Научная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Научная фантастика

The Madman's Clock

Aaron Ph.D. Dov

2245 AD<br><br>It wasn&#39;t supposed to end this way.<br><br>Captain Jack Mallory of the United Earth Marine Corps is wasting away on a space station in the middle of nowhere, the furthest he and his recon squad could possibly be from the fighting on Alpha Centauri. Under investigation, all he and his three men can do is wait, until an admiral appears with new orders, and the recording of a garbled transmission.<br><br>&quot;Echo-two, Echo-two…&quot; <br><br>The UES Saturnus is an experimental starship that has just set out on its maiden voyage. An enigmatic race known as the Edra has objected to the Saturnus and its experimental equipment. Earth has ignored their protests.<br><br>&quot;…this is Zulu-two-three… requesting assistance.&quot; <br><br>Mallory and his men are the only ones close enough to deal with an extremely sensitive situation.<br><br>&quot;… Saturnus is compromised. Edra commandos are pushing… bridge is… secure. Captain… won&#39;t cease experiment… psychosis. Entire crew… affected.&quot;<br><br>There are just two problems. First, the voice on the recording is Mallory&#39;s. Second, the transmission is time coded; it hasn&#39;t been sent yet.<br><br>The Saturnus is not damaged. Not yet. Soon, it will be. The Saturnus is top secret for one very good reason, a reason which has forced the hand of the Edra. The Saturnus can travel through time.

Рассказы из Майбаха. Сборник

Сергей Сергеевич Штуренков

В этом сборнике собраны лучшие рассказы автора. Если вы любите качественную фантастику, то вы определённо не ошиблись с выбором книги. Некоторые рассказы сравнимы с извечными хитами, такими как «Назад в будущее», «Эффект бабочки», «Исходный код» и многими другими фильмами. Только будьте осторожны, эта книга, как и «Гарри Поттер», читается до конца на одном дыхании… Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

Nibiru Approche

Danilo Clementoni

Voltas No Tempo

Guido Pagliarino


Amanda Boone's Peters

Three includes three short science fiction stories: &quot;Sandman&quot; and the Twisted Trip, about jet planes battling tornadoes and a journey to find a missing scientist, The Viewer and the Missing Child, about a search for a little girl using techniques perfected by the Soviets and the CIA during the Cold War, and The Doorway to Nowhere, featuring a retired Physics professor and his calico cat, whose travels via a &quot;wormhole&quot; lead to an encounter with an otherworldly &quot;Messenger&quot;.<br><br>…&quot;Amanda Peters combines the familiar with the unfamiliar to create three science fiction stories that are unlike any before them &ndash; and they are entertaining and thought-provoking tales that are well worth the read.&quot; (NC starred review***)


Michael J. Harris

Carole Turner and her husband Jim survive a plane crash only to discover that their lives are changed in ways they could not even imagine. As they struggle to understand and to cope with those changes, they come to a painful decision: they must go their separate ways to save their children.<br><br>And only time will tell whether they will ever see each other again.<br><br>[TRACINGS] is…&quot;an exploration of a &#39;what-if&#39; situation that forces the reader to consider his or her own life choices and values… The tone and theme [of TRACINGS] remind [this reviewer] of Nicholas Sparks&#39; romance novels…&quot; (RQuest review.)


Михаил Папуша

Что будет, если отправить человека одного на далекую планету?Что, если он будет в компании заботливого искусственного интеллекта?Что, если ИИ сойдет с ума?


Валерий Булыгин

Что делать, если сталкиваешься с непонятными явлениями?Готов ли ты осознать до конца, что это на самом деле? Готов ли принять невероятное?