post merger integration) processes, and the discussion of cultural impacts and specific situational needs provides deep insight into the type of leadership a flawless integration requires. Corporate restructuring and internationalization efforts are increasingly relying on cross border mergers and acquisitions. Strategies, motives, and consequences are a complex navigational minefield, but this insightful guide provides solid, actionable guidance for leading a successful integration. Understand the region-specific details that make an impact Overcome common challenges and manage complex deals Gain practical insight and valuable tools for leading integration Learn the most current best practices for PMI® processes Cross border M&A is complex, with myriad challenges and obstacles inherent to the situation. Successful integration and a smooth transition are critical, and there's little wiggle room—it's a situation where you have only one chance to get it right. Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is an essential guide to the process, with key tools for execution.

The Art of Startup Fundraising. Pitching Investors, Negotiating the Deal, and Everything Else Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Alejandro Cremades

Startup money is moving online, and this guide shows you how it works. The Art of Startup Fundraising takes a fresh look at raising money for startups, with a focus on the changing face of startup finance. New regulations are making the old go-to advice less relevant, as startup money is increasingly moving online. These new waters are all but uncharted—and founders need an accessible guide. This book helps you navigate the online world of startup fundraising with easy-to-follow explanations and expert perspective on the new digital world of finance. You'll find tips and tricks on raising money and investing in startups from early stage to growth stage, and develop a clear strategy based on the new realities surrounding today's startup landscape. The finance world is in a massive state of flux. Changes are occurring at an increasing pace in all sectors, but few more intensely than the startup sphere. When the paradigm changes, your processes must change with it. This book shows you how startup funding works, with expert coaching toward the new rules on the field. Learn how the JOBS Act impacts the fundraising model Gain insight on startups from early stage to growth stage Find the money you need to get your venture going Craft your pitch and optimize the strategy Build momentum Identify the right investors Avoid the common mistakes Don't rely on the «how we did it» tales from superstar startups, as these stories are unique and applied to exceptional scenarios. The game has changed, and playing by the old rules only gets you left behind. Whether you're founding a startup or looking to invest, The Art of Startup Fundraising provides the up-to-the-minute guidance you need.

Суперфэндом. Как под воздействием увлеченности меняются объекты нашего потребления и мы сами

Арон Глейзер

Интернет обеспечивает непосредственный контакт с ядром аудитории при создании инновационных продуктов и технологий – теперь компании могут общаться со своими фанатами напрямую; эта новая эра тесного симбиоза открывает для производителей новые возможности. Влияние фанатов становится сильнее, так как фэндомы все активнее стремятся участвовать в судьбе тех вещей и явлений, которые они боготворят. Авторы книги в провоцирующей манере исследуют эти развивающиеся взаимодействия, опираясь на множество примеров, и пытаются объяснить, почему одни типы коммуникаций с фанатами оказываются успешными, а другие – нет. «В данный момент фан-объекты и фанаты играют две разные роли в мире потребления. Есть производители, и есть покупатели. Эти две категории редко пересекаются. Но по мере того, как аудитория от простого потребления фан-текста переходит к влиянию на этот фан-текст или даже к дополнению его, зазор между аудиторией и фан-объектом сужается. Что произойдет, когда этот зазор исчезнет? Ждать этого придется не очень долго. Мы вступаем в эпоху сближения, эпоху фэндомной сингулярности, когда сотрутся границы между фан-объектом и фанатами, между создателем и потребителем. Это то будущее, в котором линии коммуникации между продуктом и покупателем работают в обоих направлениях. Это будущее, в котором все составляет часть общего канона». (Зои Фрааде-Бланар, Арон Глейзер)

Старт в бизнесе. Купить готовый бизнес или открыть по франшизе?

Александр Мельников

Мы написали книгу для начинающего инвестора и предпринимателя без опыта приобретения бизнеса или франшизы. Рынок купли-продажи малого и среднего бизнеса в России – непростая и непрозрачная среда, 6 из 10 продавцов бизнеса в той или иной мере злоупотребляют доверием покупателя, агентская проблема и заинтересованность посредников в сделке только усугубляет проблематику. Что касается франшиз – отсутствие критериев выбора успешной франшизы, обилие некачественных предложений на рынке, непонимание юридических и финансовых рисков провоцирует негативный шлейф на крайне быстрорастущем рынке. Кто продает благонадежный бизнес? Какие ключевые риски ждут покупателя? Как их купировать и минимизировать? Где искать объекты бизнеса и как их проверять? Как выбрать профессионального посредника на рынке? Как выбрать нишу и франшизу, которая будет приносить вам радость и доход? Секрет успешных переговоров с собственником франшизы (франчайзером). С какими операционными, финансовыми и юридическими рисками вы столкнетесь при покупке франшизы и как их нивелировать? Пути капитализации и выходы из франчайзинговой сети. Мы подготовили ответы на эти и множество других вопросов по готовому бизнесу и франшизам. Пусть эта книга станет отправной точкой в исследовании рынка, подскажет в каком направлении надо копать.

О, ISO! Менеджмент качества в Росии. Чему не учат на тренингах

Анастасия Борзенко

Материалы книги вошли в ИПС «ИСО» России. Книга написана в помощь всем, кто имеет отношение к менеджменту качества, бизнес-планированию, занимается внедрением положений ISO. Это – первая книга из серии «Практический менеджмент».

Ежедневник бизнесмена, инфобизнесмена

Константин Монэ

Этот ежедневник недатированный, чтобы вы могли начать планировать с любого дня, месяца. По сути – этот дневник финансового благополучия, так как он помогает управлять вам своими действиями, делами. Расставлять приоритеты и определять, какая деятельность приносит самую большую отдачу, чтобы попасть в точку назначения (дойти до цели). А ежедневник будет вам в этом помощником. Планируйте и делайте! Удачи!

Путешествие к богатству

Маргарита Акулич

Если вы хотите стать богатым, изучите истины, которые могут помочь вам в вашем путешествии к богатству. Узнайте, как стать богатым. Эта книга дает все основные и необходимые знания для путешествия к богатству. В ней использованы зарубежные переводы, а также собственные соображения и взгляды ее автора.